《The things that carry over. Over and over》Chapter 6: a day later


Uh umm, sorry for the long delay, just adapting to take care of my dad, and class, and chores, and other RL stuff.

And... i decide to fasten the pace a bit.

Enjoy :D

A great roar echo at the forest. the source of the sound is a great bear that dashing toward a group of teenager. A few fresh wound loiter on the skin of the bear. Make it look more savage.

The group was ghastly pale, some even trembling. Except for an oldman that had an amusement looks, the oldman just keep some distance while yelling encouragement from his perspective, if you exclude the excessive swearing.

"Throw the net" michael yells while frantically dogde the incoming bears. "Change formation, surround the bear, where's the spear walls, the civil group just go and keep some safe distance we'll handle the bea.".


a bolt just passes michael headside, then lodging at the bear.

"You should throw that arrogant mind aside my friend, or do you need my help to shoot it down?" An answers follow behind the bolt from a braided girls. She's holding a triple crossbow.

Another girls cast a smirk when she hear this,

Humming sound that followed by a blast of fire erupted from a staff that she hold. "Fire out. Ten mins to charge" cecilia yells while draw her sword and joint the formation

"Sorry tiara." Answer michael shortly. "Just to make sure our team survive, dont take offence".

The old man amusement face turn into soft smile hearing this, as if recall some happy past or expecting a happy future.

For a few moment the battle happens safely for the group. A one sided yet somehow dificult slaughter. net was thrown. A spear trusted. Sword slashed. Not much life left on the bear, When suddenly the bear paw exploded. A red mist spread from the explotion. Knocking the groups that surround the bears.


The oldman rushes to the group, helping the staggered kids stands up. Some fainted, some coughing. The old man keep his eye on the bear. Motioning the kids to keep their distance with the bear. But a moment later a red glowing line appear on the bear. Starting from the exploded paw which now regenerating fast. his face turn ashen while a he mutter something which soon turn into a half yell "apocalypse touch... run kids fall back to the academy now"

the oldman unseath his sword. And frantically ring the bells that he carry before.

The bear now stand. With red line covering the body. A few horn protuding from his body make the savage bears look somehow demonic


a thundering roar echo.

"Stand, run, safe your friend for later, just go to academy and tell them apocalypse touch." Says the oldman while he run forward to the bears while the kids scatters and run.

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