《This Troublesome Adventure》Chapter 14: Good Food but a Bad View?


“Wow, this roast beef is great! So is the roasted potatoes and veggies! The sauce is so sweet and savoury. Ah this bread is so fluffy!”

Daami is enjoying her Roast combo meal excitedly.

I got myself a creamy chicken noodle dish with a white sauce full of green herbs, similar to pasta but not as fancy, it’s extremely rich and creamy, but very tasty if I must say so myself.

“Daami, I have to admit, your choice of restaurant was excellent this time.”

“Of course, they call me the Gourmet Hunter!”

“Who says that!”

Right now we are sitting street side in the outdoor set up area of the restaurant Daami had chosen. We are wearing traveler robes we bought recently with a couple of leather rucksacks full of newly bought supplies. While we are enjoying our meal and messing around on a street side setting, a commotion begin stirring up the street.

“Get out of the way of Sir Bellado!”

“Make way! Make way! Sir Bellado is coming through!”

A chubby man with a goatee dressed in expensive robes sits lazily on a two wheeled cart, pulled by a man. No judging by the clothing and chains, that’s a slave…

There is a female slave sitting next to him with clothing full of exposure in a provoking manner.

Two slave teens one male and one female following next to the cart on foot with guards in metallic armour clearing the way at the front.

All the slaves beside the female on the cart had rugged single piece clothing, no more like wearing rags than clothing.

So this is a noble of this country, I heard from my mentor nobles are in simple terms, rich people with a lot of power, with roles to help and govern the people.


But this one looks like his just drunk on his power, possibly one of those notorious bad nobles.

I really don't want to get involved, it would be way too troublesome...


The whole group stops.

“You! Bring me the product from that stall over there!”

The fat man pick out a handful of silver coins from a pouch and throws them at the young girl slave at the side of the cart.

The coins hit her right in the face and scatters around the floor.

The young girl scrambles to pick up all the coins with blood dripping down her face, it seems one of the coins had made a cut on her face.

“(Ah It’s an Elvin slave.)”

“(I think it’s a Dark Elvin.)”

“(Maybe it’s a half Elvin slave given that it’s Sir Bellado.)”

“(That poor thing, she’s probably already a plaything.)”

Mutters and whispers could be heard from bystanders as the girl picks up the coins while showing her long ears.

It appears this Bellado fellow is bad news, he has a bad reputation with the citizens already.

I glanced at Daami, she seems restless, her hands have tightened their grip on her knife and fork. I better keep her calm before she causes any trouble.

“(Hey Daami,)”

I whisper over,

“(Calm down, not like we can just run out infront and be like 'Hey you, the one with the pig face, if you don't stop that right now we will beat the crap out of ya, capisce?'.)”

Throwing in a little something from my other knowledge, but I doubt Daami would know, probably think im describing a bandit hold up.

Although antics aside, I don't think we can take on those strong looking guards the noble has, but I feel frustrated for somereason, perhaps I was isolated and have memories from a world without slavery, but this is just plainly wrong. I want to do something for them, yet I don't think I can do anything right now. The most logical thing to do is let it happen and act normally, I mean we are non-Humankind ourselves.



Let's not get ourselves mixed up in that mess.

“(Don’t you feel frustrated Aras? My own kind right in front of my being mistreated, how can I sit still? Aren’t you from a race who are often mistreated by this kind of Humankind as well?)”

“(Yes, but we can’t really fight them head on now can we. How can we win?)”

“(It doesn’t matter, at least we have to try! Maybe we can steal them quickly and make a get away.)”

“(What are we Kidnappers now? We can’t I’m telling you! Don’t cause trouble!)”

“(I was mistaken about you, I thought you would of thought a plan instead of just cowering away. I’m going!)”

As Daami starts to stand up, I quickly grab her arm and force her in her seat.

Hmmm she’s right, I should be ashamed, I have gained otherworldly knowledge and even a God’s blessing, instead of coming up with silly jokes that only I could understand, I should be able to come up with something.

Being a coward is not my forte now is it.

But fighting with brute force agaisnt those fully armoured guards would be plain stupidity.

“(No, you’re right Daami, I’m sorry, but stay calm, I'll definately come up with something, let me handle it.)”


Perhaps she had trust in me due to our previous mishap in the forest, but it looks like she’s relaxed a bit.

Now, what should I do to help, we can't take them on normally, but nothing is stoping us from outsmarting them...

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