《The Tree of Life's Step Child》Broadening the Horizons


Multiple layers of square arenas floated above and next to each other in a four by four by four set up. Each platform’s environment was different than the next; one was filled with smoke, one had flowers, another had lava spewing out. This is because of the various abilities of the fighters. The scenery of each arena changed with each passing second. Cheers and boos echoed throughout the stadium continuously from the millions of spectators.

As he watched the multiple battles going on at the same time, Arbor felt faint connections with some of the contestants. Ironically enough, he's contestants possess some power of nature. One of them used wood, another flowers, another used some type of vine, and one used leaves. He gave these people extra attention.

Although Arbors cultivation is low and some battles were too far of a distance for him to watch, he was able to spectate any match with ease. He quickly found out that whatever match he focused on would be magnified in front of him like his own personal screen to watch. This completely amazed him. Also quickly figured out that a barrier surrounded each battle, preventing him I'm feeling the repercussions of each fight.

From the crowd in Vulcan felt multiple eyes upon him and Arbor. Unfortunately he was not able to pinpoint who these gazes belonged to, only the vicinity. This is due to him being More of a physical fighter and not someone who relied on spells and battle skills to fight. Thus his senses were not up to his peers. Volcan speculated that these people specialized in hiding their presence, making it more difficult for him. Therefore he mused that they were an existence on the same level as himself.

Throughout the day the two stayed at the arena with the hope of Arbor formulating ideas on how to effectively use his abilities in battle. Skills that change form continuously, vicious humanoid beasts, weapon based battles, elemental battles, people whose bodies were created a different substance, and some other skills that Arbor was unable to comprehend were the majority of winning battles. What he figured out was that the only limit to what people could achieve is their imagination.

Towards the later half of the day, Volcan noticed Arbor getting lost in his thoughts. “Ye want to stay or leave?”

“Are these people fighting slaves or are they doing it for glory?” Arbor quietly asked.

“Those markings between their brows, are a physical and a brand on the soul. Those are the unfortunate whom have been turned into slaves. Some fight for wealth, while others fight for glory. Why, is something bothering you?” A simple explanation from Vulcan confirmed his speculation.

Arbor’s right eye started to twitch due to the anger and irritation he was feeling. The thought of slaving people to fight until the death for their own personal gain irked him.


“Fucking... despicable.” Arbor clenched his fists and ground his teeth. After a deep sigh he spoke again, “Oh well, it's not like I have the ability to do anything right now anyways.”

“I think I've seen enough here. I want to process my thoughts and ideas.” Arbor stood up and walked towards the exit. Volcan followed.

Soon, the two arrived at a lavish inn located near the center of the city. A two small bedroom house built out of gems and precious metals. A luscious garden and yard surrounding the house. As soon as Arbor entered the gate he felt the dense essence in the air that is not inferior to that of the golden forest.

During the next couple of days Arbor stayed underneath a tree comprehending what he observed at the arena and how he can morph those observations into his own skills. He only moved when he needed to eat, sleep, or use the bathroom. Sadly, he is still part mortal.

Unbeknown to Arbor, a few unknown assailants entered the grounds of the resident, but were slain by Volcan. Luckily these assassins were ants compared to Volcan. What he couldn’t understand is if these people were after him or Arbor. He requested for a formation master to strengthen the formation around their residence while he went about his own business. Of course, this was all for Arbor’s protection.

At the end of the day, Volcan decided that they were strong practitioners who could sense the aura that Arbor gives off. As someone who naturally opposes what they believe in or pursue, these people would want to eliminate such a person before they could mature.

As the sun sat high in the sky, Arbor rose from the ground and decided to make a trip into the market. Before he stepped foot out of the formation he remembered what he had been told, “Enemies will naturally find you.” Thus, went to see if Volcan is within the residence.

Reluctantly, Arbor timidly set out on his own as Volcan is missing. His curiosity of what he could find with the city outweighed what danger he assumed he could be in. The second he left the formation, a few people in the area diverted their attention towards him. On this day Arbor noticed the amount of armored guards on the streets. He couldn’t recall if he didn’t take notice of this the first day he arrived or if something had changed.

Arbor stopped in each and every store out of curiosity. What does this new world that he has been born into hold? What type of “technology” has been developed? After transmigrating from a world that advanced in the direction of electricity, computers, and science, Arbor was eager to find out the equivalent areas.

He found communication crystals that work similar to cell phones, mystical orbs that store information, weapons that are capable of things he never imagined possible, talismans that store energy for different spells, medicine to regrow missing limbs, materials good for rebuilding bodies. Arbor only wished that he had money to buy these miscellaneous items from stores. Many vendors try to swindle Arbor into buying cheap items. What they didn’t know is that Arbor is poor and much older than the eleven year old boy he appeared to be.


All the while Arbor was walking in and out of the stores, the same few figures that trailed him from his residence browsed the same stores while he was in there. These figures were not out to assassinate him. They were more or less checking on a sliver of a feeling that Arbor was giving them. Unlike those who were killed by Volcan, these people are not at the same level of cultivation. So, they cannot tell at first glance what this feeling is.

Some hours later Arbor found himself outside the cities auction hall and was eavesdropping on nearby conversation.

“I heard a full set of low grade god tier armor and a sword are being auctioned off.”

“Ten Cosmic Talisman...”

“A lump of Cloud Titanium ten meters in diameter…”

All of the chatter of what was being auctioned off meant nothing to Arbor. But what he heard next did.

“I hereby announce that a mystery object crafted by the Venerable Volcan Duskback will be auctioned off as today's main event. The auction officially starts in thirty minutes.” A worker stepped out of the front door to the auction house.

A brief silence was disrupted by a loud uproar. Discussion broke out everywhere in the area surrounding the auction house, people disappeared, and flocks of people flooded into the auction house.

“Excuse me Sir. Sir!” Arbor screamed in order to get the attention of the auction house worker who just made the announcement. “Senior!”

“How can I help you?” The worker appeared disgusted after turning around to be met by an unsupervised young boy. Although his cultivation is above average and may possess outstanding talent, he appears backgroundless. He wouldn’t give someone who doesn’t have a strong backing any special attention.

“Can you relay a message to the high and mighty Venerable Volcan Duskback for me?” Arbor asked in a sarcastic tone.

The worker squinted his eyes and furrowed his brows. Arbor could tell that getting is message to Volcan is going to be difficult because of the worker.

“What benefits would I get out of relaying a message to Venerable Volcan for you, a lonely child who is still probably breast fed by your mother?” The guard sneered.

“What a cunt. Is this guy seriously talking to a child like this?” Arbor thought to himself.

“I have not been breastfed from my mother in nine years senior.”

The worker grunted before replying, “Then you must…”

“Last year I started sucking on your mothers tit’s instead.”

The worker’s aura exploded at this. The nearby city guards rushed over to investigate and found a middle aged man about to attack a child, which they quickly stopped.

Minutes passed by as Arbor told the guards a different story of what happened to the guards to plead his innocence.. Would they believe a young boy or a middle aged man? Arguing between the guards Arbor, the worker, and the guards continued on.

At this moment, a figure draped in black started to approach Arbor with a small dagger in the palm of their hand. Coincidently, as this person approached, Arbor simultaneously began to take off his pouch that held his egg to hold it in front of him like a prized possession. The mysterious person examined the symbol of the tree on the back of Arbors clothing.

“Haven’t I been told about this tree symbol before? Wait...oh fuck. I remember. This isn’t worth...” A devastating pressure descended upon the dark dressed man, driving him into the ground and creating an imprint of his body in the ground.

“Stay yer hand!” A booming voice echoed throughout the city. Shortly after, a hammer the size of a building, came crashing down on the unknown character. Replacing the outline of the cultivator is six foot deep crater.

The city guards left after cleaning up the scene and informing that the attack was viable and they apologize for not noticing sooner.

“Boy, this is th’ reason I wanted ya to remain in tae dwellin’. Yer too sacred of an existence to be by yer self.”

As the two spoke, that same worker stood in a daze. That kid actually knows the Venerable Volcan? What is his relation to him? “That's not Venerable Volcan Duskback. He wouldn’t come out here for a small child.”

“Volcan are you implying that this person was going to kill me? It’s because of what I am destined to be, right? When Master Haoshe said that enemies will naturally be attracted to be, this is what he meant right? I assume that person is someone who has sided with the dark side, or the existence that would be opposite to Master Mo, death right?” Arbor thought out loud.

“Ye can’t tell now but when ya start to comprehend the laws ye will be sensitive ta those who comprehend opposing ones.” Volcan explained.

“And since I will become the God of Na-” Arbor began to speak.

“Thats nough. Let's go to the auction and see how much money I’ll make.” Volcan abruptly grabbed Arbor and brought him into the auction house.

As Arbor walked by that same worker he spoke, “You are the one sucking your mothers tit instead.”

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