《It's cause I'm a genius》Chapter 9


"Now that our body has reached its limit, and our energy crystal has become even larger than me, we should probably ignite. We need to make the crystal increase first though. This size is still not enough. I want to increase it a bit more."- kei

"How can you absorb all of this? I can't take any more even if it's just for the ignition." - Jimmy

"Well it's hard to explain, but other than my body limit which already was almost as high as 2 of you. It feels like there is a black hole in my chest. At first I thought It was bottomless and it kept sucking emotions but I think I might be able to fill it out with just a bit more of energy crystal. "- kei

" You should do the ignition right now since you're ready. I'm gonna catch up quickly once I ignite. Anyway, knowing what you are doing will help you progress faster, so I'll tell you now. You already know that I energy comes from your body, and through your practice you must have realized that it's released due to the flow of blood."

" The whole internal energy phase was basically a foundation for flame energy. Since, the more I energy you have the more intense the ignition. There are 2 aspects of flame energy. Its depth and its type. Its type is related to the person and the I energy has no influence regarding it, but the depth increases and to some extent the depth is like the vessel. It determines how fast and to what limit you can progress. You can start now " -Kei

Yato, Jimmy and Andy, after fully recovering, placed their hands on their chest. All of the I energy within their body converged to their chest. The moment they willed the ignition the I energy hurricane exploded. The explosion didn't harm anyone. When the dust cleared they all looked fine but exhausted. They all had a ring in the hand they held against their chest during the ignition.


"Oh I forgot to tell you about the life rings. That's probably why you feel exhausted. It has a lot of uses, but for now let me just point the life saving meusure which is to advance to the next stage. You just have to pour everything into the ring and will it to shatter. The flames would then temper your whole body. "

"The I energy was lacking in both quality and quantity. The flame phase solved the quality problem and the aura phase will solve the quantity. After tempering your body with flames each cell would be like a nuclear reactor. Just like the last time that's a last resort. This phase is a foundation for the following phase."

" And just as usual the difference would be immense. If the I energy could be likened to hydroelectric energy. Then your aura would be nuclear energy. That's why even if we could have skipped the phases we would have still gone through them as otherwise your control won't be enough and you would blow up your body just from breathing." - kei

By now maintaining the breathing method while doing other stuff had become easy for kei. So, he kept going around the chamber, and whenever he recovered some power he would pour it into the crystal. Meanwhile, the others were getting used to their new powers.

The flame energy was naturally coursing through their body and it was enhancing it. Other than the basic enhancement, which increased all physical aspects by almost doubling it, Andy had a blue flame. When he pours it into the life ring it summons a light blue, ocean colored, sword, as well as a speed boost. Along with the sword a stream of information appeared in his mind, and Andy was sorting it.


Yato had a black flame. When poured into his life ring his body gets numerous times more durable and his stamina becomes effectively infinite. If a double deck bus at 100km per hour speed rams into him he will probably survive. Seeing how tough his body became, yato started training to increase his power.

Now that his body won't get damaged easily he can keep increasing the training limit without worry and he would see results almost instantly as the damage would almost be nonexistent. With that his power started skyrocketing.

Jimmy got a white flame. When poured into his ring he was able to make white spheres that can explode when thrown. The spheres were small in size. Usually they were the size of marbles, and it takes about a second to arm 10 of them. The marble sized bombs did about the same damage as a normal grenade would. Those are the C - energy bombs.

However, he can charge them to make their size go into being billiard ball sized. It takes about 1 second to make one of those and they make him a lot more exhausted. Those are the B - energy bombs. Finally, he can make a bowling ball sized energy bomb. It does almost as much damage as a tank's shell can do, however it takes 10 seconds to arm and it would leave Jimmy exhausted throughout the day. If he forces himself to make a 2nd one he will fail and will go into a coma. Those are the A - energy bombs.

Jimmy tampered a bit with the energy bomb, and got used to its structure. He realized that he was supposed to be the long range fighter of the group, but his bombs were restrained to how far he could throw. That's why he was making adjustments so that he can use one bomb to propel the other,without detonating the propelled bomb and without harming himself. There was also the accuracy matter.

Other than that he also made an A - energy bomb and kept it in his bag after making sure to turn the energy into a storable one. It didn't make his bag heavy as the bombs were as light as a balloon.

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