《My Ordinary Life》Chapter 16-A : The (Goblin Champion) Ordinary Day #4


--- Early Morning at Meridien Forest near Acamar Village ---

I haven't sleep at all and it's already getting bright, I should go back to the village for now.

--- Morning at Acamar Village - Goblin Settlement ---

"Chief, how was it?"

As usual, I know I can rely on Karm. He even wait for me to come back.

"There is nothing to be worried about... How about the preparation to move?"

"It's already done.. We have given our fallen comrade a proper burial, and all important items and foods are already packed. But, we are not ready to move, just yet."

"Hmm? If all the preparation already done, then, why not?"

"Yeah, everyone is working all night to make it possible, and they are resting right now."

Oh, that's right, I can imagine everyone is over-exhausted from all the fighting and the aftermath. They do need to take some rest first.

"How about you chief? You should take a little rest too. You've been up until now, right?"

" . . . But, they might be back."

"There is nothing to be worried about. You are here right now, I will wake you up if I sense any hostile presence out there in the forest."

" . . . But . ."

"It's fine... I already have my rest."

"Then . . I'll take your offer. But, wake me up when everyone is ready to go, we need to move as early as we can."

"Alright, alright."

Then, I go back to my house and take a sleep...

--- Noon at Acamar Village's Chief House - Goblin Settlement ---

"Chief . . wake up"

The one waking me up is Karm, and based from his expression, it means everyone is ready to go.

"Then, gather everyone and start moving."


"yes, Chief!"

Then, Karm go out to gather everyone.

--- Acamar Village - Goblin Settlement ---

When I go out from my house, everyone is already gathered and ready to go.

"Is everyone here!?"

"yes, Chief!"

"We have gone through a hardship, even some of us has lost their lives... But, we are still here, alive! As long as we survive, we can get stronger, stronger, and even stronger! And to be stronger, we need to start anew, explore a new place, learning a new environment, which is why, our next step is to move to a new place and become even stronger! Then . . . Let's Move!!"

*villager cheering

After that little speech I made, in hope to encourage them after the series of hardship we had, we depart to Argent Mountain.

--- Meridien Forest near Acamar Village ---

*huh? Just a moment after we depart, I can sense an unknown aura coming closer to our village. And based on the aura, it seems like it's an ogre.

"Hey, Karm . ."

"What is it, Chief?"

"I want you to stand-in as a Chief, again..."

"Huh? why?"

"I sensed an ogre..."

"Wha - Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it will be bad if we got attacked while moving, right?"

" . . . Alright, but, come back once you finish him."

" . . . Will do."

Then I go back to the village, waiting for the ogre to come.

--- Acamar Village - Goblin Settlement ---

Since he is coming here, means that he noticed us... But, still, it might be not an ogre.

After waiting for a while, I can see an ogre coming closer slowly, but each step he takes can cover a lot of distance. It's really is an ogre, but, it's alone and doesn't have any weapon. Which means, I can defeat him.



Oh, it seems he finally notices me.

*grin *dash

After he confirmed I am here, he become faster. I should prepare myself too.


Once he can reach me, the ogre throws the first blow using his right-hand

*evade *body blow

I evade the punch and throw all of my body to his left-leg. Making the ogre lost balance and fall.

*grin "Gahahaha!"

The ogre then stands up immediately with a grin in his face, from the looks of it, he seems to enjoy this fight.

--- After some blows later ---

The ogre is larger than me, but, his attack pattern is simple, only straight punch and hook, he never used his leg at all. I finally able to defeat him after another 7 hits, but, I too suffered some major injury by getting 2 hits from the ogre.

"*huff *huff . . I don't think I can catch up to Karm and the other in my current condition."

--- Night at Acamar Village - Goblin Settlement ---

without realizing it, it's already dark.

"Since it's already night, I might as well sleep in the village."

*Huh!? This aura . . . Human!? I tried to sense if there is any other ogre nearby, but, instead of ogre, I can feel some other faint aura from the forest which are similar with the human from yesterday.

" . . . 2 . . ? No, there are about 4 of them."

Even in my condition, I should be able to defeat them, but, if they are as strong as that man from before . . .

Wait, I can't show any weakness right now, if they are reinforcement from the previous man, then they should know there are a lot of other goblins in this village, if I got defeated by them, all of my friends and family will be in danger.

*step *step

They are getting closer . . . If it comes to this, I should use that skill...


This skill is really useful, it increases my presence greatly that make others see me as a great threat. With this, they should be wary of my presence and become cautious to get closer.

. . . After a short while, I can't sense their aura anymore, meaning that they are running away from me.

"*sigh . . . It works...!"

It's a really great skill, but, after using this skill, I can't move at all for a while. It really great to frighten those who are trying to survive, but for those who have abandon their lives, like that man from before, I will only give them a sweet chance to beat me.

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