《My Ordinary Life》Chapter 16-2 : The (Silver Sky) Ordinary Day #7


--- Kain City's Dearee Inn's 2F Dan's Room ---

"it's already morning, huh."

I didn't really sleep last night, I might get a bit impatient knowing I can finally do something for captain today.

"Well, I should prepare to go."

After packing some item that might be needed later on, I go to the diner.

--- Kain City's Dearee Inn's Diner ---

Oh, Dia already here...

"Good morning . ."

" . . Morning."

"So, what's for breakfast?"

Sarah comes and asks us what to order like usual.

"Ah, then, 2 breakfast set."

"Alright, 2 breakfast set!"

Then, after eating the breakfast, we both go to the west gate like what we promised yesterday.

--- Kain City's West Gate ---

At the west gate, the raid group is already here, 4 men from Rock Stone group, 2 Men and 1 woman from Rabbit Foot group, 2 women and 2 men from White Silk group, and of course, the guild leader Kazu-san is already here.

"Hey, Dan! Dia! Over here!"

Huh? Oh, the one calling us is Graim standing near Kazu-san, seems like he come here faster than us.

"So, you guys really want to join this raid?"

Once we got there, Kazu-san asked us whether we really want to join or not.

"Of course we are! Right?"

"Yes, of course."

"... yes"

"*Sigh . . . Well, if you guys really want to go, then I will allow it. But, remember, there won't be any rewards for the three of you."

"It's fine, we know."

"Then, you guys are on that couch."

Kazu-san then points to one of the two coaches prepared for the raid.

"Hey, Baurm!"

After Kazu-san called him, Baurm then come.

"What is it, Kazu-san?"

"The Silver Sky will join the raid, they will be boarding the same coach as you guys."


"Hoh.. You guys joining, after all."

"Then, I'll leave them with you."

"Come.. We need to go, right now."


After Graim's response, the three of us board the coach and depart to the Meridien Forest.

--- Kaine Plain ---

Baurm and the three from Rock Stone are huge, they are a bit bigger than Graim, and all of them are wielding a sword and shield. This makes me looks really small...

"So, do you guys have some sort of plan?"

"Well, we don't actually have a solid plan to go with. But, I'm planning to join you guys as the vanguard."

Graim answers what Baurm asked quickly and with confidence.

"Heh, I hope that big shield is not just for show. Then, what about both of you?"

" . . . I'll join the Rabbit Foot formation."

"with your dagger, huh. Then, you will do some supporting with your bow?"

"Ah . . . yeah."

Well, I will scouting the surrounding area, that might be able to be called as supporting . . Right?

"Judging, from your group composition, I assume that Gareth was a main damager and the one thinking of the strategy, huh... He was a good man, I have done some quest with him in the past, before we establish our own group."

Eh? captain's friend? But . . .

"Hmm? what is it?"

"Ah, don't worry about him. You know . . ."

"captain is still alive..."


"Captain is still alive!"

I somehow got mad and shouting, just because he assumed that captain has already dead. But still, he should be still alive out there, somewhere.

" . . . *sigh... Do you really believe what you said?"

" . . . I-I.. I do believe it..."

"Well, just remember not to get in our way."


" . . . alright..."

"Sorry, Baurm... Do forgive him, he is still young."

. . . Huh? Was Graim always thought captain already dead since we run away from that goblin? . . . But, no. First, I need to calm down. Nothing will change even if I got mad...

"It's fine, But, be prepared for what you might see... It's an advice from a veteran."

" . . . "

I want to talk back, but I hold myself. I should preserve my energy, I didn't even get enough sleep last night.

And, we keep going until we reach Meridien Forest, the spot near the goblin settlement.

--- Night in Meridien Forest, Near Goblin Settlement ---

We stop at the spot marked by Silent Woods, as the place to rest and to prepare ourselves for the raid. And the two men from White Silk go to scout the Goblin Settlement.

Some minutes later the two men come back and give their report to Rena. And, after they finish their report to Rena, one of them come to us and started to tell their report to us.

"Everyone, please gather around."

The one asking us to gather is a slender man with a strong but soft voice.

"As the report we got from Silent Woods, the goblin champion is indeed having some bruises all over its body, And it seems, it's alone at the settlement. Our conclusion is there might be another fight happened there, which made him injured all over it's body. And by the looks of it, we can win this fight easier than we thought before. But, to avoid any trap that might be placed, we suggest to launch the raid tomorrow."

"Heh, if there is no error from Silent Woods report, then it should be a breeze."

"Gahaha~ Remember, I will be the vanguard. We should be able to hold the goblin, even if it's not injured at all."

Eh? it's alone? there should be a lot more goblin though. Were the other goblins got killed?

"Graim . . ."

"It's fine, their report should not be wrong."

Seems like Graim also worried about the other goblin, he stopped me even before I finished. But, it's unthinkable for a big group to give out a false report for the upcoming raid, which soon will happen... I should trust them too.

"Don't worry, Dan. You should just do like what you have planned before.. For now, get some sleep. You need some stamina to search someone in this vast forest."

" . . . yeah. You are right."

Then, I go to sleep, hoping I can save captain by tomorrow.

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