《Adventures of Alex Blackwell》Chapter Fifteen


There we were in the back alley. A wizard, two vampires, and a ghost trapped in a necklace. I really was regretting not making a joke when we walked into the club. Like A wizard, a ghost, and a vampire walk into a bar. I don’t know how I would have ended it but I am halfway sure it would have been funny.

“What did you want to tell me?” Geoffrey asked us as he put his hands in his pockets urging us to tell him what we wanted with him and so I told him the story of how a dark wizard was after him and planning to use him in a sacrifice. When he heard that though he only chuckled and chuckled. Marcus and I turned towards each other both uncomfortable and unsure of what was going on.

“What is so funny?” Marcus asked him as I wondered if this guy was insane because out of all the reactions I imagined him having laughing wasn’t one of them.

“How far did you get in Bryan’s journal?” he asked us and we froze because we had never told him that the killer was named Bryan we only told him we copied the killer journal.

“How did you know his name?” I asked him and all he gave me was a smug grin hearing a click behind me. Geoffrey nodded and pointed behind me and there was Stephanie with a gun pointed at me. I didn’t know much about them besides that they hurt when you were hit and they were deadly if shot in the certain areas. There was an insane look in her eyes that showed she would shoot me without hesitation.

“Do it.” Geoffrey said and she pulled the trigger and bullets came flying at me. I would have tried teleporting but that wasn’t safe given my lack of focus and with Geoffrey’s speed the moment I reappeared he would snap my neck faster than I could blink.


I had forgotten Marcus in the equation however. The minute the girl had fired he had rushed right between the bullets and me. I mean I brought him along for this purpose but I was still grateful that he actually did it. It wouldn’t kill him so I wasn’t that worried.

Getting shot so many times in the same week though Marcus was not in the mood for that. The moment he healed you could hear him growl and charge at Stephanie. He was there one moment then all you heard was the crack of a neck and when he reappeared he was behind Stephanie and then you just saw her falling down.

Turning back to Geoffrey we wondered how he would react to this would he be angry or sad. Depending on the response it would change how we fought this guy. The problem was that the guy looked happy that Stephanie was dead he had a grin on his face like we had just solved all his problems for him.

While he was thinking of whatever I conjured a wooden spear in my hand and tried to move it into his heart with my mind but the blasted spear wouldn’t travel fast enough and he grabbed it right when it reached his arms grasps. It was there one moment and gone the next. Hearing a body drop I turned behind me and saw the spear stabbing Marcus and as his body fell I saw it turning grey and his veins became more obvious.

Now it was me and a psychotic Vampire alone in an alley. I had no wand and no coat full of enchanted items but he had all his strength and speed and was completely unpredictable.

The odds weren’t in my favor of coming out ahead in this.


“What are you doing?” I questioned him as I tried to turn and run and get more distance between him and us for whatever good that would do but when I turned he was already there and same if I turned back. He could run faster and reach each end of the alley before I would even get half way.

“Dealing with a pest.” he answered and appeared in front of me before shoving me onto the ground and when I tried to get back up he did it again. It was like we were in elementary school and he was the bully. Except when he was done playing I would be dead. It continued on for a while and I was tossed through the alley and through crates. It really hurt. I was going to have bruises and those bruises would have bruises. There was no time to focus on that however at the moment.

“You looked happy when she died so why are you doing this?” I questioned him trying to make sense of his actions. He was killing people trying to save his life but he had aveneged his girlfriend though he seemed happy that his girlfriend had died.

“Oh I had been wondering how to kill her for a while without her coming back and hating me but your friend did the work for me.” He said and I remembered the red running down her lips when we first met. I thought it was wine at the time but if it wasn’t that meant it was his blood.

“Yes see you get it.” He said as if he could feel I made the connection over what happened. If that was true that meant I was going to be dealing with two vampires that wanted me dead. One that was starving and stronger than me and one that was psychotic and stronger than me also. It did not look good for me. I pushed him off and began to stand up. I would have to win this fight and get my answers as apparently I didn’t have the whole picture yet either.

“Yes! I love it when prey fights back.” He said excited as he backed up and looked excited over what was going to happen. I had to beat him before the girl woke up or I was going to lose this fight. It was hours away from sunrise so even time was against me but that just meant that I would have to fight even harder. I refused to be killed in an alley after all I hadn’t gotten Ethan his vengeance or gotten paid and that was all the motivation I needed.

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