《The Man Who Got Dragged Into Another World》Chapter 8: Promise Me!


"This way." the sound then showed Luki the way through the ground that has a certain pattern. He then followed it until he saw two figures sitting in their own large bed.

"There is your parents. Although you have [Immortal Decree], but you shouldn't be here for too long. You only have ten minutes!" the sound then reminded Luki that this is the land of the dead, The Fallen Realm.

"Thank you very much!" Luki could not hold his feeling any longer and suddenly charged toward those two.

"Father, Mother, it's me!" said Luki with a loud sound. Those two heard him and looked at him. When they saw that it was Luki, their gaze filled with love and tenderness.

"Ah, is it you Luki? Do you really die?" asked the pretty woman. She was Luki's mother and the one Luki hold very dearly. "Yes, it is me your son," replied Luki with his tears started to flow. "Luki, are you fine during your life?" this time it was his father asked him.

"I'm really sorry. After you two passed away, I lost my hope to live. I also lost everything since that. The only thing that remains in my mind was to die. I just want to die so that I can be with you too."

"Luki! Are you forgot what father has told you?" asked his father. "I never forget about that. You said that a person must fight even if he was at disadvantage right? But I cannot forgive myself for being so useless. Even if I fight, my talent to learning something is mediocre. And instead, I become family's burden."

Luki said this with a tears dropped from his face. The more he told his reason, more teardrop would form and flow from his face.


His mother hugged him tightly and said, "You silly boy. Even if you are mediocre at learning, even if you a burden for your family, even if you become the most ridiculed person in the world, as long as you never give up, trying to get something with a thousand way, you will succeed."

Then she even stroked Luki's hair gently. Even his father patted his head and saying, "Don't blame yourself too much! Remember we can watch you even from here so after this you need to do better than before. Promise me!"

Even though his father's words were sometimes harsh, but Luki felt warmth in his heart. "Never give up, alright. I promise you two that after this, I will fight against all odds. This, I can guarantee."

"There are so many things I want to tell you two about."

Luki didn't hold himself back and told them many things.Then Luki told his parents about the new world and his new friends, Raket.

"You said he already died? Husband, we need to visit this friend of his don't you think?" asked Luki's mother. His father then replied "Of course. He is, after all, Luki's first friend since junior high school."

Then his parents waved their hands to him. They wanted to take a look at Raket.

Although Luki still had many things to convey, ten minutes passed like a flash. "Are you ready, Immortal ones?" asked the sound. "Yes!"

Then Luki felt like the first time God pushed him to the another world. He then saw the planet, the continent, the country and the last was the place where he died.

After Luki's departure, the sound said "[Immortal Decree] is a very rare thing to give to someone. But since it was the Higher Ones who arranged it this way, I Malik can only comply!"



The event after Luki's death was as follows. Regal Kingdom army clashed with Kreig Kingdom army like the two sides were planning. But something unexpected came from the sky. Seven red meteors came toward that north field. After the meteor landed, something inside it came out.


The first time Luki opened his eye, he surprised because everything around him was ground. Above, below, left and right! Everywhere he looked only darkness actually but he could smell the soil around him.

'Where am I? Think carefully, what will....oh shit!'

Luki already guessed that the time flow in The Fallen Realm and this world were different. He could only smile at this unlucky situation. 'Well, should I dig above?'

Luki then tried to dig above but it was not easy. But he remembered his promise to his parents not to give up! He then won't give up even if heaven fell upon him!

After a long time, Luki felt his hands were out from the ground. He quickly dug the ground more diligent. And at last, he reached the ground level. "Ahh, fresh air! The smell of soil makes my stomach uncomfortable."

The fresh air he inhaled was held back when Luki saw the view in front of him. The hill where his feet were standing right now was ash-colored. And the north field that supposed to become the battlefield for the two kingdoms became a wasteland.

'What is going on here?' every part Luki's eyes saw was a wasteland.

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