《Gate keeper》Chapter 13 meetings and partings


Selena, Clare and Yuki arrived at the dorm. Emi stared at them for a while before smiling.

"Ah! It's Mrs. Vermilion. She's as cold as ever." (Joana)

"She's so pretty but she just doesn't treat us the same." (Mae)

"By the way she's always like that wasn't she. Like 3 years ago she was like the latest topic among the seniors towards how she's so open minded to conversations." (Quin)

Yuki turned her head to the first year and froze when she saw the lady with light blue hair standing there.

"I froze the space around us leaving only me and you inside here. Maybe your companions can hear if they try. I call it territory encasement. But I'm still working on it." (Evelyn)

"Mother how are you here." (Yuki)

"Guess this isn't the best reunion. Finding out my own daughter is here. I'm guessing I chose the wrong guy to go for. He couldn't even be a father for you two girls. Sorry." (Evelyn)

"Not a good father. He hasn't been one since sister was born. We had a drought since and he called her a curse. Rather he and the entire clan tried to kill her. She was the only thing left that I cared about so I......I......I killed the clan members." (Yuki)

"I thought so they had it coming sooner or later. About your mask I'll ask a friend of mine." (Evelyn)

"Mother! Wait." (Yuki)

Her arm was extended but Evelyn left with a smile on her face since she only came to see how Yuki was doing.

"Aki." (Yuki)

Evelyn flinched when she was a fair distance but she still heard her second daughter's name. Knowing why Yuki was being a gate keeper now she laughed dryly.

"Did I really choose wrong just this once." (Evelyn)

"Seems I wasn't wrong time keeper. Or should I say Venia Remista Tear Mete Hellstine Ynelvelt Christina." (Rika)

"How did you even find me." (Venia)

"Hm... guess being a chaos beast as they call it is useful. Though I'm the only special one among my kind that ignores my instincts to destroy things. That might also be why I survived instead of dying like my sisters but that's not the point. Your hiding on this planet." (Rika)

"How'd you even find me." (Venia)

"Let's see. The gate transports to unusual places. Your forgotten castle that had your diary was one of the places. See the girls I travel with think it's cause I'm too lazy. But I also go out too. Just that I find bizarre things when I do. And I leave a clone of my energy behind to act as another me. Finding your diary explained lots of things." (Rika)


"What do you want." (Venia)

"To become a timekeeper, you erased your existence by going into the past to change a few things. So since I had a lot of time on my hand I compared your diary to the time now. Let's see, Ark kingdom fall year 3447 month 23 day 23. Going by Earth calendar that'd be December 24. Mother, or 1st eldest sister was raped by her father in black ritual causing my birth. Afterwards my sister is partially delusional, but raised me. This part is not wrong since I can also look into the seams of time where you existed back then. But you were her pride and joy. Though the diary goes on to say that she was constantly used by her father." (Rika)

Venia made a sour face.

"So you couldn't take it though your younger sister loved you like a sister. You felt you wronged your mother though she was partially happy with you but tormented by her father. Now here's why I'm here. Though you cease to be because you killed your father before he could harm your mother, there are some points in time they show a strange expression as if they felt something is missing. Sure the goddess of destruction Yuvina is happy but she feels something off. Your younger sister is always on a journey searching for the why she feels like she does. Your former castle is also ownerless though it's supposed to have one centuries ago. Now tell me why that is that your also tormenting your self by trying to act happy by blending into society here on this planet to remind yourself to never be happy." (Rika)

"What do you even know of me." (Venia)

"That your here trying to pretend to be happy when you enjoy the most is the time with your mother. Though the current her might be happy married and with kids but even she feels something isn't right. Plus Venia your just 1 out of the 10 time keepers. The others had it worst." (Rika)

"Is it your hobby to make others angry." (Venia)

"No I like to help others. The girls made me change. Isn't it a good thing I assigned your sister far from here in a all girls school instead here in this coed school 3 cities over." (Rika)

Venia turned pale when she realized that her younger sister was turned into a gate keeper.


"Looks like I got your attention. There was this little girl I once knew. She was 5 years old then. A creator to be exact. For each creator there is a destroyer to balance them. Unlike the rest of her kind that was detached and loved traveling more than anything. She grew attached to life, helping those in need." (Rika)

"Why do you sound ominous there." (Venia)

"Her healing did much more than what a normal healer would do. To be exact she created 2 immortals due to this. The first immortals to be exact. A priestess with a kimono and her archery skills healing those in need. The other was a man, who used his fists for answers. He ruled with terror. Destroyers were mostly men. 80% were men while the 20% is women but they tend to be more docile compared to the chaos that the men make. Her 2nd immortal met her counterpart and they had a plan to dominate the realm they were in or as we call it conquer worlds." (Rika)

"Why do you sound like you couldn't do much your a chaos beast! You could've stopped them when that happened right." (Venia)

"This was back when my 4 sisters were alive they wouldn't allow me to do much of anything since they said I'd mess with the fun of it." (Rika)

Rika gave her a lonely smile before she looked at the stars.

"They took 400 years to do their conquest and almost succeeded. But the girl realized something, what if she undid her pasts but did her best to only make sure there was one immortal and let the timeline run by itself. She sacrificed herself for the original timeline. Even now her body is sealed somewhere in the seams of time without a soul. Because if her soul returns to her current self so would her counter part destroyer. There was only the immortal priestess left that remembered her story. But even that was long lost in the ages." (Rika)

"Wait your telling me she's the original time keeper but she's soulless because a stupid noble cause." (Venia)

"How you perceived it is your own interpretation I just wanted to say what your doing was more stupid than her. She didn't want the worlds inside that realm to suffer so she scarificed herself for the greater good. It's her kindness that I loved, also if you keep doing this I might just change your sister into my race and see what happens. Do know that I'm the only one that can listen to logic. The rest can't even fight their instincts." (Rika)

"Is that a threat." (Venia)

"It also might bring her memories back of you. But no I care for the 49 girls in my care. Ivo, turned herself into a robot so she wouldn't die so she could look for you. She has already long forgotten her memories of her original self in her original body. Maybe returning a favor to a descendant of the immortal priestess is wrong in this way. Think of this as me atoning for not being able to help and being chained to a mountain as I watched the whole thing unfold." (Rika)

Venia stood there silently as Rika left her in the restroom. Her brown hair that was up to her waist fell from its hair band. She cried silently to herself.

"I wasn't kidding when I said I could change other races to my own. But this cursed ability of miasma when I touch something too long." (Rika)

Her hand had accidentally patted the cat on impulse and she couldn't even take her hand away until too late. It was a reflex she couldn't fix, she loved animals. (She just doesn't do so to beastemen because they're people) Before her eyes it turned to pile of meat only with acid oozing bubbles of the former cat. She sighed because for each individual it was different. Only her own race was immune. It also made her lonely since she couldn't even hug her friends or take care of someone. Rika had to keep a certain distance and make sure her touch was less than 15 seconds.

"Hey that lady is your mother how is that possible." (Clare)

"Selena let's go to our rooms and leave the idiot here to think alone." (Yuki)

"There's somethings you don't ask. It's called thinking before you act. It might even be a sensitive topic to the others." (Selena)

Yuki and Selena went to their respective rooms.

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