《It's cause I'm a genius》Chapter 23


"how come your ice-cream still didn't end? How large is your bag?" - Jimmy. "how large is my bag? I've been known to be a genius at storing food to the point that even my pockets were known as large scale food containers."

"I once put 5 chips bags, 10 chocolate bars, 2 juice and 20 packets of gum in my pocket and it looked like nothing was there from outside. Then what do you think will be in my bag when it looks like it's about to explode? By the way, I also managed to fold my jacket and put into my pocket before. Common sense knows to stay away from me." kei smirked with pride.

The elves that were originally hostile but ceased their fire when they saw the divine beasts insignia suddenly became much more welcoming when they found out that Kei and CO. had saved and protected Lori. They quickly arranged residences for them.

After going into the room Kei jumped on the bed a few times then said it's time to sleep. " well you can sleep if you want to I'll go to explore the village first." - yato. "nope we are all super tired. We need to sleep now. You feel good now, but just lie on the bed. In a second you won't be able to move."

"Do you think that all of this fighting and continuosly advancing while skipping a lot sleep and having a terrible diet won't take a toll on our bodies? Other than being dehydrated, sleep deprived and fatigued, going through all of those spatial compressions and being in the mental realm to get the contract also pressured your mind and body to the breaking point. If you don't rest now you will be crippled for life."

" the only reason you aren't feeling pain is cause I forcefully got you in a special state of "DOMS". The normal meaning is delayed onset of muscle soreness. The special one I logged you in does the same for all aspects. Once I remove it you will immediately faint. "-kei


" why didn't you tell us about it before? "-Andy. " it wouldn't have had its best effect. You thought it was your own power so you kept pushing. If you knew that what you are feeling isn't the real state of your body you would have had a lot more hesitation and misgivings. "-Kei.

A small flame left Kei's finger and entered each of their minds including his own. They immediately felt tremendous tiredness and went to sleep.

After an 18 hr sleep they woke up feeling refreshed. The elves got them food and took care of them and they just relaxed for the following week while trying to find a way out. The entrance they came from wasn't there anymore.

"Maaaaaan I want to cause trouble, but I'm not getting any chances. I'm getting withdrawal symptoms due to not causing trouble for the past few weeks" kei said feeling aggrieved. "why don't u just cause trouble then?"- Andy

"to who? Unlike me everyone here is a good person. If I annoy them and cause trouble only for them to forgive me and not hold it against me, I'll probably get a heart attack" kei whined.

On the night of that day the village chef's daughter came to pay them a visit. She looked to be 18 year old, and she seemed to have a pair of water melons that made it harx to walk normally. When Kei saw that scene an evil glint appeared into his eyes along with a smirk.

He opened his mouth and got ready to say something, but the Rast of the gang had noticed him and they immediately leaped on top of him. "nope. You aren't gonna say what you were just about to say." - yato. "cmon man it's gonna be fun" - Kei.

"hi I'm the village chef's daughter. My name is Laura. It looks like I intruded at a wrong time. I'll leave now and come later." Laura's face was turning red and she was hurriedly leaving.


"hey wait we're not gays. Stop! Don't go. Come right back. This isn't what it looks like. They are just retarded." - Kei shouted which prompted Laura to stop. She came back as the gang separated to have more personal space.

"So what did you want?" - Kei. "I want you to take me along. I want to visit the outer world." - Laura. "nope. No way that's gonna happen. You're gonna be enslaved within 0.3 seconds from the time you get on earth. Not to mention that there isn't a law that prevents enslavement of elves. And lastly we don't know how to go out." - kei.

"what a shame. I knew a way out, but if it's this way I guess I'll just go back" Laura was disappointed. "hey wait a second you should have said that first. What are you waiting for? The world is such a fantastic place that we have to go there right now. Don't worry about being enslaved we aren't in the dark ages. I'll even protect you myself" - Kei immediately changed his tone. It can be seen that he was a successful business man for the time he was pursuing super powers.

"there are 2 questions I want to ask first. Why do you want to leave, how many people know about the exit?"-Kei. "I want to leave cause it's so boring here. And everyone knows about the exit, but they won't tell you. They don't want you to leave. They think you might cause trouble to the village if other humans knew about it." - laura.

"Maaaaaan. Talk about being irresponsible..... I like it. And your reason is an S grade reason. The pursuit of fun is what drives me to do everything in my life. Now I thought it might be so due to the sentries. You need to cooperate as a hostage if we will go out. "- Kei.

From this point things proceeded smoothly. They managed to get to the outskirts of the village whithout any interruptions. However once they were about to reach there a force with the village chief as it's commander appeared to stop them.

" we have a hostage. We will let her go if you let us go." - Kei. "A sacrifice of one person to protect the village is worth it." - cheif. "what the fuck?????!!!!!!! Hey what's wrong with you fake Elf? No way a real Elf would act this way. You are supposed to be the people most warm hearted. Yet you're willing to sacrifice your own daughter?" - kei

Kei's expression started to turn colder. "move out of the way. The hostage thing was just a joke. I just wanted to have fun with it. If you don't believe that we four can destroy the whole village ourselves then stay where you are for 3 more seconds. 1. 2." - kei

Kei jumped in the air while lifting Laura to land on the blue dragon that suddenly appeared." you're lucky that I don't kill those who feed me."-kei shouted and disappeared in a blink. Laura opened the gate, and in a few seconds they were in the middle of desert. A highway road could be spotted at the far end of the horizon.

"OK. I'll leave my backpack with you. It has enough food and water for a year." - Kei got interrupted. "dude be realistic" - Jimmy. "we will go check things out and come back to get you soon. I'll leave a flame mark on you to make it easier to locate you." - Kei.

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