《Dream World Online》Chapter 4 - Sudden Death


Two day had already passed since the chat room incident, and three hours remaining before DWO server opened. “Brother, breakfast was ready” I could hear my sister’s voice through the door and the sound of knocked door.

“It morning already, I want to sleep again”

I complaining to myself while preparing to go down stairs. If I'm going to sleep, I don’t know what she will do to me. Last time she almost burnt my bed because of that. When other people see her maybe she seem like a cute little sister’s but she was a real sadistic inside. Just like everyday my sister was watching the news while eating.

“Brothers look at the news, that woman killed her lover because he was two timing her and keep his corpse in her house for a week, aren’t it romantic she killed her lover because she doesn’t want him to be with other person” which part of that was romantic. There something strange with her head.

“You should stop reading those novel Yuki” we only had one year difference, but these past day I bought those shady looking novel for them, well she was asking for a genre that she never read before. I think I should stop spoiling her.

“So brother how’s the game that you bought last months. Does it fun?” she asking me while chewing a toast.

“Well, the server hasn’t been opened, I have to wait a few day more”

“You know, mom and dad will start scolding you if you bought useless thing” my sister seem to threatening me about that.

“Mom and dad always going overseas, they wouldn’t know about it. And what do you think they would do when they know their little daughter destroying thing in our house” I give her a small threatening smile. I could see she frowned and continue to watch the news.


Our parent rarely at home, so there is only the two of us here.

“You should try playing it Yuki. some of the quest had that kind of romantic plot, maybe you’ll like it” I try to make her come into the same world as me. I had already try to do this before, but she always seem that she wasn’t interested. I think she will decline my request too this time. But I was wrong. Wait, are those puppy eyes she was making?

“What are you doing? You’re creeping me out” I don’t really want to hurt her feeling, but it was the first time she was making that kind of face

“Will you bought me one of those device?” I think I just had pressed some weird switch on her head.

“You already said it, mom and dad will scold me if I bought useless things” I said what she told me before, a bit teasing her.

“I won’t tell any of them, and I will let you make a request for tonight dinner” where does she get that business sense? I’ve never seen her talking to other people apart from me.

“Only tonight?” I ask her again just to make sure, and if can extended it for a week.

“Will you buy it or not, well I could give you some special treatment to for a week” I saw an evil smile on her face. She was in her sadistic mode.

“Sure, but it will take a week for the device to arrived and can be installed” having my sister playing DWO isn’t a bad idea, I wonder what kind of reaction she will make when facing one of the monster there. I was laughing hard in my mind.

“Thank you brother, patience is just another form of love. Waiting is not a big problem for me” here goes her dramatic personality again. I don’t think I’ll need to teach her anything, she was a fast learner. She will understand about the game after she read the manual.


After taking a quick bath and finished my breakfast I goes back to my room. It was just half an hour before the server opened. i decide to order the device for my sister’s before entering the game. The clock was showing 08:42 AM. Eighteen minutes remaining, it was the longest half an hour in my life. I could hear the clock sound every second. when my alarm suddenly ringing. I know it was the time, I immediately entered the device. I could hear the same woman-like computer voice.

“Please say the word” somehow I don’t really like it when she say it like that.


I opened my eyes and see a view of a beautiful village, I had been transferred to my starting point. But it strange, a starting point usually filled with NPC and I can’t even see a any people here. “Where are the NPC?” I was looking around when I saw a few soldiers waving their hand to my direction from behind a wall. Maybe they know something.

“Can I ask something?” it was then when I could hear that they’re yelling something.

“G—aw-y –ro- the—“ I couldn’t clearly heard what they say, so I wait there until I could see their face. But there’s something strange here. Their expression show that they’re terrified by something, and then one of them was yelling again.

“Go away from there” it was then when the area ten meters around me covered by dark shadow. When I see what thing do made that giant shadow. A giant black dragon was flying right above me. I couldn't even mutter any word when his mouth suddenly devoured half of my body.


You have been killed by boss-type monster

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