《Adventures of Alex Blackwell》Chapter Nine


We were standing in Wissinoming park and we all had shovels. It was the next closet spot on the map that I had found traces of the dark magic that the killer had used. I was really not fond of digging up another corpse so soon. I preferred to not see another dead body for a long time.

This time however was different I didn’t have to do any digging at all.

“Ethan phase through the ground and see if there is anything there.” I commanded him it was really time he did something if I was going to keep him here until we caught his killer.

After all, how many people say they have got revenge on their killer from beyond the grave.

“What why do I have to do it?” he questioned me like he could change my mind if he argued enough.

“Because you’re the ghost and can phase through the ground without getting exhausted or covered in dirt.” I told him

“I think it’s because I’m the youngest and you’re just lazy.” He complained and while some of it may be true I was not going to tell him that.

“You going or not.” I waved him onwards and he spent a few minutes grumbling before he got to work with the disappearing underground.

“So did you tell him about his aunt.” Came from right behind me and I turned and was prepared to blast the person that snuck up on me when I saw that it was Marcus. Gripping my chest until I calmed back down until my heart was back to its normal rhythm I glared at him even harder when I saw the amusement he was taking in my pain.

“Sorry didn’t mean to scare you.” He apologized but I could see his eyes still glittering in amusement over what happened even if he looked apologetic.


“What did you want?” I asked I didn’t remember as I was focused on blasting whatever it was that was sneaking up on me.

“You need to stop living in your dream world and pay attention, I walked up right behind you not even trying to be sneaky.” He said

“You wanted something.” I asked him there was nothing else to do while we waited for Casper the brooding ghost to return.

“I wanted to know if you told him about his aunt.” He said and I remembered what he told me earlier about no one being at her house.

“Not yet. I still haven’t figured out how to say it without hurting the kid.” I told him and he nodded. We had barely waited ten minutes before Ethan came back.

“Did you see any bodies down there?” I asked him hoping that the answer was no and that I wouldn’t have to dig up anyone up. I had dug one body up recently and that was too exhausting for me to even finish I did not plan on trying it again. I had to give it to gravediggers they were a lot stronger than most people give them credit for. Grave digging is hard work.

“Yeah at least twenty.” He said and I was horrified both at the number of graves that would have to be dug and by the number of people that were killed already.

I had hoped that Ethan had been the first victim and that whoever was doing this magic had just begun that way I could have stopped him before he got too strong but this changed things.

Now I was just hoping that the killer was just very weak and needed just this many deaths to get the same amount of power that a regular caster would have normally. This amount of sacrifices either meant he was very weak and wanted to get stronger or more likely and the idea I liked less was he was already strong but needed more to do something seriously big.


I was going to have to go with the second option though given by the fact that the universe doesn’t like me and enjoys my suffering and torment. I had planned to have a mug made at the end of this job. All I want at this current moment is to live to see to see the end of the job.

“So who is going to do the digging?” Ethan asked showing us his transparent hands implying that it wouldn’t be him.

“Him.” Marcus and I pointed at each other simultaneously.

“I’m not doing it.” I told him and meant it. There had been enough digging in my opinion and I was not going to do it again.

“Well I’m not doing it.” Marcus said leaning on a tree looking at his nails. I always found it weird that he let his nails grow but he refused to cut them. They would grow back but according to him he liked them that way and refused to shorten them down.

“I’m not going to do any digging, you aren’t going to dig, and Ethan can’t do it so who will?” I questioned him and he pulled out a cellphone in response and dialed a number.

“Captain Bennet this is Marcus.” He said with a grin. I understood his plan and shared that grin. I knew there was a reason that the two of us were still friends. His personality was similar to mine except he was more outgoing while I was introverted.

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