《It's cause I'm a genius》Chapter 3


K spent the whole following day doing all sorts of physical training, and healing himself with I energy. By the end of the day his muscles had already reached their maximum capacity."I'm pretty sure I can break all the the guiness world records related to physical stuff"

He sat cross legged on the bed, and looked around at his room's blue walls while pondering. "Looking at my family's vitality, they should be waking up pretty soon". He then stood up and started pacing through his room.

"But my problem right now is this information that suddenly sprang into my head. It supports the theory I already had, so maybe I realized it subconsciously but even then what about the history memories?"

"At least I know that going that way to prepare my body for cultivation is called the origin path, and that it will actually work. I'm glad all the research I did before didn't go to waste, I can now use everything I gathered through the past 10 years"

After a while of texting on his phone and convincing his friends to call him K, since a new start needs a new name, they make a group call. "Hi guys. So.... How is your breathing limit going?" says K

"It's having a terrible progress I can barely hold my breath 5 more seconds than my original record after a whole day of training,and by the way I decided to do like u. Using my initial, Y, I'll call myself Yato." says Yato

"... When I said K I meant the letter not the name kei.... But I guess that also works. "K replies.

" I'll be Andy then" *ding* "hey u finally entered the call. It's been a long time since u last bothered to be online" After everyone rebukes him due to how he never shows up to hangouts, and is almost never online, they explain to him their new name thing.


"In that case I'll call myself Sam" says the always offline guy. "Shut up, ur Jimmy." And after yato says that the other 3 support it. "So now your official name is Jimmy" After K says that they proceed to talk about a meeting time tomorrow in Andy's house.

"And one final thing before we close the call. Jimmy you are coming tomorrow. If you don't, after I finish helping them awaken, we'll come to your house and kidnap you."And with that kei closed off the call.


" Looks like they really decided to call him Jimmy. I don't know why but it was already his nickname ever since I started my observation."- shadow said to an entity that was resembling a humanoid diamond.

"Dude you suck at this. I won another gamble. Anyway, overall specs.... You shouldn't choose him.... But then again he has some mysteries. Variables are something we are on critical need of. Don't worry about randomizing stuff. We already only have a 5% chance to pull of our plan successfully so screwing up the chances will only make it better to us. We can't get in a worse situation. "- diamond


Kei then starts training his control of his I energy. He goes in front of a wall and focuses his energy onto his finger tips. "Time for a spider man session" he says, and with that he puts his energy coated fingers on the wall.

The sparks look brown and he starts lifting himself upwards and climbing his bedroom wall. Following that he put his hands on the ceiling and made it across his room. While he was in the middle of the ceiling, his brother, who had just regained his consciousness, walked into the room.

"I told you to knock when entering my room. I'll kill you the next time." while kei said so with a plain face, his brother was struggling to keep standing. "Is that one of your pranks? Nice one, how did u do it?" spouted kei's brother after regaining his composure.


"Seriously man, I know I do a lot of pranks to relieve my boredom, but did I really reach the level where people suspect just for saying hi? And no I'm really stuck to the ceiling I'm an expert prankster not an illusionist". With that Kei dropped from the ceiling onto the floor.

"My fingers are strained and being hanged like that doesn't fully make a spiderman image. I need to split the nergy evenly between my hands and legs, while making sure the area isn't large so that I don't lose my energy quickly." mused Kei.

Looking startled his brother just went out of the room and came back a few seconds later with a knife saying" Can you explain what's happening with more detail?"

" what's the knife for? "

" just insurance "

"..... "

Kei needed to rest anyway as maintaining I energy out if his body was draining him quickly so he sat down and explained everything. During the explanation his family also woke up and joined them. While his parents were skeptical of his claim at first, they all believed him when he materialized his energy on his hands.

After the session of half hearted explanation. K announced: " I'm not going to college again. I'll start pursuing the path I've been meant to follow throughout my life. During the next few days I might have to leave the house a lot and maybe even stay outside for days to continue my training."

After a 15 minute talk from his parents his surroundings had become littered with gum wrappers. He has the habit of eating gum when he feels irritated. That's why he has a stock that never seems to run out.

The gist of the talk was that kei can't do that as he'll be destroying his future and the only way to guarantee a stable life is by following the academic path. "We are telling you what's for your own good. Other than this path you won't be able to guarantee a job"

His parents said that sounding concerned to which came the reply " I don't care. I never did and I won't keep pretending. Securing a job isn't what I want. What I want is to enjoy the ups and downs of life while adventuring and being free. The so called job where my income is guaranteed is basically a slavery contract."

" If it wasn't why would an employee have to spend all of his active daily hours doing work that he hates, nets his boss a lot more money than he gains and even forces himself to endure the stupidity and annoyingness of higher ranked coworkers. "

" I already decided and you won't be able to change my mind. Don't bother saying any more words. I'll finish the training that can be done in the house and get going tomorrow morning. I already left the paper that has the instructions here is you become interested. "

With that kei goes to the kitchen, leaving behind his parents who are at a loss on what to do. Once in the kitchen, Kei grabs a cup of water and starts practicing. First he tries to make his I energy enter the cup but he fails.

He tries to increase the intensity but the cup shatters and the water falls all over.

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