《Dream World Online》Chapter 7 - Tutorial Part 1


My character was resurrected at the same spot when I died. I quickly hide behind a building and looking at the situation around the village. I could see some of the building were destroyed and all. The only thing that different from before was, not like before, the village now crowded by people. All of them was NPC though, how could I know? Well even though in this game the name of other player and NPC were hidden. There is a floating small –sized diamond thingy above their head, white color mean they’re NPC, green mean they’re friendly player, light purple/pink? Mean they’re player who just attacked another player, red mean they’re PK’er (player who killed another player), and some other color which for now still unknown. Well I want to ask them what just happened to the village. But still I don’t really like talking to other people, even if they’re NPC. It would be easier if I could just ask someone who I already know, so I decide to call Kain.

“Kain, I summon you” I saw some kind of light appeared from nowhere and starting to materialize into human shape. After some time the light finally able to fully materialize into the mini-sized Kain.

“So, what you’re saying is true. But you know, you’re kinda cute when in that form” I tried to take revenge about what he do to me before, but he just ignored my word again.

“What do you need?” Kain asked me while seem annoyed.

“How do I add another player as a friend” I didn’t forget my promise with that girl, well I don’t want her grandfather spirit to haunt me if I broke my promise (he was still alive though).

“The central system programmed me to provide the tutorial when my master ask it, you’ll know about that friend thing when you finish the tutorial. so do you want to do the tutorial?”



Your Guardian Spirit have offered the game tutorial to you, do you want to accept it?


“Yes, I accept it”


You have accepted to do the game tutorial, please follow your Guardian Spirit’s guide. To end the tutorial just ask your Guardian Spirit


“Now try to wave your hand, move to right, left, forward, backward, and jump three times”

What kind of guide is that? Aren’t you supposed tell me everything step by step. But arguing with him won’t just solve the problem, I should just do what he said.

Just like what Kain guided, I was waving my hand, walking to the right and left side, going forward and backward, and the last jumping three times. I finished the task that Kain give me. But wait, The NPC were looking at me, I can’t believe I’m doing embarrassing thing like that in front a lot of peoples. Are those movements too flashy? I forgot that there were NPC around me. I hide myself on the gap between destroyed buildings and a window suddenly appeared in front of me.


You’ve finished the basic movement tutorial, do you want to keep continuing the tutorial?


I don’t know if he was just messing around with me or being serious, but I have to finish the tutorial. In every game I played, I always find that the tutorial was a great help for me. Well I don’t need to asking people how to do something when I finished the tutorial.

“Before we continue it can we go somewhere more less crowded?”

Kain and I was going to outside part of the village’s gate, on our trip there we overheard some of the NPC conversation

“Do you know it seem The God had successfully summoned the heroes to our world, now they’re preparing themselves for future war” I could hear a merchant was talking spreading the word. Wait does that heroes mean us, The player?


“They’re immortal, the messenger from the central kingdom said that they can come back to life after dying” now it was the bard that talking, well yeah we need two hours though to be respawned.

“Mom, are those heroes will fight that monster?” like hell I could kill that dragon, I even still could remember that nightmare about it. Wait, are that kid here too when that dragon attacked this village? But last time this village was completely empty, except for those soldiers. Where did they go before?

When we almost reach the gate, I could saw a soldier was guarding the village’s entrance. Well the gate was not in a good condition though, it top part was destroyed, there’s debris scattered around it, even the crack on the wall seem like with one more damage it will collapse.

“Stop, where are you going?” the soldier stopped me from stepping out from the village.

“erm, taking a walk?” I tried to make an excuse

“It’s dangerous for youngster like you to step out from the village—“ he didn’t finish his sentence, unexpectedly his expression showing that he was shocked.

“you’re the youngster from before, how could you still alive after that. Are you one of those her—“ I stopped him before he could finish it. I giving him the gesture to not tell anyone and keep it as a secret, he nodded. He seem to understand it.

“Well if it you, I think it okay for you to step out from the village. Before you go, If you’re really one of them, you’ll need this thing. Her goodness will help your journey” he hands me some kind of rolled old paper.

Item Acquired

The Map of Unknown Location

RaritySpecial Item

A soldier has given you this map to help you through you journey. Find the hidden location in the map to get the blessing from The Goddess

I haven’t even finished the tutorial and already get this thing. I’ll take a look at it later then

“While you still get that thing in your hand I will give you a lesson about inventory and item interface” Kain suddenly talked

“To open your inventory you just had to said Open Inventory, well you can change the keyword for this kind of action in Option though” it unexpectedly pretty simple.

“Wait, do that mean I can do same with the Guardian Spirit interface?” I asked him a question

“well technically yes” then why do he make me do all those concentrating thing before.

“Back to our first topic. When you touched an item, that item will automatically be transported to your inventory” but I already touched this map thingy but nothing happen

“What about this item?” I tried to asking him that

“Some special item’s can’t be stored at your inventory and will always on it materialize form, now try to open you inventory” aren’t that mean if it was some kind of supersized item, I have to carry it around? Well, I doubted that there will be that kind of items though. For now I just going to do what Kain told me.

“Open inventory”

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