《It's cause I'm a genius》Chapter 1


"Maaaaaan, I forgot the dream again. The only thing I vaguely remember is a guy with dark clothes standing in front of an open door. I wish I can remember the dream. "

Those were the first words spoken by the 18 year old guy, who is still in his bed when it's 3 pm, looks 15 and appears to be extremely lazy, while he was opening his eyes.

In a different realm, a dark silhouette of a person, who looked like a 3d shadow, was observing the MC. He was sitting in a palace that looked to be made of white marble. Not much is known about that dark figure except that considering his strength he can wipe out humanity with the flick of a finger. Wiping out humans though isn't what hewants. It's actually the opposite he wants to save humans, but unfortunately it's not as easy as annihilating them.

The 18 year old guy wakes up and grabs his phone. He is wearing a blue t-shirt, and from the state of his closet, this seems to be his only option as he has tons of blue plain t shirts. Looking at him he seemed to like the color blue in an exaggerated way as his shoes, watch, glasses, and jeans were also all dark blue. The bed and wall of his room were also deep blue just like everything else. After an hour of doing stuff on his phone he finally leaves his bed, gets ready and leaves the house. He goes to the supermarket gets tons of sweets and comes back to eat while playing games. He's lazy, but he's good enough to never lose despite him holding the controller, which was blue, with only one hand and using the other to eat.

While this lazy ass is having fun, the shadow was setting formations over and making final adjustments to his plan of preventing the extinction of humans. The reason he's working so hard despite how the death of that race won't affect him, is that several mellenia ago he was also a human, and so it would be sad if his original race gets wiped out.


He knows no one though, the time of him being a powerless human was long ago, far before the current recorded history. Anyway, his plan needs a human to act as a spearhead. And that's why he's been searching for a human who would be useful to his plan.

This guy has an ordinary life. A first year engineering college student, but he's not really into academic stuff. The only reason he went this far is cause of his parents always pushing him. He has typical teenager interest.

He also has few friends, but among them are 3 very close friends to the point where it's hard to say who is his real family. So far he's pretty plain and the shadow wouldn't have glanced at him again if he didn't notice how the teen becomes a different person at midnight.

His eyes which always look lazy suddenly turn sharp, and his face, which always seems to smile, suddenly turns serious. For people who personally know him, this transformation would make him look like he's possessed. None of his family ever notices though because they all sleep by 11 pm.

After that he turns on his laptop, gets his headset,he starts a call, and after listening to the other side, starts speaking with a voice full of authority: "OK, send me the data and delete it afterwards". He moves the data to his phone and closes the laptop, laughing quietly to himself.

That's the first time for "shadow" to see him close his laptop after only 30 minutes of usage. Usually, he spends a lot more time and doesn't turn it off before 5 am, but shadow knows why the teen is so happy to the point he looks like he's gone stupid. Shadow helped him get the data he was looking for after all.

The teen spent 3 hrs translating it till he finally smiled. " Finally, today I, Ka-" he pauses for a while and after thinking for some time says " only the initial would do, today is the day I, K, will take the first step to gain superpowers. My lifelong dream will finally be fulfilled. "


After observing K, since that's how he decided to call himself, for a month shadow knows how excited K is, his eyes were shining despite them always being dead before. Even when he was serious his eyes were still glazed like he was bored to death of this world.

On the notepad he was currently looking at, there was a set of breathing instructions that would take 35 minutes to complete. At the end was a minimum requirement of being able to hold your breath for 2 minutes. At the top it said "Breathing method to activate internal energy" .

Shadow can read the minds of humans but for some reason he can't read K's mind. At first, shadow was annoyed, but now he's glad that happened, even though he still doesn't understand the reason he can't read K's mind. If it weren't for that shadow wouldn't have observed him long enough to find out about the night switch.

Despite the thought absence, shadow can still sense feelings, and if K gets dreams or goes into a State where he isn't physically aware, shadow can see what's happening in K's mind. Well.... Except for the dream K was talking about. He has been getting it about 3 times a week. That's the only dream shadow can't see.

After the first 5 minutes of practice, K starts to feel a burning feeling in his chest. It keeps spreading through his body. About 35 minutes later his skin suddenly started to give off a black slimy substance. Those are the impurities that were in his body. The moment he activated his internal energy, they got ejected.

"I feel refreshed, but that slime feeling is annoying" he goes into the shower. His body isn't on an Olympic athlete level, but his muscles are pretty well toned and considering how his resting heart rate is 55 beats per minute, his health must be in the top 1% of the globe.

"Time to experiment and get used to my powers". He starts doing some push-ups, and after reaching the 50 mark, which was his maximum, he stops. He just needed to breathe normally now to generate internal energy from his cells,and then he directs it to his chest and arm muscle, so they start healing quickly.

After that, K tries to do push-ups again and he manages to do 60. "hmm so the healing amplifies the usual hypertrophy as well. I can make my body reach an Olympic champion level in a day, and if I keep using my I energy I can pretty much have infinite stamina... Shit. This ruined things." he mutters to himself.

Looks like he decided to shorten internal energy into I energy. Shadow thought K would be disappointed, but to think he'll be straight out angry. "All is still not lost, maybe I'll be able to integrate this with my other findings". He spends an hour on the laptop, and then celebrates internally. "If things progress this way, I'll be able to become stronger without limits."

The reason he was angry is due to him realizing how he'll max out his strength in a day but won't be able to progress further.

*bang* Suddenly the sound of a gunshot echoes, and K stands up alarmed. He takes a Crowbar he leaves under his bed for whatever reason (shadow already gave up on trying to understand his weird habits) and then 2 other shots follow *bang* *bang*.

He quickly goes outside of his room to the front door. There the scene that meets him is a guy holding a smoking gun standing right in front of the door, and the moment he notices him he points his gun at K and tells him " Don't move"

To which replies by saying :"Maaaan, I finally remembered the dream. That's the guy with the black clothes and there's the door..... I wish I hadn't remembered it."

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