《Muna Miracle》Not a chapter, but...Who needs a map!


Sorry for not posting guys. If I had to make a comparison, my week has felt like I jumped into a sandblaster. Just stop for a moment and try to imagine what that would feel like. Humor me and just try to. I got a head cold so my throat feels like, well sandpaper, my whole body aches, and my workload didn't decrease even if it was a vacation week.

But there is some good news. For starters, I have been using a good deal of my time to edit what I have already posted and just shine it up a little. I changed some plot bits slightly up to chapter 8 so if you want to go back and run over them your welcome too. I also have been working on this little beauty.

Who needs a map counter: 1

For all you who get that reference, that's great, consider it my bad joke of the chapter. For all who don't let me just say you're missing out. Now, it's just a rough map and is NOT the entire world. This is just a fraction of the world and the local area that Vol 1 will be based in. Vol 2...Already have some ideas down, but it's still in the dream phase.

I should be able(Hopefully) to get a chapter out by tomorrow night, and if not, Sunday. That is...if nothing bad happens again. You would think with all the bad luck I've been having this week I must have picked up a cursed treasure or something?

Credits to http://inkarnate.com/ for providing me the tools to build this awesome map.

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