《Just Luck》Book 1 - Chapter 3 - Tolerance


Before he wanted to interfere, Luther wanted to see if anyone else would jump to the girl's aid, but it never did.

"Garbage." The word rang in his head looking at the people surrounding the group of boys. The guards who stood by and watch as a little girl was beaten mercilessly in front of them without raising a finger, the spectators whom, instead of speaking up, whispered to each other to create tomorrows morning gossip and the boys who were standing there beating this girl half to death because of some senseless pride. All were declared garbage in Luther's mind and so he had enough of this nonsense. He put his groceries down by the bench and approached the boys.

But Luther didn't want to escalate the situation, his only goal was to save the little girl from the boys. Although he was furious, his personal training in days of old allowed him to form a calm composure approaching the boy for a peaceful solution, a peace which he had always strived for.

Hold everything back, he had tapped the boy on the shoulder.

"What the FUCK do you want" The Jezebelle boy had yelled as he turned around to face Luther.

"HEEEEEE!" The boy squealed as he jumped back at the sight of the one-eyed man.

"Sorry boys, could you leave the girl with me"

Putting on a fake smile, Luther had calmly approached the boys before they could get their bearings. He hoped that he could frighten the boys enough so that he could just take the little girl and leave. He hoped that this whole nightmare for this young girl would be over. He hoped that some shred of luck would allow this situation to end peacefully. However, no such Luck existed.

"FUCK OFF!" the boy yelled "This Bitch is mine" The boy had yelled without a shred of remorse for his actions


Luther just stood their staring at the boy with his eye void of emotion, staring at something he hated the most.

"What?" Asked the little boy sarcastically.

"You want to save her? You think I'm evil? She's the evil of our city, spreading dirt and scum all over our beautiful city. She's the evil!"

Luther's face went dark.

"Who are you to judge, look at your face, you look like a fucking monster you peasant."

Luther stood there motionless

"Let's go throw this bitch in the harbour."

Ignoring Luther, The Jezebelle boy had told the rest of his group to leave. One boy grabbed the girl by her hair like he was dragging a dead carcass and they turned around and started walking away. However, they were only able to take one or two steps before they felt something behind them that stopped them dead in their tracks, unwilling to move another muscle. It was like standing in front of a lion that had his cubs slaughtered.

"Don't move." a small voice said under the voice of its breath spoke with rage fitting of its appearance. The atmosphere turned into one of a tense battlefield; one wrong move, and they would lose their life. People around the scene also couldn't move in fear of what might happen next. The killing intent of Luther was so great, even the guards had trouble breathing while standing completely still.

Luther's head starting racing, memories flooding his brain.

"Hah, just another piece of garbage" a man throwing him outside the carriage.

"if you didn't exist, she wouldn't have died!" a drunk that beat him every day that said that to him before the drunk beat him.

"H-Help me.... please." His best friend spoke before his final moments.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO" him screaming as his friend laid dead in his arms.


"Luther, this is your now, please take good care of it." The last words of his mother as she gave him the family heirloom.

Screaming and terror-filled memories filled his mind, taking over the rational part of his brain that kept his sanity in check. Looking at the bloodied girl lying unconscious on the ground, his desire for peace warped into a desire to rid the world of evil.

"Leave the girl" He said losing all the manors of politeness in his speech that took him years to learn.

"If you pieces of trash want to keep your arms and legs."

The boys slowly turned around to face a true monster. Luther's calm and peaceful demeanour was gone and was replaced by the embodiment of rage. There stood the Everleade's Grand Devil.

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