《The Port Coulee Files》Chapter 27


Arthur lay on his back as his chest moved up and down as rapidly as it could. Though pain radiated through his limbs, he just enjoyed the subtle movement of the clouds above. He was alive, and if pain was the indicator of that, well he would enjoy it for the moment. He had checked his wounds earlier and though they would need to be treated to prevent infection, none of them looked particularly dangerous.

A large breath of air left his lungs as his brain replayed the fight again and again. Though he could relax, the fear of the beasts was still there in the background. A shadow that trailed each of his thoughts. A large sigh later and he slowly sat up and let his attention shift to the three men down the hill, the three that looked a bit more composed.

Was this a standard event for them?

Arthur couldn’t help but wonder as he stood to head towards them. With each step their conversation became clearer and clearer and his confusion only deepened. A helicopter, a football game, and a laptop. There was nothing about the incident that just happened.

“Mr Wade!” A familiar voice yelled up towards him as a man turned his way. A second of confusion passed before he recognized the frame. It was Eldridge Skarn, a Detective for the Port Coulee PD. Though they only met on the occasion, when the two departments worked together, it was still enough to recognize the man.

“Mr Skarn,” Arthur said as he slowed down in his pace, the trained side of him recommending caution. “Can’t say I would expect to see you out here. Though,”

He continued as he took in more of the area around him. The car, the hillside, the bridge. “It seems like you didn’t plan to be either.”

“Truth be told, I would much rather be home as well,” He laughed as he pointed to the car.

“What about yourself, what brought you to such an out of the way location.” The man continued, though his eyes narrowed a bit.

“There were some hikers that’ve gone missing,” Arthur paused for a moment as he gathered his thoughts.

“A friend of mine asked me to search for them, then I heard an avalanche and was afraid someone might’ve been caught in the area.” He continued as his hand gestured to the ground below him.

“Lo and behold, here you guys are. Right in the middle of some…” Arthur paused once more as he searched for the right words. “Unorthodox and spontaneous animal assault.”

“Well some days just aren't my day,” Eldridge answered as he softened his stance and stuck his hands in his pants pockets. “Though if I recall, you were the one who found the unorthodox animals in the first place.”

“Mayhaps,” Arthur replied as he turned to the shorter man, the one he swore he saw one of the rats obey earlier.


His gaze shifted and studied everything he could. Unfortunately, aside from his near nakedness the only thing off was the strange leather glove the man wore on his right hand. A sigh left his lungs as he fought between asking about the events or letting this day drift into the winds. These three clearly knew more than they let on, but did he risk it. In case they would protect their secret with everything they had?

“I’m sure you have questions,” The biggest of the three said as he walked forward, his frame daunting. Though he wasn’t bulky, he was sturdy, and full of earned confidence. “And we have answers, though it might be best if we head to a more open area, these woods are dangerous.”

Arthur glanced behind him, pondered for a few seconds, before he finally acquiesced the request. “Smart man, the name’s C by the way.” The built man answered. “This of course is Eldridge, and the final man is Mr Kim.”

“Nice to meet ya,” Arthur said as nonchalantly as he could, his thoughts still shadowed by the fight earlier. “Arthur Wade, for those I've just met.”

Eldridge’s hands fidgeted slightly before it looked like he made a decision.

“It looks like the battle earlier has left you a bit scared. Might I try something that should help?”

Arthur turned to his acquaintance and examined him, it was clear this question was hard for him. The real question was why, was he planning something. Arthur shook those thoughts out of his head, from the little he’s known and interacted with the man, he’s always been genuine if not a bit distant.

“Very well,” Arthur answered, that shadow still haunting him.

With his best effort, he held himself still as the man touched the back of his head. The shadow of thoughts went rampant, and Arthur could almost swear he heard them scream as a calming wave crashed against them.

“There, that should help.” Eldridge answered as he backed away.

“So,” Cee said as he drew everyone’s attention once more. “You’ve found yourself in a unique situation. From what we know something is going on around Port Coulee and Lake Ian,” He began. “Someone has released radiation or something, an energy of some sort at least. This is causing mutations among the wildlife in the area.”

“I see, but what about you guys,” Arthur asked as he thought back to the battle, to that wave at the end, that dome he swore he saw. It was clear not all of the strange events were wildlife related.

“We have...” The shortest, Kim if Arthur remembered, began before a massive voice boomed through his head.

“The bond facilitates the Xenoid, The Bonded generates the Xenoid” The powerful voice began, though Arthur was certain he heard no sound.

As he turned, he found he unconsciously took a half step back as a massive horse stood behind Cee. The mane and tail moved as if they were alight with fire, the body almost molten in design.


“Xenoid, an energy forign to your Earth, to your universe. It is why,” The voice continued and Arthur noticed the rest of the group had also turned towards the being.

“It is why we were sent here,” The horse said as it began to walk softly towards one of the dead beasts. “Exiled to the dregs of the multiverse, sentenced to forever lack that which allowed us to stand at the top. We of the twelve fought and lost a war so long ago.”

The horse needled one of the dead rats, and Arthur could’ve sworn he saw hunger and sadness flutter across its face.

“Over the years our power has waned, until most of us now are not much more than a stronger form of our mortal brethren. We accepted such a life, yet here we are, powerless as one from our number has gone missing. Ocel and I have traced the location to this area, and were surprised when we found a Xenoid shell, an impossibility on a planet such as this, in a universe such as this. “

Arthur listened, unsure of what to make of half of the story. Though it was unlikely to be totally untrue as a molten horse stood and narrated it for him.

“For now, we need you all to get stronger, and you young Arthur. To answer your question you must find and bind a Xenoid rich beast. Only through this branch can you grow.” The horse continued.

“How?” Arthur found himself asking before his brain even caught up.

“These three can assist you as you will find yourself assisting them.” The horse answered as he walked up toward Cee and laid his head on the man’s shoulder.

Arthur stood and watched as the horse melted and slowly transformed in the overcoat he saw the man wearing earlier. With that understanding, Arthur turned towards the glove once more.

“Let’s get you that beast!” Falreath said as he patted Arthur on the back and snapped him from his contemplation.


Eldridge sat, his feet crossed, hands on his knees as his mind sought the minds of those around him. He had mentally muted the noise of his friends and their bonds as he sent himself out farther. Mind after mind passed him by and he ignored most of them, having recently learned the difference between the natural mind and the Xenoid enhanced one.

“Duck,” He muttered as his mind flitted across a Xenoid beast. A tap from somewhere distant was felt on his shoulder and he moved on. “Squirrel,” He said once more, and once more the tap was felt. He let out a sigh and, though he thought a squirrel would be cute, moved on, deeper into the forest. He was unsure of the animal Arthur favored, but he would at least try his best to find it.

Minutes passed and more and more xenoid minds fluttered across his senses. “Eagle,” He said as he prepared to pass on. This time he felt a tap on his head, a new signal. With renewed passion Eldridge grabbed ahold of the eagle’s mind and clamped down.

Suddenly Eldirdge struggled as he felt himself in freefall, his arms outstretched as the wind flew underneath. Another instant passed before he righted himself and understood he now found himself inside the mind of the eagle. He must have clamped so hard he overtook the beast.

A part of Eldridge questioned whether or not he could get back, he held that thought at bay as he searched the link to his own body. Locating it, he felt his body turn as if it was the most natural thing in the world. The wind under his belly, the forest outstretched before him, the river in the distance. This was definitely one of the most memorable moments of his life.

His body jerked as he caught sight of some movement in the forest below. Before he could understand what was happening, his body was in a nose dive, the instincts of the Eagle having taken over. A screech left his mouth as he prepared to pick up a rodent in mid dart.

Eldridge steadied his mind and fought to bring the beast back onto course. A second passed and Eldridge struggled before the wings went out and the eagle coasted back into a glide. A mental sigh let him as he got that out of the way and did his best to keep the eyes on the horizon, using the old out of sight out of mind attage.

Finally, as he felt his body nearly underneath himself, he gently began to descend. Round and round he went before he finally tucked his wings and held out his claws. The arm of Arthur underneath to catch him.

“What now?” Arthur asked as Eldridge felt himself fighting between the bird and his own mind. Being so close to his body, his mind wanted to return to what was his own. If he did that, however, he was unsure of how the bird might act. So he kept himself in the beast, as the discussion continued around him.

“I’m not sure, I simply held out my hand.” Byung answered. Eldridge felt his little head move to the side as he tried to get a better view.

“I will aid, as Ocel has done in the past” Cyprus’s voice echoed through Eldridge’s mind, almost strong enough to break the hold he had over the Eagle.

Just as he regained control, he felt a slap echo across his face and his view once more changed.

Eldridge’s back slammed against the ground as he let out a groan, though pain shot through his body, his headache took all his focus. His mind grew fuzzy as he tried to gather his thoughts. The fuzziness left briefly before all went black.

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