《The Man Who Got Dragged Into Another World》Chapter 28: The Dead City


"How?" Vera surprise to see that Luki was able to imitate her. Luki only smiled and then released his Inner Power!

"Well, I can use this move to scratching those bastards scales and skin. Thank you!" Luki said those words quite honest without minding the opposite party. Vera almost unleashed her anger when she saw Luki gave her his thanks.

Suddenly her heart felt the warmth from that. 'That is your true self, you bastard.'

"Is that so? Then we must move quickly to the camp that was located near the Dead City." Vera held her hands at her chin. Her eyes narrowed for a bit because she thought something important.

"It was the city that my guild also told me to go. What a coincidence." Luki shrugged his shoulders before he retracted his stance. Luki could only guess that something must have happened that even the assassin guild dispatched him right now to that location.

"But there is a problem." Vera then organized her blue hair once again. "I need a disguise."

Hearing this made Luki's mouth twitched. "Aren't you the general? Why the hell you need to hide your identity?" Luki protested against this because it was troublesome and increase the work.

"Huh, it was because I doing this without telling my other subordinate. Besides, I instructed my Vice-General to not leak this information to anyone else!" Vera confidently said. She had left prepare for all the possibility that something may happen while she left.

"Alright, I won't doubt you on that." Luki walked to the aircraft one last time. After searching for a few minutes, he could find the button that he was looking for.

He pressed the button. The aircraft suddenly shook and in the next few second, it was getting smaller. It was actually the dimension controlling that Luki had set and then just looking for a good time to test it. Unexpectedly, it was a success.


The aircraft now became an aircraft model which size was the same as his palm. Now he had more items that could be used in combat or in the emergency. Mobile Nest that contained the colony of the giant ants and this aircraft A-99 Arthur was the latest aircraft fighter that Luki could only see in the news right before he died.

"Now, off to the Dead City."


Like the name it had given after the appearance of the Outsiders Beast, the Dead City was really dead. No signs of activity could be seen here and after the sudden assault by the beast, the citizen all ran away to the safest haven, the capital city.

But to some extent, the military forces could repel the beast outside the city but in the end, the city became empty and unusable.

"Where is the camp?" Luki played with the dagger. Although he barely used the dagger, he often played with the knife when he was cooking. The Ant King that followed behind him used his stronger smell sense to detect something in the vicinity.

"The last intel I got, it was to the north of the city," Vera said while she used a robe with a mask. Additionally, she combed her hair so that she got harder to recognize.

"We need to go to the camp immediately. I could smell the beasts a few kilometers from here. And from the size, I'm afraid we need to cooperate with the soldiers from the Kreig Kingdom." The Ant King said.

"The only one that will go to the camp obviously Vera. I don't want to involve too much in this kingdom and its sickening politics!" Luki had set his objective and did not want to struggle with internal strife that every kingdom had.

"Why me!? Shouldn't you follow me to the camp?" Vera objected. "Even you have that strength which makes the old man in the kingdom drooled with greed and yet, you want to do it alone. Why?"


"It's obvious and you should already realize by the time I had known about the aircraft, I'm not someone from this world!" anything other than the survivability of the human race was not important to Luki.

'But there is...' Vera wanted to say that someone was here in this world but she just kept silent. "Even so, you....are the holder of Immortal Decree and you must have some sort of duty that you are here, right?" she realized that someone could not appear out of nowhere without a reason.

"Let me clear this again, I only came here and even died once to get rid of the Evil God. Other than that, I don't care! I'm not even a saint, someone with vast kindness towards the universe or a hero that people had their hope for. I'm just a normal person that everyone can find in the city so don't tell me what I should do with my power."

Luki was frustrated with the power that he got. Not only he got something that he dislikes but also he was lost in another world which he barely had known how the life here works.

"Come on, you two. He had the right to say that and even you cannot force him to do something that went against his principle." The Ant King said with his soft voice.

But then they suddenly felt the ground trembled and there was the dust flown around. "Oh, good. Now they come faster than ever! What did you say about several kilometers!?" Luki protested to the ant king but it was just a pretense. He actually felt that he really did not know much either about the Outsiders Beast.

"So they have some Dimensional Master among them." the ant king sighed.

Dimensional Master was a beast that has the innate ability to manipulate dimension. The worst, they could instantly jump to behind the wall when you expect them to do a frontal charge, the worst nemesis for the conventional defense.

Say the old tale that the ant king had read. "Quick, we need to go to the camp first!" Luki gritted his teeth as he forced to do that.

While they made a run for it, in the camp near the Dead City was rather calm as if there was never a disaster above them. The soldiers that had the shift must keep their awareness to the highest while the rest of them simply leisure around.

"What's that? Why there is dust on the horizon?" some patrols eventually saw that. "Quick, report it to the captain now!" the guards patted the comrade's shoulders to get him relay the messages as soon as possible.

Then at the captain's tent. It was actually his pleasure time with his whole woman. The captain really enjoyed his stay at the Dead City because of the relatively safe place even when the beasts roaming around the world.

"Captain!" someone disturb his pleasure which was bad for that person. The captain turned red with anger as he told the woman who was beside him, "I will return so wait here, don't be naughty."

"Oh, you have another job today? Be sure to come back safely." the woman said while glanced at him with her enchanting eyes. Then the captain wore his military uniforms before met with his subordinate.

"What are you doing, disturbing my business!?" said the captain. If not for the fact that right now they were in one of the safe front lines, he would not reply to anything. But sadly, this was still the frontline and his camp also the outpost so any danger that came to them must be stopped.

"I'm sorry but there are movements from the enemy at the southern horizon."

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