《It's cause I'm a genius》Chapter 7


Everyone had woken up and were recovering their power. "OK everyone pay attention. Remember the 35 minute breathing technique we used to activate I energy? If we breathe according to it our recovery speed increases by 10 times. Just 2 full cycles are enough to fill out your body if you have been sucked dry."

" Just take the deepest breath you can take and hold it. I'll take care of the rest". Following that Kei proceded to place his hand on each of their backs. 10 minutes later the lung upgrade was done, and they were in the training room.

"now we will train our combat and team work. We need to fight together so we'll split into teams. Before we start just give me a second." Kei closed his eyes and the other 3 were discussing some stuff. Inside Kei's body I energy was raging everywhere fully increasing his neurological adaptability and other tweaks to his body making him a lot better at heat, cold, and fatigue resistance.

He also gave himself an upgrade regarding immune system, sleep and food needs. Kei opened his eyes to see the 3 of them looking at him. "we decided that we'll be making the group battle a 3 on 1" Jimmy said while laughing to himself.

"k" kei gave only a simple Rey and stood at the rooms center. Hurriedly they surrounded him in a triangle formation. "start". The three lunged at him at the same time. A blinding flash of I energy came from Kei's body and after opening their eyes he wasn't there. Looking up yato was met with the view of an energy coated fist that slammed him to the floor and knocked him out.

Kei had jumped and layed flat on the ceiling when they were blinded. Then followed up with a buzz hit. That's how kei decided to call due to not caring as he won't be shouting the name when he uses it anyway and due to him having a terrible naming sense. Normally with the protective cover on yato's body he won't be knocked out but the buzz hit gets the energy past the defense and shocks the nervous system into a blackout.


"With this the only one who actually was capable of putting on any fight is knocked out" kei stretched his back. Andy used the opportunity to charge into his back. Kei jumped and performed a backflip in the air so that Andy would pass under him, and right then kei, while being suspended upside down in the air, slammed a buzz hit on Andy's head knocking him out.

Energy tendrils went out of his hand and connected to the ceiling, quickly pulling him up so that his feet are in a launch position against the ceiling. He was planning to leap towards Jimmy and end it with the final hit, but right when jumped and moved his gaze to lock on Jimmy he was met with the sight of supercharged shoe. The shoe rammed into his face blasting him to the opposite wall.

The energy in the shoe was unique as it did some heavy damage and left kei disoriented. However, he didn't lose focus. Right when his foot touched the ground I energy sparks appeared and he blasted towards Jimmy. The moment he got within range, and ready to punch Jimmy threw his other charged shoe aiming at Kei's face. Kei flipped backwards and while dodging the shoe Kei's leg connected with Jimmy's chin and sent a buzz kick at him.

Completing the flip and landing on his legs kei announced. "I wo-" *bam*. The shoe had an energy which got attracted to the energy transferred to Kei's head from the first shoe making it actlike a boomerang and slam him in the back of his head. The moment the 2 energies collided the exploded and had a similar effect to the buzz hit. Thus knocking him out.

The reason the buzz hit is able to bypass the defensive layer is that, it stays as energy without any destructive property which gets absorbed instinctively. After it's inside kei turns it into a shock, with no defences inside it knocks out the opponent. Jimmy lacks the control to change the nature of the energy when it enters someone else.

So, he split the attack making the first act as attraction to his energy and this isn't recognized as being harmful. The second attack has an instruction that triggers the shock. An hour later kei woke up, and right after it the others also woke up. Kei barely had time to pretend that he was trying to wake them up.


"Finally I've been waiting for hrs". - kei. "fuck Jimmy so you screwed it up after all."- yato. "wait a second. The whole fight was planned? No way! You aren't some combat experts who can simulate what an opponent would do" - kei.

"yeah but neither are you. You just did what anyone would do if they possessed your abilities and were in your position. The only action out of expectation was you knocking me out while back flipping. I thought you'll finish before trying to attack and in which case you would have lost. " Jimmy smiled bitterly "I really wanted to win too".

"it's fine. It's not like we had stakes and you really did a good fight, actually I was thinking of bluffing my way through this, but I'll just admit it. The boomerang shoe knocked me almost at the same time as I knocked Jimmy so we can count it as a draw. "- kei

" dude we aren't that desperate. A loss is a loss we will win next time for sure" - Andy. "Actually your talking so seriously when your saying you'll win in a 3 VS 1. If that's not desperate then what is?" kei burst out laughing and the others rained down curses on him.

"seriously though, there must be something you aren't telling us? If not then why is it that you're still winning despite it being a 3 against 1?"- Andy

Kei smirks and says in a laid back tone "It's cause I'm a genius". "Cmon man. Is that gonna be your answer for everything? Don't pretend you aren't hiding anything. At least tell us how you got to know this info about I energy" - Andy

Kei sighed "I actually told you before"

"there is no way we won't remember something like that. Can you tell us again?" - Jimmy

"Ever since I was 9 years old I've wanted super powers. When I got asked in class one time about what I'll become when I grew up and I said I'll be a person with superpowers who doesn't care about money and just seeks thrills in adventure the whole class laughed like crazies and I got mad. When I went home I started a large scale research to get super powers."

" I knew it would need a lot as if it was easy it would have long since been found. So I started by reading a book to increase my reading speed then I learned hypnosis to give myself more time for research. I started spending 18 hrs on the pc per day and by the time I was 10 I had already almost finished everything related to mythology or any other leads to super powers that can be found easily."

" I had also reached the idea that important info like that will be hidden and while researching that topic I came across knowledge regarding the deep web and dark web. So on my 10 birthday I had polished my hacking skills and was ready for my first deep/dark web dive. Following that the following 2 years consisted of unending research. "

"Along the way I started running some businesses from behind the scenes. Right now I'm actually the owner of almost 80% of the famous businesses you guys know of. I'm the richest man on earth from behind the scenes. I used a huge amount of that money to investigate places with strange occurrences without knowledge of any other person."

" Does that include area 52?"- interrupted Jimmy

" Actually that is the only place I wanted to investigate but wasn't capable of doing so. I'd rather not talk about the reason why I wasn't able to do so. Other than that I even managed to go into permuda triangle. In fact the I energy breathing technique was found on murals there. "

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