《This Troublesome Adventure》Chapter 1: Mr Jolly Slime!


Well hello there, it is I! The Slime! I know what you’re thinking, oh the generic slime in a fantasy world, but that's where you’re wrong! I’m no ordinary slime, unlike those who live lazily and feed off critters and scraps. No no no. I am an adventurous slime! Today I’m exploring this new part of the forest, the great clearing! Of course I need to be prepared before I step foot in that place, it could be dangerous you know? I mean I just heard a huge noise coming from over there!

Let’s see, let’s see.



Ok I’m prepared, let’s go!


Ooo what's that~?

In the distance I see a body laid down on the ground.

Oh no, is it a person? I hope it’s not an Adventurer, although I am adventurous myself, those Adventurers however seem to hate us slimes, even if we don’t do any harm to them! They just come attack us anyways, what gives…

But I am brave, I’m an adventure slime afterall!

I see a rock near it, let’s go hide behind it and observe a little.

Hmmm Hmmm, yes, it seems to be sleeping? But his legs and arms do look weird for a person.

And sleeping in a red puddle? That’s unusual but what would i know, i’m a slime afterall.

Wait a minute. Could it be blood? Could that be a corpse instead?

I approach the body and upon a closer look, it’s a young man, I think? His head is smashed like a rotten tomato that someone dropped on the floor. How terrible…

Oh well, I really can’t sympathize with him, we are technically ‘enemies’ after all.

Let’s eat him! Especially the head, that's the yummiest part. Us monsters get stronger every time we devour something stronger than us, and as a slime, we rarely get an opportunity like this.


Hehe im getting giddy just thinking about what power up i could obtain!

Alrighty, time to dig in!

*nom nom nom* [in reality the slime is dissolving the head slowly]

{bing! You have obtained otherworldly knowledge and God’s blessing!}

Oooh! I have no idea what was said in my head but it looks like I got something.

Well I’m so full now I can’t eat up the rest of the body.

Let’s come back tomorrow and finish up, time to head home.

I turned around back towards the forest and made my way home.

“Ahhh, finally, something to eat…”

I suddenly hear a voice when-

“Fire Shot!”

“Agh, good, it hit, I can finally have some food after starving for a whole week. Roasted slime… whatever, at least it will fill me up.”

{bing! You have obtained otherworldly knowledge and God’s blessing!}

“... what?”

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