《It's cause I'm a genius》Chapter 10


It took a whole day till Kei was finally able to make the crystal as large as he wanted it to be. During that day Andy started training in accordance with the information that appeared in his mind when he started. It turns out it was a technique for sword users. It was called infinite swordsmanship.

The opening description said "The absolute swordsmanship. One sword to transcend time, space and reality. Everything fades in front of the swordsmanship that took an eternity to craft". Whenever Kei saw the blue flames he'd stare in jealousy and whine about how he's the one who deserves the blue colour.

About an hour ago, Jimmy had finished his adjustments. He was just loitering around. He claims to be thinking of new tactics, but he was just hoping inspiration would hit him while he's lazily sitting. Yato was basically in the same situation he looked to be training but he was also just stretching and admiring the murals.

He can't increase his power any further here. He needed some specialized equipment. While Andy was training it was more of just trying out the sword moves. He wasn't really in the mood to learn them. Overall, the team was ready and were just passing time waiting for Kei.

"Before I ignite, I want to say something. Right now we seem to have a tank, a melee damage dealer who's more of an assassin due to the focus on speed, and a ranged damage dealer who is actually the real heavy damage dealer. I knew our personalities fit well together and that's why I wasn't worried that we'd overlap when we make a party. "

" However, I'm scared..... cause the only role left is a healer. I'm going on a murder spree if I turn out to be a healer" Kei said so while trembling.

Kei stood in front of the crystal, took a deep breath and pressed his hand against it. Placing the other hand his chest he said "ignite". The crystal became an energy storm that poured towards him. In Kei's mind he stood in a dark space and I talked to him.


"There's no time, so I can't explain everything. For now just get stronger I can talk to you when you level up your phase. The stronger you are the more we'll be able to talk. Other than that, I'll tell you a list of things to do and I'll explain why we need them later, we need to work together or the human race would perish."

Talking to him was starting to give me a headache, but what totally blew me was his answer. "If you don't have enough time to fully explain right now then just explain a fragment and we can continue next time. If you want me to just blindly follow your instructions without explanation you can keep on dreaming.I wanna know the full story "-Kei

"you know this concerns almost a lot of races and not just humans." I wanted to talk more, but I wasn't able to maintain the connection. When Kei finished his ignition, his friends looked at him and waited for an answer.

"Hmm.... I... When I put my flame into my ring it gives me a strength, speed and durability boost. Making me a jack of all trades. I'm the second best at everything. Other than that..... I can heal." - kei

"So you are a healer" - Yato

"Shut up. I'm not a healer there's no healer who can deal more damage than the fighter of the party" - Kei

After a few minutes of joking around they went towards the chest. During the time they had stayed here kei had investigated and found out how to make the dragon guardian move. He lighted the torch and aced it in the dragon's mouth. The dragon's head rose revealing the treasure.

Opening the box they found a blue pearl inside. After trying to pour some power on and seeing no reaction they started all types of weird experiments. Eventually when they started to get desperate Kei even tried to eat it.


A few hrs later they were tossing the pills to each other absent-mindedly. During one throw it touched the floor and a hole opened there. Going over there to investigate the hole, they found it expanding and so they retreated. When the hole had a 2 meter radius a disc came out.

"I see. The pearl was a key."-kei. They all proceeded to stand on the disc. After that the disc started going down like an elevator. Once they were down they arrived at what looked like a natural cave system.

Seeing the countless branching paths kei said "Wow a natural labyrinth. Or not. There's a weird energy here. It feels like I'm a bit weightless."

"Well there is a rule to makr sure we reach the goal in labyrinths. Always choose the right path and never choose left. If you arrive at a branch where there is no right go straight and if the only choice is turning left, backtrack to the previous crossroad and choose a path that's not left. I can explain to you how I got this extremely reliable method, but I won't cause it will make you all worried. "-Kei

" Feels like you got it from an anime. I guess I'll just record our path as we'll get lost in 5 minutes of we follow your lead. "-Jimmy

With that the group started marching. A few minutes later kei took out some ice-cream from his bag and started eating." How do you have ice-cream that's not melted? "-Andy

" One of the applications of I-energy. I made it so it doesn't absorb energy from the surroundings as long as it was coated in the veil. And now I removed the veil."- Kei.

"mmmmm, ice cream is one of the few joys in life. In fact I can count everything worth living for on my fingers" - Kei.

"Let me guess. Anime, manga, light novels, games, ice cream, gum and the other 4 are probably fight related" - Andy

"yeah the other 4 are training, fighting, getting stronger and defeating opponents." - Kei

"I'm surprised you don't have anything romance related in the list" - Jimmy

"The reason is that I, unlike you, don't crush on any girl who says hi to me. That's why despite my fan club I'm still single. My GF can skip the fighting part in my life joys but she absolutely can't skip the first 6."- Kei

"You don't have a fan club you delusional retard. And you won't find a girl who likes all of those weeb stuff." - yato

"I do have a fan club composed of 60k girls, but it's only natural you won't believe me. When I say the truth without any filtering it never gets believed, and there are girls like that. I've seen a few of them, but I wasn't able to date them" - kei.

"well after the deep web story I don't know if I should trust you or not. Anyway, where did you see this girl and why weren't you able to date her?" - Andy

"I saw her in an anime, and I wasn't able to date her cause she was in an anime." - kei

"fuck off!!!!" a hail of curses ran down on him from his friends.

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