《My Ordinary Life》Chapter 16 : The Ordinary Day in Kain City #3.5


--- in front of Kain City's City Hall ---

When we reach the City Hall, it's really different with what I saw this morning. Right now, there is not many people in sight.

"Hey, Taka. Over here."

Huh? While I was looking around, Cress already at the gate waiting for me.


--- Kain City's City Hall ---

Before we get into the City Hall, we are required to check our wrist-card first. Of course we have no trouble at all. Once we pass through the gate, we get inside the first room. This room is even larger than the one I saw at merchant guild, they even have stairs leading to second floor, and it looks even more spacious with less people wandering around.

"Let's go."

Then Cress guide me into one of the receptionist desk, and ask to let us in.

"Since both of you have no invitation letter, then you have to go from the front door over there."

"Alright, come Taka."

Huh? so they have invitation letter for the guild practical test? I thought this test is not that stiff.

"Hey, Cress.."


"This guild test . . . How many times does it held in a year?"

"You don't know? Guild test is held once a year across the kingdom at the same time."

Once a year!? But, across the kingdom? Is it held at the same time then?

"Across the kingdom?"

"Yeah, the date and content of the test will be organized together and they will held the guild test almost at every city in Friansh Kingdom."

Friansh Kingdom? Is that the name of this kingdom? But, they do held the test at the same time, means that some people can move to a weaker place and take a test over there then.. Though, I don't know what about Kain City.

"Taka, here we are."

After walking straight in a short hallway, we reach yet another door, which supposed to lead us to the training ground.

--- Kain City's City Hall's Training Ground ---

The training ground is as large as the one I saw at the guild. Wait, it's larger, there are chairs placed on three sides of the ground, leaving a space in the middle and a path to the left-side.


". . . Hey, Cress. Isn't it too crowded?"

Yeah, even though there are so many chairs around, all the chairs are already taken, there are even some who stand behind those chairs.

"Well, for now, let's check how the test being carried out."

. . . So I take a look at the middle of the training ground, there are 2 young man and 2 man wielding a weapon. The 2 man are wielding a sword, while the 2 young man wield a different weapon, one of them wielding a 2-handed sword, and the other one wielding a spear. The men seems to be holding back, they took most of their time to defend, and slipping a counter once in a while. But, since they are using a wooden weapon, seems like they won't get killed through this test.

"Alright, time's up!! We'll be moving on to the next group."

Time's up? Oh, are they being tested right now?

"The next Test Takers! Kurt from group A, and Minna from group B."

"Alright, we don't miss her practical test."

"A short reminder for the evaluators. Kurt, a man from Kain City aiming to be merchant, and Minna a young woman from Daren Village aiming to be adventurer."

Huh? Merchant? This test is not only for adventurer? Not only that, that man called Kurt is might be in his 20's.

"Hey, Cress. Is there no requirement to take the test?"

"Hmm? Oh, yes, everyone can take the test. Sometime there might be a former knight, a farmer, or maybe a butler looking for a better status or a way to earn money. It's not that rare."

Oh, so it's like giving a chance for whoever wants to change their job.

"Then, does a merchant also need to do some mock battle?"

"Hmm? Hahaha, of course no . . They are having a different test. Take a look."

Oh, different from the adventurer who being asked to choose a weapon, that man is being asked to choose some items, there are clothes, ore, wood, herbs, and fruits.

"Hmm.. Talking about merchant . . I remember there is something I need to buy. Hey, Taka, want to go to the market area?"

. . . Eh!? What? Minna doesn't even have done choosing her weapon, why should we go right now? But . . . It might be a bit hard to stand alone in this crowd. So, without watching Minna, we go to the market area.


--- Kain City's Market Area ---

Huh!? It's totally different from the last time I come here. Right now, all the stall is open, and more people come and go around.

"Cress, why is it so different from yesterday?"

"Hmm? Well, it's because of the guild test. You see, for us travelling merchant, this kind of opportunity is kind of rare. Actually, we are able to rent a space and open our own stall at any time, but, we usually fall on the red. But, with this kind of event going, we are having more customers than usual, and we can gain some profit. Though, most of us are happy enough we are allowed to do this, since it's one of our dream to build our own shop."

. . . So, these stalls are mostly popped up when an event being held.

"a dream . . . huh?"

"Hmm? What is it, Taka?"

"Huh? ah, nothing. . So, What do you want to buy?"

"That's right, actually I want to buy the Cool-breeze Gem. You know, since I just bought all those drinks."

"Cool-breeze Gem?"

"Hmm? It's shaped like this . . ."

Then Cress showed me a square-shaped bluish rock which he previously put onto a water pouch, though the color looks a bit faint than what I remember.

"That's . . . a gem?"

"Yup, and the one I'm looking for right now should have a green and blue color."

Then after looking around the market area for a while, we finally found a stall selling all kind of gem.

"Hey, Cress . . Long time no see."

"Hmm? Oh, Gaztea . . So you really are around Kain City nowadays."

"Gahaha... It turns out I can do better around here."

"Hoo, really? I might be interested to hear about that."

"Hoho.. I do want to share some story with you, but, what do I gain from it...?"

This Gaztea is a stall-keeper in his 30's with a loud but a bit hoarse voice, asking with a bit cunning-look on his eyes.

"Hahaha... It might be better to share it sometime in the future, then."

"So, are you looking for some rare gem? If so, I can offer you this Heat-keeper Gem, a gem which can keep you warm at any time."

"Nope, But I am looking for some gems. Do you have Cool-breeze Gem?"

"Cool-breeze Gem? . . . Oh! damn, you sly old man."

"Hmm? Kuhaha... Seems like you really are a veteran merchant."

"How many do you need?"

"Six of them, please."

"Alright, alright.. Wait a minute."

. . . I can't catch anything they are talking about.

"Here we are, 6 of Cool-breeze Gems. Anything else?"

"Ah, no, that's all."

"Then, it's 300 silver coin."

"300 silver coin? Are you sure?"

. . . Whoa 300 silver? is he overcharging?

"Yeah, sure. Just help me when you have become rich, okay?"

" . . . Hahaha... Alright, just don't regret about it later."

Eh? Then, 300 silver is cheap? What is that gem!?

"Hmm? Ah, it's getting dark, Taka, we need to hurry back."


"Well then Gaztea, see you later."

"Yeah, see you later."

"Come, Taka, we need to be there before Minna comes out."

Oh, that's right, Minna. Then, we hurry to the City Hall.

--- in front of Kain City's City Hall ---

Well, Minna already waiting for us. So, we go straight to her.

"*Hmph. Where were both of you?"

"I have something to buy, so we went to the market area."


"Ah, but we actually saw you in the practical test."

". . . Really?"

"Ye- yeah, you are with that merchant guy in your practical test, right?"

Well, that's all I know though.

"Uncle Taka and Cress-san really there?"

"O-of course we are. Right, Cress?"

Then, Cress join me after reading the situation.

"Yup, you were showing a really impressive move out there."

"Heheh. Of course I am. I don't even need to wait for the result tomorrow, I already know, starting tomorrow Minna will be an adventurer!"

"Ah, it's getting dark already, let's eat."

Yeah, Cress is really good to change the subject just like that, does every merchant like him?

Then, as usual we go have our dinner at Arme Diner before going back to the inn and end our day.

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