《The Man Who Got Dragged Into Another World》Chapter 29: Assistance (1)


"What do you mean the movement of the enemies at the southern horizon? Speak!" the captain felt a great crisis in his heart. He could even felt his heart beat in chaotic rhythm because of that.

"I'm afraid that the number of the beasts this time will far outnumber our current troops. And also, there are also some people that want to enter this camp."

When the soldier said this point, he felt that the aura that emitted from the captain was terrifying!

'Is this the power of the Inner Power?' the soldier could only dream about it but would never realize it. The captain was at the Expansion Stage of his Inner Power and his martial art prowess was not bad at his peers.

"And about the people that come here, what do you know about them?" the captain could not help but ask.

"Actually, they had come from another town. Maybe they wanted to the camp that was next to us. Because the troops at that camp are prepared to liberate the city that was several kilometers from this Dead City."

The captain chuckled. "Then we need to prepare for the beast aggression. As for them that came here, let them in."

"Yes, sir!" the soldier hastily ran to the outer part of the camp immediately. Outside the camp, Vera had been waiting for fifteen minutes before someone arrived before her. As for Luki, he moved to liberate the next city because of the task from the guild.

Only the ant king stayed with her. He wanted to broaden his knowledge after secluded for a long time.


The dead trees, the wasteland, and the ruins were the most common sight Luki could see. He wore the tight outfit and a plain mask to cover his face and identity.

He moved between the shadows of the remnant of the ruins of the building, trees which were already dead and without leaves and also the rocky hill. He really wanted to use his weapon to test his strength but he could not do it recklessly.


"Where is the other camp?" Luki wanted to find them as soon as possible. But when he sighted the mud road, he could feel the presence of hundreds of man coming toward his direction.

"They already departed?" Luki then looked around and found a large bush to hide. He hid and conceal his presence. It was the most fantastic feeling when the soldiers walked in front of him, unaware of his presence. But of course, from the side, there were several shadows that moved from tree to another part of things that could hide them.

"Those are also the same as me it seems." Luki did not need his Sense Domain to detect them. But he had known them as the member from Assassin's guild because they had the same symbol on their clothes.

But even those assassins could not detect him. Luki now felt that he truly became one with the existence that was too small to notice like the small insect or to frankly said microscopic organism.

"Better follow them stealthily," Luki said while his mouth curved upward. He leisurely walked from the point that anyone finds it difficult for them to follow. As he expected, these much men were walked towards the city that filled with so many beasts!

The entrance of the city, it was more chaotic than before because some men already succumbed to the beasts. There was the beast that had taken the form of the slippery snakes and coiled around the body of those men and then there was also this beast that could launch several projectiles toward them.

"We need archers!" shouted one of the man. As for the assassin's, they eliminated the ranged attacker by the sudden strike. Most of them successfully did their job and the burden for the troops decreased.

Luki watched it and drew the rough sketches of the beasts that he could see with his own eyes. And then he added the description of their movement, abilities as well as attack pattern.


Soon after, the archer prepared their bows and then shoot volleys of enchanted arrows from their Inner Power. This arrow flew through the flesh of those beasts quite easy because the beast did not have the hard body.

"Where is the additional unit that the branch from Nemasu City had spoken of?" there was an assassin that asked this. They supposed to meet another unit here. "Don't bother looking for them. They need half a day to reach here with the fastest vehicle available so how can you expect them to come right now?"

The assassin who covered himself with face mask actually felt a tingling sensation in his heart. 'Eh? Not arrive yet. But I clearly feel that somehow, the person we talking about already arrived here.'

Then they all evaded to the side because the arrow showered the place all over, hitting those beasts within a minute. Luki returned from collecting information to observe the situation in the field.

"So far, there are some beasts that resemble infantry and the others resemble ranged unit. It was as if the existence of this creature were for games." Luki was confused about this part.

It was because the beasts clearly showed him that their job was divided like that. He even thought that whoever created those beasts must be inspired by the game from the modern world.

But then there was the red mist that appeared from the center of the city. This mist moved real fast and even enveloped the entire city within the first minute since the appearance. Luki used his Sense Domain and found out that something was moving in the mist!

"Be careful!" shouted the soldiers. When the formation barely formed the defensive stance, lots of shrieks could be heard before it disappeared. This made the situation became so tense that they could hear their own heart beat.

Even Luki had realized how dire the situation was. "Damn it! I clearly feel something that produced such must in the middle of the city but..."

But he hesitated to go in. The mist clearly became the advantageous ground for those new beasts and even Luki did not know much about this mist.

"What should I do?" at this time, he could hear the sounds of the people that cried for help. He found it strange because usually, the beasts would instakill the opponent before it reacts but now from the sound he knew that the beasts dragged them like a sack.

"Mobile Nest, appear!" then Luki could only think of the most optimal solution. He would call the home of the ants to dig a tunnel that connected to the place he currently right now. He would only assassinate the source of the mist and bail out!

The earth trembled for a moment before Luki pressed his hands on the ground and he sank to the ground. He then walked in the tunnel while predicting the direction to the center of the city.

"Sorry for the inconvenience! I need help to dig a temporary tunnel that will connect from this place to the center of the city. Can anyone help me?" asked Luki. Because of the good relation their king had with Luki, they agreed to it. But it was actually something that Luki expected since he had shown them his kindness.

Soon, the end of the tunnel could be seen. Luki and some of the ants prepared the resistance in case a beast appeared at the end of the tunnel.

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