《It's cause I'm a genius》Chapter 17


Yato stood in front of the monsters. His new flame that was now darker than black. It seemed to draw people into it made his body countless times stronger. His environment which used to be extremely demanding became nothing.

'Black tortoise armor technique' green aura surrounded his body. After getting coated with the armor he went forward totally ignoring the monsters. The monsters kept pounding at him but it had less effect on him than if you tried to push a mountain by blowing air from your mouth.

When he reached the end of the tunnel he found that he wasn't able to go out. The monsters that were attacking without any results were actually getting hurt as the armor seemed to continously get stronger. By the time he had reached the end any punch the monsters made either ripped off their arm or badly mutilated it.

Yato looked at them and made each one see the others as himself. The monsters started fighting and killing each other. His armor technique had the ability of trapping whoever touches it into an illusion. A few minutes later they had all died except for one that was on the brink of death.

Yato gripped the head of the monster and squeezed resulting in the skull of the monster breaking. He proceeded to leave the tunnel and saw Kei and Andy playing X O. "what are you doing? Was your trial so easy that you feel like playing games the moment you go out?"

"Andy has been here for 10 minutes and I have been here for hours. We didn't just exit." - Kei. Yato started looking sick. From the last tunnel the figure of Jimmy came out.

"I survived this time. But I'll die next time for sure." Jimmy was muttering to himself listlessly. When he saw Kei and the others he started crying and went over to them while whining" I've had enough of this life style I can't go on any longer. I'll really die. I don't wanna die a virgin please help me get out of here" Jimmy cried out while holding onto their legs.


" wow the trial had enough pressure to temper and harden both of them... Don't tell me it was too much for you that instead of tempering you It broke you.." - kei. 'No that's not possible. He has made a contract. How did byakko accept him? This form is the opposite of ferociousness.' - Kei wondered.


It took a while to convince Jimmy to follow them as they can't go back. Eventually as they kept marching they reached a dead end. "I'm feeling depressed" - Andy. "you're not alone" - yato

"well I'm still as devoid of emotions as I've always been, but it's not like we have no other options." - Kei closed his eyes and focused. He retreated a dozen steps then jumped and grabbed onto a stalactite. While holding himself up he pushed against the roof of the cave.

The roof that used to look incredibly natural and part of the cave was actually a trap door. They went through it and came out in a treasure filled room. The whole room was full of gold every where.

"Wow. See all of this gold. We're rich!!!!" - Andy. "dude chill out. I have a lot more money than what you could get by selling this gold."-Kei

"Yeah sorry about that we aren't rich. Anyway I'm gonna grab some of this gold. By the way how did you discover the trap door?" - yato. " I don't care. I just want to leave quickly." Jimmy said in a shivering voice.

" It's cause I'm a genius ". Kei said while ignoring Jimmy." man that doesn't even make sense. I asked you how and not why. The answer can't have a because " yato sighed.

" I know it doesn't make a lot of sense to you. But that's because you aren't smart enough. In truth it's actually incredibly wise. Maybe one day I'll decide to enlighten you and help you see how my catchphrase holds and expresses the secrets and truth of everything. "-Kei casually said those words in a matter of fact tone.


" hey my divine beast told me that you will have the hardest time. How did things go. " -Andy. Kei thought back to the time he split with his friends to go into the tunnel.


After splitting Kei took his first step into the trail he did the technique and appeared in front of suzaku." You.... Don't look desperate. I'm the highest rank so you can't possibly meet me unless you are on the brink of death. What did you do? " - suzaku.

"Look here. I'm gonna establish some rules. First you won't talk unless I allow you to do so. Second you should know that I'm superior to you. Third-" - kei got interrupted.

"shut up." pressure burst out from suzaku body and suppressed Kei. "Who do you think you are? Don't you know who I am. I'm the greatest divine beast. I'm the elite of the elite. You dare to stand in front of me without feeling reverence to me. I've been around for thousands of years and -" - suzaku suppression got shattered.

" First, no I don't feel anything. I've been devoid of feelings for a while now. Second, If you were as great and mighty as you are claiming why would you bother making contracts with any other creatures then? Don't be stupid. If you do one more action that shows off your mental retardation I'll pluck off your feathers bird brain. The people I can't stand the most are idiots followed by slow pokes. Sometimes it's better to shut up and let people think you're stupid than open it and remove all doubt. "-Kei.

Suzaku got angry. However, being unable to refute him with words his power blazed and he attempted to kill Kei in his frenzy." You dare to anger me in my territory right? Then see how I roast you. " suzaku shouted while Kei took of his glasses and wiped them then put them back on just in time for the dust to settle after the attack.

Suzaku's expression changed. That was a full power hit. However the human didn't even try to dodge or block and he's as fine as ever. This ancient divine beast suddenly started to feel a feeling it had never felt before. Fear. Though it was pretty much immortal it felt like the human in front of it can make him seize to exist.

"You see I am weak. However, this isn't your territory. It's a mental realm. That's why you thought it's your territory. No one has come here that could rival your mental strength. You've been alive for many ages after all." - Kei.

" Then why are you fine? "-suzaku was losing his mind. Kei smirked and said " It's cause I'm a genius. "


Kei was brought back to reality by his friends shaking him. There was more to that encounter, but I can't view it.

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