《The Novel's Unifier》Chapter 13 - Golden Sword (1)


Danny had eaten much more than just that apple. He couldn't remember what any of it tasted like, nor what it was, but his stomach wasn't so loud anymore.

Thankfully, the bell rang, allowing him to get some food. He waited in line, as he watched the food with curiosity more than hunger. It was food made centuries later, so it should be better looking, at the very least. But, the major problem with that logic was, it was still school food. It ended up looking like food piled into a mountain, with bits poking out.

On the other hand, the more wealthy looking students had better looking food. Although, it obviously differed in size.

Still, when it was Danny's turn to get food, he asked, "Can I have three servings, please?"

"You can have as many as you'd like," the lunch-lady answered, laughing loudly. She gave him three trays, although he didn't know how to carry them.

"Let's see," he muttered, trying to carry them all at once. He almost dropped it, so he placed it back on the counter. "Hm, could I...?"

He would be called crazy, but that was fine. He held one by his mouth, barely keeping it upright, and held the other two on his hands. He walked slowly, in fear of dropping them, and sat down on the closest available seat.

The table was empty, besides from a girl sitting at the other end. Danny didn't mind her and started to eat. And eat. And eat.

When he finished the three trays, filled with mostly rice, some bits of meat, sides, and an apple, the girl spoke. "How'd he finish all that?" she muttered, barely audible to Danny. Only then, did Danny notice her look of horror, and her tray of almost entirely gold.


"Who are you?" he asked, leaning on the table. She glanced at his trays of food, before looking to his face, then away.

"Don't talk to me," she said, "Peasant."

"Ah, didn't know you were such a prissy." He couldn't stop his words from leaving his mouth, almost as if it had a mind of its own. He leaned back, against his own will.

She turned her head, glaring at him. "What did you say?" Her red hair shook along her pretty face. For a moment, Danny felt content, as he stared at her face.

"Wow, you are gorgeous," he said. Even though it was the truth, Danny would've never said it aloud. "May I have the name of such a beautiful woman?"

"Mars," she said, brushing a hair out of her face. "What's yours?"

Danny laughed a charming, practised laugh. "My name is of no use to such a delight." He could barely move his hands, as he expertly tried to seduce her. "Instead, I can offer you something much more valuable."

"Oh? And what's that?" she asked, her uniform crinkling as she showed interest.

"Money. So much of it that you couldn't even dream of even a fraction." Inwardly, Danny cringed at his own words.

She glared at him, moving a hand to her waist, where a sword was hanging. If she started swinging that, it wouldn't kill him. All weapons brought in would have a protective cover, in order to soften the blow, or dull the blade. But, still, the weapon would hurt him. Especially if she was skilled, which anyone at the Academy should be. Apart from himself, of course.

"Leave my sight, now," Mars said, in a low voice. "You greedy, pig-like bastard."


Danny forced his mouth to stay shut, though it was tough. It felt like a battle, one that he barely won. The rest of his body was easy to take control of.

"Do you want me to remove him, Madam?" a voice said, right behind Danny. Danny turned around, to see a little boy. He seemed young, yet also weaker than Danny. But he knew that was a facade. It was Janis, someone within the top 10 of the Academy.

"No need," Danny said, standing up. "I'll leave on my own." Danny walked away. He hoped no one could see the sweat he was dripping, from just knowing who he was.

The next class was Combat Training, something he was not looking forward to.

The Combat Instructor, who didn't introduce himself, was the Guardian Sun. He never officially used his name, to the point that Danny wasn't sure he had a proper name. "Alright, everyone," he yelled, his voice piercing Danny's eardrums. "We'll do the same thing that we have been doing, so get paired up. Oh, August, you'll be with me. Grab a weapon from that room." He pointed to a door that Danny hadn't seen before.

Danny opened the door, which made a clicking sound when he put his hand on it, to a room filled with every type of weapon he could think of. Battleaxes, spears, swords, daggers, bows, etc. There were so many that it seemed to be endless.

But, his eyes stopped on one weapon. A curved long sword that seemed to sparkle in his eyes. He grabbed it.

The sword started to transform, so subtly that no one would be able to notice unless they watched it happen. It obtained a golden sheen to the weapon, that seemed to reflect off light. It also seemed to be sharp enough to cut through steel, but it became dull. It happened so fast that Danny wasn't sure of what he was watching.

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