《Dual Rebirth (BL)》Chapter 2


Profound Blood Continent

This is a world where strength and Bloodline matters the most

On a small dukedom inside a certain commoner's house a man can be seen holding his wife's hand

Both the man and woman's forehead were wet with sweat. One was from the pain from giving birth and the other one was because of being anxious for his wife and soon to be their child inside her womb

The woman's hold on his husband's hands was so tight to the point that his husband was already hurting. Her nails without her knowing unconsciously burrowed into his husband's hand and some blood leak out

The husband although was hurt because of his wife didn't let it show on his face but instead comforted her with sweet words

One can see how the husband love his wife


A loud baby cry resounded on the small house as their baby finally came out

The doctor wipe the baby's body with clean towel before handing the fragile infant to her mother

The doctor smiled and said "hold your son"

The mother sob as tears flowed down from her eyes. She look at the baby with love and kiss it

The husband on the other hand also look at his son with love while caressing her exhausted wife's hair. He vowed that he will do everything to let his son have a good life

Unbesknown to them, their baby was actually looking at them with confusion

"Uwah?" The baby tried to say something but only a baby's sound came out from his mouth

The baby's parents thought that their baby was playing with them and started making some silly noises to entertain the baby

"W-what is happening?" The baby thought on his mind

The baby tried to look at his own body and was surprise to see that his body was of those of a new born baby

"H-how come I became a baby?"

A wave of drowsiness was felt by the baby, although he tried to stop sleeping to learn what happened to him but his baby body didn't allowed him to

Just before he unwillingly fell asleep he remembered their family heirloom

"C-could it be that bell?" Was what the last thing on his mind


8 years pass and the newly born baby was now a child

"Son, can you help me bring the utensils?" Inside the same small house the wife said to his son

"Okay mom!"

A small child answered

Just one look at him and everyone will know that he would grew up to be a beauty

Yes, a beauty. Even if he is a man just looking at his fair white skin and childish face you can only describe him as a beauty

His eyes radiated a youthful glow while his lips are so red that people would think that he put on some make-up

When he smile two small dimples can be seen that made his cute and innocent look become more appealing

Even though they are just commoners the child grew up and look like a noble. No, he was even more good looking than a noble. Even though he was just wearing old clothes it didn't ruined his image

In fact, it made him look like a down to earth and humble child

The child took the wooden spoons from her mother's hands

"Thank you Kence" her mother rub his head which made his neat hair to become a mess


The child pouted and with an annoyed voice said "mom!"

Her mother chuckled at that. If there is one thing that Kence hate that is when someone mess his hair

Although her mother fully know that, she just can't stop herself from messing his son's hair. His son was just too adorable!

"Aiya aiya what if your future husband like to play with your hair what will you do then?" Her mom teased him which made the child even more annoyed

"Mom, I told you I'm not homosexual!" Kence said annoyed which made her mother chuckled

"Son, look at how cute you are. I'm sure when you grow up a lot of men would want to have you as their wife"

Kence stamped on the ground because of annoyance "hmph! Who will be someone's wife? Try it and see if I will not break their bones!"

Kence took the spoons and placed it aggressively on their dining table. This just made her mother laugh at him and continue teasing him

"You are already eight year old but still throwing a tantrum. I'm starting to feel pity for your future husband"

"Mom!!" Kence shouted because of the frustration

"Yes son?" The woman continued teasing the already pitiful and frustrated child

At this moment their door was opened and someone entered their small home

"Emily, are you teasing our child again?" This was precisely Kence's father and Emily's husband

"Dad! Help me! Mother is bullying me" Kence throwed a pitiful look towards his father

"What a bad child I only said that your future husband might like playing with your hair and you already said that I am bullying you? Come here and see if I won't spank you!"

Kence hearing that he would be spank hurriedly run to his father and cling on the man's leg

"Dad, look mom is too brutal!"

His father leaned down and kiss his son's forehead

"Son, your mother is right. You're an omega it's okay if you marry a man. Besides a man can protect you when we are already too old"

A despairing look painted Kence's face

"Dad!! I thought you are going to help me!" Kence harrumphed childishly

"Well son, you are an omega you can bear a child so what's wrong if you marry a man?"

An omega, either a man or a woman that can give birth even of their mate is the opposite or the same sex as them

That is why, in this world homosexual couples are as common as heterosexual ones

But Kence due to being straight before in his previous life doesn't want to marry a man

Although he retained his previous life's memory and shouldn't be acting as a child but the warmth and his family's treatment to him was just too good

He was more than willing to become their child, also because of his body acting a child for him was easy

Even if he tried acting at the age from his previous life his own body was also making him childish

What's more, as he was an omega if he really married a man then he was sure that he will become the bottom!

Just looking at his own appearance anyone will say that he is the bottom and add to the fact that he is the omega and the one who will become pregnant there is no need to ask if he will become a top or a bottom


From his previous life, although he was not gay but he knows that the first time doing it will hurt the bottom. Heck it can even cause fever

That is why he wants to continue being straight and marry a woman

"Okay, okay let's just eat" his father said and they all sat down on their respective seats

Their meal was just a simple bread and soup with only a few pieces of meat. This was all they can afford

However, although still too little Kence's own bowl has more meat than his parent's bowl

This always made Kence's heart ache. Although he wanted to have little or equal meat with his parents as his body was still that of a child but his parents are too stubborn

They said that he needed meat so that his body will have more nutrients so that he can awaken a powerful Bloodline

Bloodline! One of the most important thing in Profound Blood Continent

Having a powerful Bloodline will make it easier for someone to cultivate and will make you more powerful than those who have inferior Bloodline

Everyone will gain a Bloodline when they reached the age of ten years old, it was said that these Bloodlines are the gift of the heavens

It will make one to be able to cultivate, increasing their strength and even their lifespan!

Legends said that one can become a God through cultivation

A God! A being that can destroy or make world, a being that has an eternal lifepan

An all powerful being that mortals doesn't have a choice but to kneel in front of one

Kence was skeptical about Gods, since this is a cultivation world for Kence Gods are just those who reach a certain cultivation level

A level that will give someone the strength to look down at everyone and call them mere mortals

Even then, Kence was actually excited to awaken a Bloodline. It was like living in a fantasy, unlike in his previous world where there are only ordinary people

Here in this world he can do something that a normal human can't!

Also he was aware that since this is a world that can make someone strong to be called Gods then he was sure that those who are powerful can do whatever they want to the weak

Unfortunately, his father has a trash Bloodline and only managed to cultivate up to the Blood Knight Rank. A realm far too weak in this world and he can only be a poor commoner

When they finished eating Kence help his mother Emily in washing the dishes

As usual his mother teased him and said that he will become a good wife in the future


Inside a manor that is much so better than Kence's house the servants were pacing nervously back and forth

In a certain room an 8 year old kid was lying in bed with pale face. No one knows what happened but the first young master of the house suddenly fainted out of nowhere

While the child's body burned with high fever

A middle-age man frantically run and wherever he went the servants made way for him and bowed with respect

This man was the patriarch of the Aerondale Clan and the most powerful expert in the house who reach the Noble Blood Rank and become a Blood Baron

A nobility!

"Son!!" The middle-age man opened the door forcefully to see his son lying in bed with pale face

He went towards the bed of his son and hold the kid's hand

"S-sven" he called out the name of his son

He looked at the servants "what happened to my son?!" He asked in an aggressive manner

The servant with the highest position kneeled down while his body was trembling

"L-lord we d-don't know. Young Master just suddenly fainted" the servant said, clearly fearing this middle-age man

"HOW CAN MY SON FAINT WITHOUT A REASON?!" the patriarch shouted at all the servants who only bowed their heads. Even they didn't know the answer

"Too noisy" Sven thought. His mind was still messy and he didn't know what happened

Even though his body felt uncomfortable he still tried to opened his eyes and saw an unfamiliar ceiling

He stared at the ceiling for quite some time before his memories slowly settled down

He ignored the shouting from the background and organized his thoughts

"L-lord" one of the servant said when he saw the young master was already awake

"WHAT?!" The patriarch asked angrily

The servant's finger shakily pointed towards the bed where the kid is

The patriarch saw his son was staring at the ceiling with a blank expression on his face

"Son!" He rushed to where his son is and check his condition

"You're awake, how are you feeling?"

Sven looked at his 'father'

"Son?" Sven muttered and that is when all his memory hit him

The Dragon God Emperor!

The Life Extinction Pearl!

The Heavenly Wishing Bell!

He stared with wide eyes at the one who called him his son and look at his own body

The patriarch looking at his son felt quite worried, could it be something happened on his son's mind?

Sven saw that he has the body of a child and thought about the broken Heavenly Wishing Bell

"It made me have a rebirth?" Sven asked himself

"But what about the Life Extinction Pearl?" Sven closed his eyes and tried sensing his body

Unfortunately, he learned that he didn't have any consciousness energy as his new body hasn't started cultivating yet

He binded the Life Extinction Pearl with his blood, although it didn't made him gain a full ownership as its level was too high still he can sense where the treasure is and store it inside his space or body

Although he didn't have any consciousness energy now he still felt some sort of connection with the treasure

It seems that the treasure was still inside him. He felt the Life Extinction Pearl was absorbing something from his body but without consciousness energy he can't inspect the insides of his body

"What can the Life Extinction Pearl absorb in my body without a permission?"

"Could it be!"

Poison! Yes, he can still be considered the pearl's master even if he can't use its full potential

It seems like the pearl was absorbing poisons inside his body, this made him vowed that he will kill the one that poisoned him

When patriarch saw that his son ignored him and closed his eyes he became nervous

"Son are you okay? Answer me"

When Sven heard this he opened his eyes and look at his 'father'

"F-father?" He asked in an unsure tone and he was uncomfortable with it

This was the first time he called someone his father. The feeling was foreign and new to him but looking at the concern from his father's eyes, his heart warmed

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