《The Valion Chronicles - The Emergence》Breakthrough and Finality


It had been a few months since the battle and while the Separatists had been escalating their actions between Arty and Ryoma they’d managed to engineer a pretty significant degree of covert sabotage They’d managed to set up amplifier modules on every shield emitter on the planet and they just had to cause enough of a ruckus to cause all of the bases to activate their shields at once. Which in most circumstances would be a tricky thing to do but with help from Takaru’s technical background and Kouji’s knowledge of the Separatists remote access systems they’d found a backdoor into the mortar defense turrets that were used for anti air defense and siege strikes.

The plan was simple mass override the turret systems and have them to shell bases in their range and force the bases to activate their shields then when the shields go up blast the emitters and hope that the amplification is significant enough to weaken the planetary shields such that they could get a signal out to the fleet and signal them to open fire on the planet.

As luck would have it due to the Mexican standoff the Federation Fleet was in with the Separatists Fleet the Tsukuyomi ships were in the direct line of fire from Valin’s sun. Due to the Admiral having blown up Maridia before their arrival on Valin the distance between Valin and its sun had shrunk leaving it much more exposed to the radiation coming off it during solar flares and other similar activity.


“From what I’ve heard scanning the coms it looks like Valin is going into orbit for what would be an eclipse but instead under the current circumstances is now a solar peak and the Tsukuyomi fleet would be right in the way of it so they’ll have to redirect the ships so that they can avoid the brunt of the solar activity that will be the best time to launch our attack the shields will probably still be functional but no where near full strength. The Federation is orbiting from the back side of the planet and would be able to dodge most of the worst of it so if we play our cards right we could beam out a signal and if the Arc Evolza and the Magia Fleet unloaded on the Separatists they’d be able to shatter their defensive lines.. The Amaterasu fleet is useless in that kind of environment cause the main cannons can’t take radiation in large doses like what we’ll see during the solar flares so they’d be sitting ducks.” Kouji said as he walked around the meeting room talking through his plan to the others

“Once we have fire support from the main fleet it shouldn’t be that hard to handle storming their main command outpost and finally taking out the Admiral. After all this time it may finally be over.” Takaru said with somewhat of a relieved sigh.

The girls let out a sigh of relief with Hikari sounding like she was restraining herself from letting out a cheer just to avoid seeming overly optimistic considering the circumstances but it was evident that everyone was growing weary of the fighting.


A few weeks of planning later led them to the day they would strike as the sun rose over the horizon and the skies filled with blinding light from the solar flares they knew it was time to get started. Takaru initiated the program that he and Kouji had slipped into the mortar control systems and began the process of having them mass fire at the bases that covered the planet.


As the cannons began to fire and the planet began to shake as though the world were undergoing significant seismic activity from the shells hitting at different locations across the planet en masse.

Takaru activated their shielding knowing there were a few mortar emplacements in their vicinity that could open fire on them as the sensor arrays went into overload seeing all the shields from the surrounding bases activating in a cascade effect.

And with that Ryoma sent out a coded call to his mole agents to activate the amplifiers. While the process was a bit slower the effect was devastating to the planetary shielding. While it didn’t fade away completely the distortion muddied the view of the sky above them and was enough of a sign Anya recorded a message and directed Shining Lancer toward the Magia Fleet as she began to broadcast it hoping it would penetrate the weakened shields and reach one of the ships.


Meanwhile in space the brunt of the Separatists Fleet were breaking formation to move out of the line of the oncoming solar winds which left them unable to keep the shields from the Tsukuyomi fleet active while they shifted.

Aboard the Arc Dolga the sister ship of the Evolza one of the crewmen on the main deck picked up the hailing frequency from Anya’s call “To anyone who can hear this within the Magia fleet or the Federation Joint Task-force The Separatists defenses should be weakened by the Solar Winds and if this gets through then direct fire on Valin and push through the fleet the Valion Force and I have organized an effort with some defectors to open their command and control facility for an attack but we need support from the fleet. This is Anya Cardiff-Armstrong, do you copy?” she said seeming extremely urgent as the commander of the ship came to the bridge

“Relay that to the Arc Evolza we need to move in that Norton’s daughter.” the officer a young officer named Talon Ulkari the brother of Darius the commander of the Arc Evolza and acting Vice Admiral of the Joint Fleet as he raised his hand from his command chair and signaled his first mate to relay that message not only to the Arc Evolza but the entirety of the fleet as this was their time to strike the stand off with the Tsukuyomi fleet had lasted nearly a year and this would be their shot to break the lines and strike a decisive blow.

The ship's engines flared and within moments the fleet began to charge forward with the Arc Dolga leading the way. As the Evolza and Dolga opened fire on the Shin Amaterasu Warships at the front of the line “All ships open fire!” Tallon shouted to his deck crew as the guns of the ship opened up and started to unload in the nearest ships while a fleet of Federation converted Amaterasu ships began to fly in from the Evloza toward the planet .


Aboard the Shin-Amaterasu no Okami

“What's going on, how did they catch on that the fleet had to break formation they’re on the opposite side of the planet and they shouldn’t have sight of our movements.Fire the Planet buster into the flagship!” the ship's commander shouted as his men began to engage the systems

“Something's wrong. The radiation is tainting the systems; we can’t engage them; the solar flares are putting off too much electromagnetic interference; if we tried to fire the interference would cause it to hit Valin.” the gunner replied as they attempted to steady the ship from all the shelling that was coming its way


“Shit hull breach lower decks. No several breaches, some kind of torpedo type weapon just phased past our hull and blew up in the docking bays on decks 20-25! Mass decompression and several more breaches are occurring from similar sources throughout the ship!” an officer shouted as the mighty ship shuddered and began to list like a crippled ship on the ocean.

“Fine if we can’t use the Planet buster We’ll still go down fighting for the honor of the Admiral! Fly the ship into the center of the enemy fleet and set the planet buster to overload. If we can’t use it from range we’ll run this old bird into the heart of their fleet and detonate the blast wave should be more than enough to terminate the lion's share of them!” the commander replied, determined to go out in a blaze of glory knowing the ship wouldn’t hold up under the torpedo strikes much longer.

As the ship limped toward the Federation fleet more explosions could be heard as Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi crew carriers were blowing up inside the bays, ripping holes in the hull and shredding through the ship with scarcely a sign of the detonations visible from the void of space.

Several other Okami class ships in similar condition started to follow suit. The Federation ships took notice of this suicide charge and without a second glance Vice Admiral Darius opened up the bays on the Arc Evolza and unleashed a flood of Slipstream Torpedoes but these were different from the ones they’d been shelling the Separatists with. As they flew Darius held his crew at the ready to remotely detonate them mid-flight.

When the torpedos reached about half way out to where the Separatist suicide line was Darius lowered his hand and shouted “Engage!” as they exploded in simulcast creating a cascading rip that seemed to tear away at space opening a void of emptiness. “Activate Gravity Emitters!” he commanded as the vacuum of space seemed to warp and distort in front of the fleet of damaged cruisers and battleships.

“Excellent. They should be well and clear of Valin but should stop whatever shenanigans the Separatists have in mind. While it's impossible to create an artificial black hole these distortions can generate the best approximation we can scientifically manage. It should suck the enemy fleet into a spatial fissure which should be capable of holding in the blast wave. While the gravity wells don’t have the gravitational force of a black hole they’d still be enough to crumple the ships and probably cause them to rupture their power reactors and destroy them. My only concern is would it be enough to contain the blast..” Darius thought to himself as he hailed the Arc Dolga and ordered them to head down to the planet while he monitored the situation with the enemy fleet.

Tallon followed Darius’ request without any hesitation as they flew into the atmosphere, punching a hole through the orbital shielding and ramming through to the atmosphere where they began tracking for lifesigns of Anya and the others.

By the time they got into the lower atmosphere they’d managed to get a lock onto the comms signal Anya had used to reach out to them as he deployed a small battalion of troop carriers to find them along with a viable clearing for the ship to land in.


Back at their base they could see the shields were gone and while the Arc Dolga wasn’t visible they could hear the sounds of space cruisers flying overhead Takaru released an observer drone out through a small hole in the shields to see what was going on and find out if the ships were friend or foe.

Shining lancer lit up with a bright glow in its AI core as a comms channel opened “Well you guys did some work down here didn’t ya? Well your message got out to me and the rest of the fleet. If you can manage to get those anti-air cannons to calm down for a bit I can send some people to clear the way for the Arc Dolga to land.” Tallon asked as Takaru walked over to the terminal and deactivated the command that was overwriting the guns.

Slowly the turrets deactivated and as an added hindrance to the Separatist forces the deactivation command also fried the command post terminals and rendered them inoperable thanks to a modified bit of the kill command code that Haseo had used on Kouji into the virus they’d used to infect the control systems.

As the smaller troop carriers landed following the signal to their base Takaru was surprised to see how many ships were there. It was as if a small chunk of the main fleet had arrived and the team couldn’t have been more overjoyed to receive the aid.

A young man in an officer’s uniform stepped out and greeted them as Takaru smiled remembering the young officer. “Nice to see ya again after all this time Sam. Or should I call you Interim Admiral Samuel Garrison.” Takaru said as the officer pulled off an outer flack jacket revealing his badges which confirmed his rank.

“Yep it's been a few years since we met up in the colony and I’m impressed to see you’ve come this far. Spearheading this charge against the Separatists truly a sight to behold.” he said, his eyes misting with tears a bit as he thought of their parents back on Earth and how close they were to defeating the Admiral.

“So what's the plan from here since it seems as though you’ve got their defensive systems pretty well contained?” he asked as he looked the group over trying to avoid seeming too sentimental as Arty and Ryoma walked out from the base.

“Well our next objective is sneaking these guys into the main command and control center and laying siege to it from the outside to keep their troops busy while TK and them deal with the Admiral we shouldn’t get much interference from the rest of their forces at first because the bug that TK slipped into their computer network is trashing their internal systems.” Ryoma said with a smile as he introduced himself with Arty following suit.

“So these two are, let's say disgruntled former employees of the Separatists I take it?” Sam said with a grin as he took notice of them wearing Separatists uniforms with the insignia’s torn out as Takaru led the troops into their makeshift base and gave them some room to spread out and set to work clearing the way for the Arc Dolga.

“Yes, the more robust looking one is named Ryoma Hajime. He’s the son of the front of house operator of the dojo. The other one is one of Kouji’s associates from his days in the corps of engineers.” Takaru said, introducing them in turn.


Over the next few days they built up the base and prepared for their final invasion. Takaru used his computer virus to track up the channels to the command base, figuring the most well defended facilities would be closer in the network to the Admiral’s headquarters.

As Takaru was busy keeping tabs on that Ryoma got in contact with his men inside the various compounds and started terminating the shield generators and making their way out to join up with Ryoma and the main unit.

Once the Arc Dolga landed they unloaded their troops. Tallon made his way into their improvised base “So you’re the rag tag group that Darius was tasked with watching over nearly two years ago. it's hard to believe this stalemate has been going on for that long.” he said with a chuckle as he looked over across their little command table at Anya.

“Woow Mrs Cardiff you’ve grown quite well. Your father would be proud.” he said with a smirk on his face as his eyes wandered over her. He didn’t notice Takaru’s glare over the table. Toushi walked over and tapped him on the shoulder.

“Before you get any smart assed ideas you have to notice that She’s already spoken for. While I respect you and your brother as my superiors I’d like to say I don’t appreciate you hitting on Anya.” Takaru said as he stared at him with a slightly agitated look in his eye.

“That's fine I was just doing it in jest.” he said with a smirk as he raised his hand and pulled off a glove revealing a ring on his finger “I’m spoken for as well so it's not that big of a deal it's just I’ve known her off and on for a few years and we’ve always had a bit of fun with that sort of stuff I figured I’d long since lost my chance with her after she started hanging out with you guys on Earth. So how have things been progressing since you left the Evolza over a year ago?” he asked as he noticed a lull falling over the conversation

It was finally the day they had worked out for the attack. Takaru and the others were on a flight carrier bound for the Separatists command center deep in the Soliarna Mountains. According to radar scans the base was buried deep under the mountain range and would be fairly difficult to access directly even with a lot of its exterior defenses tied up with the cruiser fleet and the ground assault.

Takaru and the others would be operating on their own while the brunt of the Dolga’s crew handled breaching the fortress and assaulting the troops. They would enter the base using a similar tactic to how they’d arrived on Valin by way of drop pods equipped with extremely powerful drills that would bore into the mountain and hopefully guide them via signatures they’d been reading from within the facility to find the admiral’s approximate location.

As they loaded into their drop pods with the ships preparing to leave from the Arc, Dolga Kouji pondered to himself about the idea of Project Shadow. “Hmm I wonder if I’m the progeny of another project that the admiral had commissioned since Haseo had meddled and engineered that genetic lock into me that crippled me.. I wonder if the Project I came from was responsible for any other clones aside from myself. Since he seemed to make mention of there were others in incubation including Shadow.” he thought to himself as he began to configure the life support systems on the drop pod for himself and started to test the communication systems

“It seemed like those proto-type DG cells were enough to repair the damage but I’m mildly curious as to whether or not they’d carry on as an inherited trait.” he wondered to himself as he laid himself against the back of the pod and allowed the crew to close it.

“It's hard to tell but it would be kind of interesting to find out since the one unusual property of the ones inside you is that they seem to be adapting to your spirit energy even though their techno-organic nature would tend to make them not respond positively to electricity.” Sasuke replied through their telepathy

“Approaching drop location.” a message came over the intercom as the ship trembled in the turbulence created by the anti-air shells exploding in the air space around them.

They all signaled that they were ready to drop as the hatches of the carrier dropped and they fell into a series of drop chutes as thrusters on the missiles activated and began to propel them toward the mountain.

As the drills burrowed down through the base the sides of the mountain began to rumble and tremble from the force of the Arc Dolga shelling their defense batteries with bunker buster shells that used the same sort of drills to burrow into the complex and increase the damage they dealt.

When the drop pods emerged from their descent they were deep in the lowermost portions of the base. As the pods opened up Takaru quickly gathered their gear and began to charge through the base trying to find any sign of the Admiral’s presence.


After what seemed like hours of searching and fighting through the DG-Troops they found their way into a large underground warehouse looking structure that contained a giant mech suit not unlike the one that Ryoma had destroyed.

“Ah so you’ve finally arrived. You are quite the clever bunch aren’t’ you. You’ve destroyed my command and control network using a modified version of Haseo’s gene lock protocol. You’ve managed to enter the depths of my facility and I can imagine you no doubt have intentions on destroying this wonderful machine and ending my life.. .Well now you’ll bear witness to the next evolution of humanity and technology.” A voice said as a platform descended with a scientist who looked to be a similar age to Han and Dojiro.

Kouji could feel himself giving into the tension that filled the air. His desire to slay the man that started all of this and put an end to his madness was palatable “Ah Kouji my little golden boy I see that Project Lightning was a success.. it's a disappointment that such a success was squandered by your exposure to the rabble on Earth. I'm just ushering in a new world and the High Council was too slow to adapt and thus had to be eliminated. That weakling Dozara and his spoiled royal blood could never see the light as I saw it he believed the council was the true way for the planet.” he continued as he began to cackle and laugh maniacally

Takaru clenched his hand around his sword in anger at how the man on the platform had slighted his father and the Inara family. “I see you’ve collected those old relics. as if their old metal would stand a chance against the power I command.” he said as he jumped into what passed for a cockpit although it looked like more of an access point to the core. They dashed closer and saw him turn metallic silver and merge into the robot.

As he melded with it something changed.. The Dark Gigas Cells in his body began to flow into the robot and transform it causing it to take on the appearance of a giant version of himself with various vestiges of the robot's armaments integrated into it.

“You see I am one with this machine The Alpha Gigas it is the pinnacle of my research and the developments of the Dark Gigas project I am an immortal machine you stand no chance against me not even with those toys you call weapons..I am Dojihiro Isagarra the Admiral of the Separatist Army and bringer of your destruction members of the Valion Force!” he said with a confident look on his face .

“Let’s do it guys..” Takaru shouted as he drew the Fierce Dragon Blade while the others followed suit with their weapons and quickly transformed into their armored forms. The admiral started to walk forward shattering the supports that were built up around where the Alpha Gigas had been standing throwing the remains at the members of the team

Once they’d established some safe attack vectors after the rubble settled Toushi began to charge in with his Inferno Dragon Gun and Blazer Magnum in the combined mode he’d used against Haseo firing off large blasts of flames while Hikari followed suit with the Aquos Dragon Gun and the Cryo Magnum in their combined rifle form

“Ah straight into battle no pomp and circumstance no posing. Aww you’re no fun.. What kind of Heroes are you?” the Admiral said as he shrugged off the blasts, what little damage was dealt by them being quickly dealt with by the robot’s passive regeneration.

“Rai-Ryu Ken Sure-Kill Denjin Kou Dan!” Kouji shouted as he flew into position and began to draw on the electricity coming off the equipment in the room to amplify his attack. He drew all the excess electricity into an orb and fired it at the core of the robot.

As the ball of energy flew through the air it was intercepted by an energy shield which protected the core.. He began to clench his fist tightly as the blast tried to force its way through the shield as if it were responding to his intense focus.

Suddenly the orb exploded sending bolts of electricity around the area covered by the shield trying to bypass the shield through an indirect attack as it dispersed into the robot’s main body seeming to deal some decent damage to the robot.

“Pathetic attacks, you honestly think the Alpha Gigas would bow to something like that. Take this!” the Admiral shouted as he discharged the electricity back at Kouji, knocking him out of the air as a faint purple glow began to shroud the robot’s body.

“This unit is drawing off the central reactor of the base; its regenerative capacity is infinite. Try to damage it all you want, you'll never put a dent in it!” he shouted his arrogance starting to bleed through as he began to fire the cannons off at them as they spread out into different parts of the hanger to avoid the shots as they sprayed out through the room.

Takaru drew the Fierce Dragon blade and began to glance around the room looking to see if there would be any way they could cut off the power flow. He began scouting with his armor’s sensory equipment and it was made somewhat difficult due to the interference from the shielding and the feedback from the mech itself.

Suddenly the ceiling ripped open with a large explosion as one of the bunker busters ripped through the base and jostled the robot from behind. “Ah so you have friends out there well let the battle be joined. Assimilation mode engaged!” the Admiral called out as the robot began to soak in materials from the base and started to grow as the bombs shredded the face of the mountain and exposed the interior of the base as Takaru and the others began to fall back while the robot absorbed the superstructure of the facility and began to grow

“Holy crap this is astounding how something like this is happening!” Ami thought to herself as they peeled out to the surface where the main forces were as the robot had soaked in the entirety of the base and its remaining defenses and was as big as the chunk of the mountain where the base had formerly been.

At the sight of that happening the crew of the Arc Dolga deployed a massive unit of mages to help assist Takaru and the others along with Anya and Norton to coordinate the attack. As they moved into formation the Arc Dolga began to fly out into low orbit above the planet

“Hey signal the fleet to direct the fleet’s plasma induction cannons on the coordinates I’m going to send you. I'm flying the Dolga out of the planet’s gravitational field so that the Gravity Lens system doesn’t wig out on targeting. Think you can manage that Darius?” he asked over the cross ship comms channels

“What’s going on down there? I just saw a huge energy spike that washed over the whole planet practically!” Darius replied from the command chair of the Arc Evolza.

“According to Takaru and his party on the ground the Admiral merged with some kind of giant mech suit and assimilated his complex blowing himself up to the size of a small chunk of a mountain and in the process he drew in the base's power reactor and its apparently amplifying the mech’s regeneration. But according to a theory that Kouji proposed regarding the DG cells. He’d mentioned that it seems like they have some kind of inherent vulnerability to electricity so if we converge several discharges of the plasma dispersion cannons should be able to mitigate it since plasma has a similar behavior to electricity and the magnetic control beam should help compound its effect.” Tallon replied as the Arc Dolga started to fly out of the atmosphere

As the ships got into formation and began preparations to fire Takaru signaled the rest of the team to fall back from the Admiral while a series of bright lights streaked across the horizon and focused on the giant mech’s location

Within seconds several concentrated beams of searing hot electrified plasma began to rain down on the Alpha Gigas as it stood there between the ridges of the mountain range. While the beams converged those standing on the outside could see the mix of plasma and electricity arcing over the robot searing through the armor and slowly eating away at its outer structure even melting away several of the larger cannons it had absorbed from consuming the base.

When the beam had finally subsided it was clear that the Admiral was weakened by the effects the glimmering energy shield he’d formed around the robotic shell seemed to be all but destroyed and in spite of his attempts for forcibly regenerate the weapons that had been destroyed they seemed to be futile

“No this can’t be!!! No, I won’t allow my ambitions to end like this!” the Admiral yelled as he started to unload the remaining functional guns into the air to buy himself some time to reanalyze the situation, his voice sounding more desperate and frustrated as the glowing reactor core started to crack and leak Zoracite radiation into him.

The warmage brigade that was being commanded by Anya and her father stepped up and readied themselves for a followup attack “Elements of nature I call upon your power.. Help me rid this planet of this unnatural monstrosity. Let the heavens fury rain down and smite this aberration and see it ended by the force of lightning!” Anya shouted as a giant Magia glyph appeared beneath the group and the skies began to darken to the conditions of a thunderstorm.

“Let the skies rain fury down on the air Raging Storm!” She shouted as she pointed Shining Lancer at the giant robot with her unit following suit with their Sentient Arms as the skies opened up with lightning and began to rain a massive stream of bolts into it

Then Hikari, Toushi, Kouji and Genichi fired off a combined elemental attack that seemed to cripple the robot as they saw its power core looking like it was about to rupture. Takaru smiled looking at the others and said “I’ll take care of the rest.” as he raised the Fierce Dragon Blade into the air and began to soak in all the energy that was left in the air from the previous attacks “If I don’t come out of this alive tell Anya I love her.” he said as he clenched the handle of the sword and began to amplify the energy with ACS Cartridges as he looked at Hikari with a solemn look on his face was determined to see it through as he felt the immense energy coursing through his body feeling like it was going to tear him apart with deep cracks forming through the Fierce Dragon blade as though it was even giving in under the strain.

As the sword took in all the energy from the attacks it began to give off an eerie glow as all the different energies began to mix “Sei-Ryu ken Ougi ShinRyu Issen!” he shouted as he dived toward the mech in his armor’s flight mode and barreled through what little resistance was left in the shield and plunged into the energy core.

“Takaru!!!!!” Hikari shouted as she saw her stepbrother performing what could only be described as a suicide attack Toushi stepped in the way as he disappeared into the glowing orb of the core as the robot began to distort and the core finally ruptured letting off a huge blast wave that cascaded across the area the members of the Magia guard providing shields to themselves as well as Hikari and the others.


Hours later when the dust had settled and the clean up crews had purged the area of residual radiation from the blast Hikari and Anya stood aboard the Arc Dolga both weeping feeling like the worst was inevitable Takaru had seemingly sacrificed himself to save the team and kill the Admiral

The Dolga landed outside the blast site and allowed them to disembark alongside Kouji and the others. As the neared ground zero the remains of the robot seemed to have been vaporized by the explosion Anya looked around through the rubble with her watcher's eye for any life signs at first the residual energy was too much for her to see anything but eventually she caught a glimpse of a faint blue glow in the wreckage. They sprinted over to it and beneath a pile of rubble and debris they found what looked to be Takaru’s body.. with Ysurill’s armor protecting him from being crushed.

After several seconds a faint metallic pool of what appeared to be Dark Gigas cells in a liquidus form eventually the puddle solidified and reformed into the Admiral “Ha Ha such a naive fool to commit such an attack it may have destroyed the Alpha Gigas but I can only imagine what kind of damage taking in all that energy would do to someone even a being like him.” The admiral gloated at Takaru’s seeming defeat.

“You monster. You put him through this, you forced him to resort to such measures. His blood is on your hands.” Hikari shouted at him distraught and at a loss of words to reply to his arrogance..

“Again I am immortal don’t you see? Not even that desperate attack could slay me.” he started to say as he began trying to regenerate himself but something was wrong, his wounds were persisting, his legs and arms were crippled his body felt. weak.. “What is this? Why can’t I move? Why can’t I regenerate??? All of that energy IS absorbed should be more than enough to heal these wounds..” he said looking at himself as he laid there unable to defend himself..

Kouji walked up and said “The energy you absorbed was tainted with a large amount of electricity and electromagnetic radiation from Takaru’s attack which combined the residual energy of everything we threw at you in some capacity into it.” suddenly his legs froze over with ice and his arms and torso began to burn with flames and arc with bolts of electricity..

“Those sources of energy kill the techno-organic component of the DG Cells and neutralize their healing factor and by extension are slowly killing you.. Though myself I don’t believe you deserve the mercy of a slow death. No more than Haseo and his madness.” Toushi replied as he drew the Inferno Dragon gun and primed himself to fire a shot at the Admiral’s head to execute him but before he could pull it out

Kouji put his hand up and said “You were the start of this and I’ll be the one to end it.” as he extended his gauntlet claws and decapitated the Admiral as the energy consumed the rest of his body leaving it a pile of cinders.

Anya ran over to Takaru’s body and without any hesitation Hikari helped her begin to carry him to the ship.. “This one’s bravery is a match for Hayato's. I commend him with my deepest sincerity.. I have done what I can to sustain him but he requires more potent treatment if he is to live.” Ysurill said as she manifested in her dragon form floating alongside them showing that she was even concerned for his fate.


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