REEVES WAS FINALLY AWARE of what he was doing — both of his wrists were stiff, choking old nurse's throat — she was suffocating — her pupils rolled backwards...
He had got into fights at Wesleyan in the past but never, to the extent of asphyxiating anyone to death. It was sheer panic at the moment that caught hold of him — the pitch of the woman's scream from the Auditorium may alert the guards far out in the big-yard...
Coming to his good senses, with his heart still palpating hard — Reeves released Nurse Heller. The woman fell on the floor, coughing and gasping for her breath. He noticed the rest of the naked Intersexuals have overthrown and killed the five female guards who were on duty in the Auditorium that morning — with the midget corporal, being the first to be 'off-ed' by Doran's vengeful hands.
An Intersexual stepped up and began to kick Nurse Heller in the belly. The twink started pulling her hair and was screeching out. "You bitch, you suffer now! You made a good girl like me do horrible things — now you pay for it!"
Reeves recognized the naked gay Intersexual as Mara from Wesleyan — who on the first day at the auditorium had rebuffed to cooperate, and Corporal Vinnie caned him. Ever since that day, Mara was known by eponymous Florida — sensing from the elliptic shape of his penis.
Reeves shoved Mara away from severely beating up the subjugated woman.
Doran was assessing the five dead prison guards, all beaten to death by the brutal hands of the BGF Jamaicans bodyguards, while the other White Intersexuals along with True Bob was holding down the other two surviving female medical assistants, threatening them to stay silent.
Everyone soon hurried to dress back into their peels.
Reeves finally realized after being disarrayed by the swift attack — that the long-awaited and promised insurgency had already begun to infuse — without any forewarning, to any of the perplex Intersexuals who were present in the closed Auditorium.
Just like the rest, Reeves too wondered if the mutiny would be short-lived when the riot goon-squad come storming in the projection room — heavily armed — to take them all out, in retaliation for killing their female guards.
'What was the uncanny Preacher's next plan now?'
It played lucidly on everyone's mind at that moment...
Doran retrieved a small bow-knife attached on the dead Vinnie's left boot. It was a seven inch serried smelt-metal blade. Everyone then stopped to look at the direction of a crackling voice — coming from one of the dead guard's walkie-talkie radio...
It was Head-bull Andersen's calling in...
Doran picked up the radio-device — he passed it to Mara and nodded — having seen over the outset years on how the guards operated it — the 'joto' then responded in a terse low whisper...
"Copy that Sir, out!"
Anderson at the staging area was falling back on her schedule — she called out from the roster with her loudhailer...
The boom-gate near lifted up and the next twenty Intersexuals ran in two-line formation, accompanied by a couple of armed female guards in the rear. They were a dozen Whites — mostly monk in blanket-robes led by Michael — and the rest in the group were eight rapscallion Hispanics.
At the auditorium, the insurgents have possession of four rifles and a pistol — the weapons distributed among Doran, Li Chi, Hajja, Zinga the hit-man leader of the small cluster of allegiant Jamaican among the BGF Blacks — they checked their limited amount of ammunition, before setting to manumit the rest of the inmates in their cells.
Doran looked up to them all...
"Listen, everyone, here is what we do — Hajja and his people — you will head next to free the Blacks in cell block A and B." He then pointed at Reeves...
"Reeves, you go gather some help here — and you will go free the Whites in C-Block."
Reeves was speechless, now uncertain on how was that possible, when he was not given a weapon like the rest — but, he did not want to dither because these guys were natural-born street-fighters — maybe Doran would have a change of mind later, when seeing him coming from the 'protected Wesleyan' background, with his inexperience in handling armed weapons.
Doran saw two White boys keeping a lookout at the main door and he voiced out to all of them. "The next batch will reach the Auditorium soon, and we have to overthrow those guards too without any gunshots — and we will get their guns too."
Zinga the Jamaican, who was Hajja's right-hand man questioned him...
"What if di batch has Mexicans in it? We shoot them too, Mon?"
Hajja became cognizant...
"Oh fuck! Yes, they have mixed the batches now — there are bound to be some dirty-brown spics in them."
Doran made it clear to all gathered. "Listen here, we cannot fire any shots — or else, they will sound the siren — and then, we will all be trapped here in this Auditorium. We need to get out fast to the cell blocks now, and free the rest!"
Zinga contested him again...
"How is dis possible Preacher Mon, those brown-turd Chuntaros will squeal like pigs, when they see a Black-man with a gun?"
Doran responded firmly...
"We just have to find a way, Brother — but no shooting for now!"
An eagle-eyed White, who kept 'jigger' outside, called out to them...
"Preacher, they are halfway here!"
Doran turned to Reeves and he was about to hand over Vinnie's pistol to him after checking the bullets in it.
"Reeves, you will need this to release those in C-Block."
Li Chi held Doran's wrist — to stop him from handing the gun over...
He voiced out. "Can he be trusted with a gun, Preacher?"
"What do you mean?"
Doran responded, with everyone staring in confusion at the Chinese — who the retorted instantly in accusation while staring down at the shorter Reeves...
"I know who you are, Reeves! You are related to that killer-cop — Roberta Jensen — she had put many of us in here!"
Reeves was baffled with this Chinese — who had been a stranger to him in all his years in Tombscradle — but now, he stood up with accusations. Reeves clarified about the bruits spread by some certain Wesleyan ruck of troublemakers...
Reeves was looking straight at Doran as he spoke...
"Well, I happen to find out that my last-name is Jensen some years ago — but, recently a rumour has been going around — that I am related to that cop. If that is true — then why the fuck am I jailed here in prison for the past 5 years like the rest of you?"
Both Reeves and True Bob realized that the hearsay nature of Kiki, Hank and even Joe have led to this accusation — where groundless rumours travelled fast among the idle minds inside the prison walls — sometimes beyond the racial fences built by the warden.
The White Intersexual named Russell Collins called out desperately again for attention...
"Yo Preacher — they are all here. Looks like your blanket-boys are among with eight beaners."
Everyone's focus was away from Reeves — and was back to the main door of the Auditorium...
Doran was now getting antsy thinking of the monks would now be caught in the crossfire — and he could not have it in his conscious to bear witness to any of their death. Mentally, he interceded a short prayer to the souls of the dead nuns, who had once sacrificed their lives before to save his brothers' impunity from death at the abbey...
He then heard Hajja cursing from behind him...
"Fucking warden's 'luv-luv' spics — I'm gonna 'cap-peel' them motherfuckers!"
Doran now feared that there would be pandering temptations by the Blacks to open fire at their adversaries — who were now outside — at the doorstep of the auditorium.
The batch of twenty Intersexuals arrived outside, escorted by the two armed female guards; they realized the earlier batch had not exited the Auditorium. It was the protocol that the next batch could only enter the screening room after the prior group had exited.
One of the guards spoke to the other...
"Where the hell is Georgia? Radio her."
"It ain't nothing, you wait here — I will go inside and check to find what is holding them up — anyways, I need to take a leak too," Guard Shelley told her partner...
The Morales the Mexican joker — the imposter who purported that he was the son of Antonio Banderas — started to wisecrack...
"Take a leak for me too then, Kitty-kitty." His Hispanic mates laughed.
He was on the roll, and he sarcastically instigated his pillory on Michael who was standing separate among the group of monks...
"Hey Padre Mike, what seems to be the delay inside? All I know, the Preacher has cut off his fucking balls — so are they using a straw to suck out his milkshake from his butt hole?"
The Latinos group guffawed again.
Guard Shelley walked away from the group of the gathered Intersexuals in the front yard towards the building; she called out loudly when she got there. "Hey Georgia, will you step on it, Anderson is really pissed that you are behind schedule!"
There was no response and she opened the Projection room door, stepping inside to discover dead guards, lying prone on top of the sex dolls in 69-position...
"What the fuck?"
Before Shelley could react — Hajja came from behind her — and he powerfully grabbed her head and snapped her neck like a twig. Hajja tossed the dead guard's rifle towards Busta — who was another one of his Jamaican henchmen.
Doran handed the pistol to Reeves who then glanced at it for a second — Li Chi's snake eyes were still staring at him — Reeves passed the gun to True Bob, declaring at earshot to everyone present in the auditorium...
"Here True Bob, you hold it."
"... err... I never handled a gun before."
Everyone heard True Bob's reply next — it even surprised Reeves.
"What kinda John Wayne Native are you, Mon? Hey yo, don't shoot your foot off!"
Zinga the ex-street gangbanger joked and the other Jamaicans nearby chuckled — seeing the 'greenhorn' True Bob taking the pistol from Reeves, with umbrage to his injured Cherokee pride.
Some of the White Peckerwood gangbangers in the room realized that the Preacher was handing a mammoth responsibility — by choosing inmates who were from a 'weak corner' — to rescue the Whites later in the C-Block.
The White Intersexual — Russell Collins peeked out again and whispered to them all...
"The other guard is still waiting with your boys out there, Preacher — how do we lure her in?"
The edgy, female guard outside the auditorium was dealing the stress of the out of control — with the unruly Hispanic Intersexuals here, and also there with her hot-tempered supervisor at the prison yard — who was behind schedule and was radioing to hurry up.
The Hispanic brats were getting rowdy — the boisterous Latinos had no fear for the rest of the guards in Tombscradle — except for those with Capt. Olsen's Aryan Nation guard-faction. This now bugged the guard to the point of niggle, with her working-partner who had gone into the Auditorium for a whole five minutes without responding to her 2-way radio...
"Shelley! Hey Shelley, what is taking so long?" the woman hollered out at the device.
"Yeah Shelley, I am losing my boner here," the Joker echoed in regale.
"Shut your spic hole-up, Morales — or you will lose all of your teeth," the ire screw cried out, aiming her rifle butt at the loud-mouthed comedian...
"You mean this, Chika?"
The Mexican Joker removed his dentures from his mouth and held it up — the rest of his friends bursting into more laughter, seeing his toothless grinning pink gums.
Doran, Hajja and Li Chi crawled out and hid behind colonnades outside the auditorium door. Doran nodded to signal Mara the gay Intersexual hiding behind the main door...
The Preacher had seen the talented homosexual songster Mara mimicked female vocals well in the yard — it was time to use his talent for deceiving again...
"Okay, bring them in!"
Mara mimicked a convincing female voice tone as he called out...
"Where is the other batch — why are they not out yet?"
The misgiving guard cried back from outside — she also knew well that it was not Shelley's voice that spoke out — the weary guard then presumed that it was one of the other guards inside — but she still hesitated, observing her duty's protocol.
"It is okay, Corporal Vinnie said to bring the freaks in!"
Mara's voice responded again.
The gulled guard turned to the pall Intersexuals who were perspiring under the morning desert sun.
"Okay walk in you all. You, the bead-mumblers — you go in first!"
Michael and the monks went ahead in the batch — leaving behind the blustery Hispanics.
The blanket monks moved at the forefront into the main door, the hidden Doran who was crouching low, gestured to the surprised Michael to remain silent. The Latinos who followed from behind were soon jumped by the hidden Blacks once they entered the Auditorium door. They bludgeoned their nemesis gang rivals to death with any weapons in hand — without discharging a single shot — Morales the Joker cried out in fear panic...
"It's a trap — Sambos!"
The lone female guard outside flustered to that distressed cry from inside — she turned around, and ran towards the direction of the prison yard — Doran stepped out from where he was crouching, he bolted after to follow her...
The guard was sprinting ahead, Doran was in the juncture of her pace before he flung Vinnie's bow knife — it lodged into the back of her neck — and the speared guard slumped down dead...
He had not lost the self-taught accuracy skill that he learned at the monastery when he used to chop firewood with an axe — he used to practice it mentally in those long lonely days in the seclusion solitary; that along with his prayers, fasting and meditation which had given him verve of a warrior so that he could stay in the very spirit of the twelve-year-old Soldier of God whom he had once emerged, during the e-SWAT troopers' intrusion of the Convent years ago.
Russell Collins and another White-boy of his Peckerwood gang-clique — they both were dressed in the other dead guards' uniforms — they moved out and they dragged the knifed corpse into the Auditorium building.
They tossed her body inside, among the rest of the lifeless Hispanics and prison hacks.
Doran ruminated for a few seconds, seeing the twenty-seven Intersexuals who drew closer around him. Most of the gangbangers were feeling revivified after taking control of the first phase of his mutiny design in Tombscradle — they looked up at their redeemer — who tandem the next plan of action...
"Brothers, we are all going to march back to the exercise yard now and take down the guards around the staging area. Anyone without any weapon — you get one from any hacks dead out there — we then will set free all prisoners in the prison blocks...
"Hajja and Reeves — you know what to do. The rest of the monks will then follow me and Li Chi — and we will go, and we raid the prison-armoury to get more weapons."
The Preacher would have to separate the Chinese by bringing him along with him because Li Chi was the grudging kind who might do something inexpedient — like killing 'Reeves Jensen' — during the hail of friendly fire.
Doran glanced at the disquiet Michael and most of the unsullied monks who seemed to be in the state of fearfulness and fret — of the life-threatening happenings that were to come...
"Just stay courageous all of you, because God is on our side today — and keep this strong faith in your heart, and I assure that every one of you will all walk out of this place alive and safe — can you do that, my Brothers?"
Most of them nodded to their trusted leader but, deep inside they knew that it was — a limpid suicide do-or-die mission that the monks would experience the second time — since the siege of the monastery years before...
The Peckerwood boys informed that the coast was clear to move out...
The rifled Zinga turned back, noticed Michael and the piety monks who were in a small sacerdotal circle — they were praying over the dead guards and Mexicans.
He voiced out to the monks with laughter...
"We gotta bounce now, make dis a quick Amen, Mon — I will promise, I give you more souls to pray for later!"
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