THE RIOT POLICE TRUCK STOPPED in the parking lot of the Columbus Civic Centre — the rear-door opened, and twenty policewomen jumped out in full riot gear and were holding their helmets in their hand.
Roberta was amongst them, doing some overtime — by volunteering in the auxiliary unit — which bolstered the Riot Police Division's crowd control task.
She detected the cheering of pro-Cory supporters calling for economic reformation the moment she alighted — and further down the road was the din of the Rosewood's crowd, protesting to preserve the ruling right-wing government.
Sergeant Zena rounded the cops closer for an incumbent briefing...
"Okay guys, gather up, you know the routine here. In less than two hours Senator Cory will arrive, and we will ensure her safety and keep the crowd in order. Remember, we are the reserves here, who will be backing up the Riot squad — and each one of you will be assigned to follow one of theirs...
"Don't lose your head — try to stay cool and be vigilant at all times. Listen to your senior partners from the Riot squad, and don't resort in any confrontation with them or with the crowd — that is an order!"
Over the hour, the crowd swelled to copious thousands, with Cory supporters and the rumpus protesters from President Rosewood's camp voicing loud-barks, as it neared to the estimated time of arrival. Roberta was assigned close to the banner of the embellished entrance of the Civic Center auditorium, where the stationed pro-Cory group was gathered.
It was a long wait facing the crowd, the listless Roberta used her 2-way radio to contact her beat-cop partner, Big Manny — who was walking the streets, in another part of town.
Mandy Thompson was buying a single doughnut from a stand when Roberta radioed in — Mandy was bandying with the store owner at that moment when the seller refused to accept payment. Mandy insisted, and she paid for her doughnut.
"How're you doing there, Manny?"
"It is all dead-quiet here. It looks like everyone is at your side of town. Has she arrived yet?"
"No, not yet. Dang! Speak of the devil, here she comes — Manny, I gotta go!"
The distant sirens of police cruisers escorted a black limousine which soon approached the entrance of the auditorium.
The pro-Cory supporters were ecstatically loud, to wane out the barricaded Rosewood supporters on the other side of the street — who chanted back cries of anti-Cory warlike slogans.
Roberta controlled the crowd, while the illustrious Madeline Cory alighted from the limo, and she walked past her — the Senator was smiling and waving at the ecstatic crowd in a poised, nonchalant manner...
Roberta grinned back at her too, with admiration...
The heavily escorted Senator soon disappeared into the entrance of the Ohio Civic Center, where there was the sound of a marching band and with a larger cheering of supporters, that was bursting in cacophony from inside the packed auditorium.
Big Manny ate her doughnut and strolled the night streets, and she noticed up ahead, across the road was four Black Intersexual boys in hoodies. They were with an under-age White girl, who was wearing a pink wig and a yellow, short corduroy-overcoat.
She had an albino skin disorder, which made the make-up on her face — to strike out in the street-lights.
From across the road, Big Manny stood in the dark and spied on more activities happening ahead — a car stopped with two Black, obese, middle-aged executive-classed women in it — those Janes, who had the big-money to burn into vice services in the street. The leader of the four Intersexuals was Bing — he swaggered and approached the automobile's window...
He greeted them and procured...
"Hey Sistas, you wanna play with my Snow White here?"
He dragged the White girl nearer to the vehicle...
"Come on up front, my juicy-pussy — and display us your luscious-stuffs, and turn us all on."
Big Manny watched them in the dark from across, at the sullen-looking Snow White, who was now doing a few sensual modelling poses on the spot where she stood. The woman in the passenger seat then asked...
"How much?"
Bing started his sales-pitch...
"200 bucks an hour, one-on-one; but if you want a threesome — I will give you a discount — 300 bucks. Is that fine?"
The customers did not haggle — so Bing enticed them by poncing more of Snow White...
"Come on baby-doll, show 'em your titties."
The fille-cocotte opened her yellow overcoat baring her skimpy top and G-string that she wore beneath. The black women ogle amorously with big grins — on the side of the girl's overcoat were various sizes of dildos.
"Snow White comes also with her own toys, and you can do her 'with' it — and she can do you too, how about it, Sistas?"
Bing then picked the girl's slim arm up, to the women...
"If you are not into toys — see this pretty slender white arms — she can even fist you both — and God-Almighty, believe me, these slim-arms can go in real deep."
The two women seemed lured, and Bing the pimp, who was better known in the streets as Prince of Ponce — was also known to be famous to profits from the art of up-selling, with his memorized script to maximizing his lucre to $500 — as an amateur, skin flick filmmaker...
"How about it, Sistas? Want a threesome with the Enchanting Snow White?
"Yeah, I know you ladies like your meat white, come on — threesome is just 300 bucks an hour — but if you throw in an extra 100 bucks, Leroy, my movie-man here, will video your spellbound journey of coitus fantasy with Snow White here, taking you both into her enthralled, hardcore, interracial, carnal knowledge that she practised in her lusty fairyland — all of these will be done with customer satisfaction guaranteed of course, with everything recorded on high-resolution HD — for your personal skin-flick collection."
The wide-smiling Leroy stepped up, displaying his palm-size Sony camera to them — and Bing next grabbed another Intersexual, who stood beside the rear-window of the car...
"For another 100 bucks more, ladies — my porn-star buddy, Shagging-Sega here, will double your fantasy pleasure by jumping in, and joining your anal coition fetish — so how about it, ladies — do you want the action-filled full package?"
Sega chafed after noticing the two smiling fat-assed women, who were staring at his crouch. They were nodding, envisioning the action to come — of the albino's two-way fisting them with young, Black, Intersexual buck as the backdoor-man.
"No way."
Sega whispered skittishly to himself, noticing the large physique of the two rotund women.
Roberta radioed back to her partner again, and she told her story in fervour...
"Hey Manny, you there, copy? Cory just passed by me a moment ago — I think, she smiled back at me."
But, Mandy Thompson's main scrutiny at that moment was on the vice activities across the road...
"That is good to hear — hey Rob, do you remember the missing girl from the foster home that Sergeant Zee mentioned in the roll-call a couple of months ago...
"Remember, that twelve-thirteen-year-old girl with that Michael Jackson kinda skin disorder?"
Roberta chuckled out...
"Yeah, I have seen her mug back then, and she was as pale as Casper the ghost — yeah Manny, what the fuck about her?"
"I spotted the kid near Lincoln Bronzeville. Four shemales are pimping her to some Janes right now — I am going in, to get her."
Roberta instantly protested...
"Hey! Are you crazy Manny? Call for backup!"
"What backup? Come on, there will be no backup even if I were to request one. Every personnel are tied up on your side of town, for Cory's speech tonight..."
Manny Thompson seemed concerned...
"If I let her slip now — she will go missing once again."
"Hey Manny, she has got four freaks with her — and they will not give her up that easily!"
Roberta reasoned out...
"What if they attack you — have you thought about that!!?"
Mandy Thompson was resolute to her obdurate action of going in solo. She pulled out her baton...
"They are a bunch of kids, Rob — I will scare them off, and bring the girl back to the precinct in no time.'
"It's a bad idea, Manny — and you are all alone — don't be a hero, let this one go!"
Roberta tried to talk her out...
It agitated Big Manny — as she now had a low opinion on her beat-partner — ever since Roberta had gone dirty with criminal extortion...
"Hey Rob, that girl is just thirteen, and she has been on the streets for months — and she is now being forced into prostitution — dammit, I can't let her go missing again."
As an honest-cop, Mandy Thompson felt the intractable reason to rescue the girl was the right thing to do, and there was no reason to listen to anyone — especially to the corrupted Roberta Jensen.
Mandy Thompson was obdurate into taking action, and just wanted to do the right police work — and later retire next year — with a clear conscious that she had served and protected her street well on her watch.
"No worries — everything will be fine, I am going in — out!"
Big Manny started to cross the street...
"Mandy! Manny, over!"
The communication was cut off, Roberta held the walkie-talkie on her temple — thinking hard, and thought came of the grave and imminent situation that Big Manny was walking herself into...
Mentation of the past revoked her at that moment, to recall her partner who used to proudly say, during her walk together during their beat...
She never took out her revolver and shot at anyone for the past twenty-eight years in the forces. That was a record her partner — Manny Thompson — would want to keep, until the day she retired.
A Riot Police Captain shook the reverie Roberta's shoulder — she wanted Roberta to be incumbent to her duty...
"Hey Jensen, ditch the radio, and focus on the job — it is not over yet, yeah!"
After the reckoning of what might happen to Manny — Roberta wanted to leave her post instantly, to stop an imminent disaster...
"Fuck that..."
Roberta brushed the woman's handoff and started running into the streets. She saw a highway-patrol policewoman standing alone beside her big bike. Roberta rushed the cop and dropped her down on the tarmac with a hard shove. She then got on — started the bike — and set out speeding pass the pavements lined with the political supporters — after seeing the fallen patrol policewoman, the street crowd cheered on for Roberta.
Leroy was the first to see Big Manny crossing over to their side of the road. He alerted by tapping the leader...
"Yo Bing, we got a black pig coming at us at two o'clock. Let's split man, we don't want no trouble with cops."
Bing fumed, when the two women in the car bearing, dreaded looks at the sight of the approaching policewoman...
The car then sped away — it was a loss of income for the Prince of Ponce.
Bing was still chafed when he grabbed the albino girl's arm, giving a brief instruction, to protect his street-asset...
"Snow White, go walk away now, and wait for us at Long Necks." He next turned, to take charge of his anticipating gang...
"No need to run, my Niggers — this is my street, I will handle the pig!"
Mandy Thompson saw Snow White walking away from the group, she audaciously yelled out...
"Hey you, stop! I said stop — or, I am coming over and I will break both of your stick legs!"
Snow White froze on the spot — Mandy walked over to her with her baton — it surprised the rest of the pimps who had anticipated the policewoman to confront them instead...
"What the fuck?"
It further flustered Bing, they all too started walking over...
Mandy reached Snow White first...
"I know who you are, girl. You are coming with me now!"
Snow White saw the gang walking towards them, and she softly warned Big Manny...
"Please go away or else they will kill you."
Before Mandy could react, the four Black Intersexuals surrounded her and the albino girl. Mandy pointed out her baton at them...
"You four, back off — she is coming with me!" Bing stepped up...
"No, can't do — she's my slave-bitch, and she works for me!"
'Wasted youth,' Manny thought and she reacted...
"Slave, you said? You dumbass kids have no idea about the things you say these days."
"What? I paid top bucks for the bitch — she's now my property, and she is following me now!"
Bing tried to grab Snow White — but, Manny stood in-between, realizing the predicament...
'Roberta was right — it is hard to control them with no backup.'
"No, she is not going anywhere! Listen, boy, I let you four walk away, even for the big trouble you all are in here for prostituting a minor — scram now, Godammit!"
The big cop raised her voice.
Bing whipped out his pistol, and the others pulled out theirs too...
"Shut your labia-lips up, you pig! You don't come walking in here — twerking your fat pig-ass and tell to my face what to do! Snow White is my slave-bitch, and I ain't going nowhere without her!"
Mandy Thompson was panic-struck, with their four guns training at her face. She took a few steps back — and her thumb at the same time switched on the walkie-talkie...
Roberta who was on the way over on the speeding bike listened in to the conversation...
"You little guys are packed with some serious hardware here — now, you are going down for obstructing and threatening a law enforcement officer with illegal firearms. My advice is that — you all be smart before more cops come in now...
"It is best if you boys all walk away!"
Bing laughed...
"Nice bluff, Big, Fat-Mama Pig — there are four of us, and one of you — you all alone, Oink-oink — there is no backup coming for you!"
They all looked up to hear a police siren approaching, even Mandy looked astounded that her bluff worked — what was even more surprising to Manny was that Roberta was the saviour, back-up who had come to her rescue without a second thought. Roberta had switched on the siren on the bike after she overheard that the freaks had thought that Manny was alone...
One of the boys named Pokémon spoke out. "Fuck, how did she do that?"
Leroy then panicked more...
"We will be cornered, let's all run!"
Sarcastically, Big Manny pronounced to the twelve-year-old unnerved boys...
"See, I told you so."
Bing got assertive and echoed back at Manny...
"Was that so?"
Bing then shot Mandy Thompson twice in the stomach — and she fell back on the pavement with an impact.
Bing then grabbed Snow White's arm and instructed again...
"Runaway, bitch — go wait for me at Necks."
The albino hooker ran away in the opposite direction in a hurry...
"Holy fuck, Bing — you just shot a cop!"
Leroy exclaimed, seeing Mandy in agony, while she tried to unbuckle the holster to get her service revolver with her hand...
Sega saw her. "Fuck! She is not dead!"
Bing barked at him. "What are you waiting for then — Christmas? Waste the bitch!"
Sega hesitantly with his quivering hands — he shot Manny's forearm once to stop her from reaching for her gun. The four Intersexuals next looked up to a police patrol bike coming in full speed, with the sirens on...
It was just a block away.
Bing glanced at Pokémon and smiled...
"Yo Cousin, this next little piggy is all yours!"
Pokémon stepped up and pulled out an Uzi from under his hoodie jacket — he aimed at the fast-approaching Roberta and opened fire...
Roberta was now all-Cowboy, aimed her revolver and onslaught — while riding straight into them.
The three other boys ran for cover — except for the Uzi firing Pokémon...
Bullets hit Roberta's Riot helmet, Kevlar front and the patrol bike — the front tire ruptured. The bike dropped, it crashed and skidded, dragging along the shooting Roberta...
A bullet penetrated Pokémon in the chest — he fell back dead — Bing cried out to the rest while glaring at his dead cousin in the pavement...
"Fuck! Kill that pig!"
All of the Intersexuals opened fire, Roberta hobbled away fast from the road, and took cover behind a dumpster bin. Her left side of her pants was shredded by the skidding bike, and her leg was bleeding badly.
Leroy uttered in fright. "Bing, let it go, man! Let's fucking run away!" Bing pointed his silver-plated pistol at the coward...
"No way! She killed my cousin — we are not leaving until we get her blood!" He ordered them...
"You two — take both flanks and flush her out — and I will nail her once she is out in the open!"
Roberta removed her helmet, and she dropped it down, in pain...
Roberta sensed someone's presence nearby, and she moved in, with fast reflex — and discovered Snow White hiding behind the next dumpster. She recognized her description right away, by Manny's earlier conversation of the albino — Roberta went over and grabbed her...
"What are you doing hiding here? You will get caught in the crossfire!"
The girl was shaken and started to cry...
"I warned the Black cop — but she did not listen — Bing shot her."
She looked at the cop's name on the badge — Roberta Jensen...
it was a very familiar name which she had heard in the past — but she could not recall wherefrom — she was too shaken by the scary shooting in progress.
Roberta saw a partially broken wooden fence — she kicked a plank down — and dragged the teenaged girl to the hole...
"Quick, run away through there!"
"Don't fight them, they will kill you too — please come with me!"
"Go now!"
Roberta yelled out, and the frightened Snow White disappeared into the gap...
Roberta loaded her remaining bullets into the revolver. Those shemales had shot her partner — she raged to avenge her death.
The cop took a peek, and saw some movement nearby — Leroy and Sega were sneaking up on her. Roberta then saw the hole on the wooden fence which she made for Snow White...
The two tween gangster boys came and checked the row of dumpsters.
Leroy signed to Sega to split-up — and they widened the search...
Sega went glancing into the dumpster by opening the lid to confirm — Roberta's gun barrel came from behind — and shot him in the back of the head...
Leroy bellowed out...
"Yo Sega — did you nail the bitch?"
There was no reply and Leroy went up front to investigate — and found Sega dead in a pool of blood with a hollowed head...
He yowled in panic...
"Oh shit! Bing! Bing, Sega is dead too — I don't like this, I am leaving now!"
"No, keep finding her!" The leader's voice squalled back.
"No man, two of ours are dead now — I am leaving, man!"
"Leroy! You fucking stay put, you Nigger!"
Roberta came from behind and grabbed, slamming him on a dumpster — she gagged her gun barrel into Leroy's screaming mouth — and pulled the trigger...
Drenched in blood, Roberta then picked up the dead Leroy's gun.
The avenging cop now limped towards Bing's shouting voice...
"Leroy! Leroy! Motherfucking pig!"
Bing came to realize that all three of his boys were already dead. He cursed more — and now, he started his own hunt for the cop, in the dark street.
He surprised Roberta when he saw her trailing movement — and began to discharge shots. The cop took cover, and they both exchanged rapid-fire — until Roberta was out of bullets in both of the guns.
She needed to think and act fast to survive — Roberta glanced at Mandy Thompson body about fifty feet away — and she decided to take the chance, without any hesitation...
Roberta went for Big Manny's revolver...
Roberta dashed forward fast, and Bing came out into the open — and started to fire at Roberta's back — the Kevlar took some of the hot slugs — but, one penetrated into her bicep and another bullet, burrowed into the back of Roberta's thigh...
A sharp pain rocketed within her before she took the next running step — Roberta collapsed five feet away from Mandy Thompson.
She then inched over despite her encumbered injury...
Bing walked over nonchalantly to the crawling policewoman, he was now laughing...
"You think you can outsmart me, and outrun me, you fool! No way, Oink-oink — tonight you are dead, Miss White Piggy!"
Roberta kept on slinking, and she was almost two feet away from the reach of Mandy's revolver — Bing pointed his gun at Roberta — ready to pull the trigger...
Roberta gritted her teeth to the palpating pain of her injuries. The Black Intersexual looked at the crawling Roberta reaching the revolver...
He was barring his teeth and he cried out — and was kicking Roberta's ribs...
"Yeah go for the piece, you fucking bitch-pig — you wasted all of my best buddies — including my cousin — I wanna see how good you are, as a back-up pig!"
Bing then aimed his gun again at the back of Roberta's head, at close range...
"May all yo' souls rest in fuckin' peace in hell!"
Big Manny's eyes opened at that moment...
Her debile injured hand raised her revolver, and Big Manny fired once...
Bing was shot through in his jugular vein — it ruptured, and blood squirted out at both-end. Bing dropped on his fours on the pavement, trying next to plug up the mini-red-fountain sprinkling, from the hollowed bullet holes at both sides of his neck with both hands — making a deep croaking noise.
Big Manny's shivering bloodstained fat fingers then touched Roberta's hand — in tacit appreciation — before she slowly died.
Roberta too was about to lose her consciousness, when she saw a blurry figure of Snow White reappearing...
The girl was looking down — at the three of them lying on the ground...
The albino hooker then picked up Big Manny's revolver — and shot the dying flagrant pimp named Bing twice in the head — to really finish him off for good...
She dropped the gun and knelt in front of Roberta, and stroked her hair. Roberta mumbled before passing out...
Snow White reached to dig up the dead Bing's wallet, and she pulled out a thick wad of banknotes...
Her severance after a year of being sold as a porn-videoed sex slave — there was enough money if she wanted to get out of the city — but, where would she go?
She has got nobody back, from where she came from in Mississippi.
She then searched into Roberta's pocket and found her wallet. She took out the driver's license — and returned the rest of the wallet into Roberta's pocket...
She finally recalled knowing Roberta Jensen, after seeing her younger childhood photo with Laura in the wallet — she was someone whom her mother had spoken of in her growing up years — during her bedtime stories when she was told about this particular child-hero...
The girl snapped off from her brief childhood reverie when her head went up towards the sound of a siren. It was coming from a few blocks away. A patrol car was approaching in fast. Snow White hurried and she left the scene of the crime in festinate — by slipping through the earlier broken wooden fence.
She then ran far away.
Heroes of Midlaris
Heroes of Midlaris is on hiatus until I finish writing Arc 2, and will resume once Arc 2 has been completely written. There is no ETA for this. After a long, exhausting day at work, where he faced the usual harassment from some of his coworkers, Luke just wanted to return some books to the library, head home, and rest. Instead, he died on the way and became reincarnated into the world of Midlaris, a world of myth and magic. There, he was found and raised by seven elders, who each taught him their craft as he grew up. When he turned sixteen, he began to attend university in the nearby kingdom, beginning a tale of love and friendship, of creativity and growth, and of an ancient past that begins to return. The first several chapters covers his childhood, for those coming to read about him at university. Posting Schedule: Alternating between 2 days and 3 days (so two chapters in a 5-day period). Patrons can read up to 15 chapters early.
8 197Algorithm - Book 1 - The Medallion
A young boy, Adam, discovers a gold medallion in a lump of coal. He keeps it as a curious good luck piece for the next twenty years, until as a scientist, he discovers it contains a message and is clearly alien. Join Adam and his colleague, Linda, as they embark upon an adventure of revelation, ultimately giving up all they hold dear to discover who we are and who put us here.
8 219The Mage Hero
An ancient prophecy has been foretold in the Kingdom of Silica. The prophecy states that in a time of great need, four heroes will arise. When Baingana-Kerejya begins ramping up hostility, the fate of village girl, Euthalia, and the demi-human knight, Elias, become intertwined in the fulfillment of this prophecy.Started as a Tate no Yuusha (Rising of the Shield Hero) derivative work but has morphed into an original work heavily inspired by TnY.
8 101Damaged Souls:
A young man, his mind filled with self doubt, finds himself dying in his apartment for some unknown reason. His soul goes to the void were it is found that corruption has begun gathering forces inside the void unimpeded by higher powers. This little soul feels that it failed it's host and strives to make up for its mistake. Will be posting on weekends, or Friday Credit and thanks to gej302 for the cover art. There are some chapters before the newest reales, I'll be keeping them up as a reminder of what not to do, thank you all for being patient with me, and I'll keep doing my best to improve my writing abilities and hopefully create a story you guys can enjoy. I will be marking all chapters from the previous version with Draft.
8 120Armored Suit XGain: Flowers that Bloom
The Republic Of Bardone and the Earth Federation have been at war for several years. The fighting, now heralded as one of the most bloodiest and ruthless, has dropped the recovering population to several millions. In Advanced Era 45, a lull in the fighting would lead to the discovery of the Federation's secret prototype. One that could change the tide of war.
8 183Mangle x Foxy | | Mangled love
Foxy is a crimson red fox. He used to be ignored in the old Pizzeria just because the kids thought he was scary. But after the Bite of 87 , all that changed after he met the toys and another certain Fox...
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