《It's cause I'm a genius》Chapter 22


" the dark era. Humans were as weak as the ones in the modern era. However they didn't have our technology and unlike now, there were predators everywhere. Demons and dragons were abundant. The number of races stronger than humans at that time was number in the millions. We shared the last place in strength with a race called the nuumer. " - Kei.

" however they had a better situation than us. They had super reproduction. I'd say it's equivalent to bacteria. First they were asexual and they rapidly multiplied. Dragons and demons were ruling creatures and all. There was also something called the abyss that spawned some terrying creatures. "- Kei.

" so far all races fought with each other while humans were treated as snacks. We weren't even useful enough to be slaves. Until a race called the old dues suddenly appeared. They have been known but were locked in a certain region and no one was able to go in there. When they suddenly decided to appear in the world and leave their seclusion, they had a pitifully low number for that time. " - kei

" They were only 300 thousand strong. Even if each one was to fight a race alone it would have been not enough to kill off 1% of the races and claim the ruler position. However, they asked the races to randomly choose one of them. That person went and slaughtered the demon lord leading the demon clans to get divided. Then went and killed the dragon king as well as 80 other leaders of the strongest races" - kei

" these races falling into anarchy dettered the other races. Eventually old deus was acknowledged as the overlords of the world. The races stopped fighting all out wars. Minor scuffle still occurred but the mortality rate had dropped significantly. However humans circumstances were as bad as ever, they were still snacks." - Kei.


" A brave human risked his life hoping that the human's situation would get better. He worked hard and devoted pretty much all of his life time to find out the secret of the old dues strength. Now I'm not sure, but I'm guessing that he discovered cultivation. If not then he must have discovered what's beyond the peak of cultivation. He continued researching till he made it possible. Back then humans didn't have spirit roots just like us, so they were forced to take our path. "-kei

" humans started rising and fighting back. No one ever cared about humans and they didn't venture outside their villagers. Since they were only snacks, no one noticed the disappearance of those who go to eat humans. "- kei

" the guy who discovered cultivation and made it available to other humans became known as the prime originator. They acknowledged that he's the beginning of the human race and everything before his era shouldn't be recorded. They kept growing in secret and one day all old dues vanished. " - Kei.

" the races started to fight again and this time the prime originator lead humans to victory after a 3 melenium war. The prime originator called the whole path of getting a spirit root and cultivation, the origin path. The origin era started after humans became the dominant race and was built after this method. It was hard to rediscover the origin path(which is what we are doing right now.)"- kei.

" as humans got even stronger in the origin era they killed off the more dangerous races and drove them to extinction. Leaving only a few hundred thousands of other races that could only serve as slaves. "-kei

"The immortal era found some of them to be dangerous so they cornered a lot of them, the other races were reduced once more to a few thousands. The same happened in the ancient and cultivation era which is why we have no predators right now. "- kei


"so..... if no one has any history before the modern Era then how did you know about it. You can't possibly find records of this history right? "- Jimmy. " oh I didn't. The history lesson actually suddenly appeared in my head. A person who's..... On a different level gave it to me. "- Kei was met with disbelieving looks.

" what? See that's why I have to lie, cause when I do, no one figures it out, but when I say the truth no one believes me"- Kei. " it's not that we don't want to believe you. It's just that we haven't reached that level of mental retardation yet." - Jimmy.

The village was coming into view, and before they could get a good look at it the sky was covered in a rain shower. Yato immediately unleashed the black tortoise armor technique and covered all of them in a huge turtle shell that reflected damage. Along with the sound of the arrows bouncing of the armor harmlessly the sound of pained gasps and screams could be heard from the archers.

Originally they were riding upon Andy's blue dragon but the speed was greatly reduced or else the air pressure would kill Lori who seemed to have a body that's only a slight bit stronger than a normal human. The moment the first volley ended they all blazed. "yato protect Lori, Jimmy get ready to destroy the village in one blow at a moments notice. Andy get us there in a blink." - Kei.

The moment yato took Lori and jumped the dragon arrived at the village in an instant. Jimmy and Andy stood on the dragon while Kei jumped down. The archers aimed at him and got ready to fire, but right at this moment the cheif archer's voice echoed " hold your fire"

"He has an incarnation blazing around him that looks like one of the divine beasts. The same goes for the other 2. At least they are acknowledged by the protectors and won't be vile like the other humans." - cheif.

"hey just cause I didn't use my secret technique yet doesn't mean I don't have one" - Jimmy launched a huge white tiger that destroyed a Boulder and made it into pebbles. "dude you are destroying public property!" - Andy

"I prefer to call it landscaping" - Kei had already withdrawn his blaze and started eating ice-cream.

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