《The Warrior on the Bridge》Chapter 4: Chibi Alchemist and the Long-haired Man
Chapter 4: Chibi Alchemist and Long-haired Man
Small girl: "Halo, halo... I'm an Alchemist-desu! Naisu to meetchu!"
It was a small girl wearing green robes with black short bob hair and "- -" as her eyes.
Atup: "Hi... Ah. I am Sir Atup. How may I help you, Alchemist, miss?"
Its a chibi, right? Its small, fat, and quite cute.
She's definitely a chibi.
Atup: "Are those two circles...?"
Foam? Or clothes rolled into circles?
Chibi: "They're boobs-desu! Alright! They're not anything else!"
What??? Those two small things. Wahhh.
Atup: "Anyways... How may I help you again?"
Chibi: "I want to establish a store here-desu! My very first one-desu! I want to work on my own-desu! Please-desu."
Desu? Okay fine. Another weirdo.
Atup: "Hmm... You're not planning anything bad, right?"
Chibi: "Me? No-desuu!!!! I'm a good person-desu!"
This bridge is extraordinary, and it also has a handy ability. It can distinguish from black-hearted people to kind-hearted ones. It looks like its made of diamonds in its normal state, but it turns to stone once an enemy comes near.
Chibi: "This bridge is cool-desu!!! It's pretty like me!"
Atup: "Ah... Yes, yes."
Chibi: "Help me carry my bags-desu!"
Oh.. Bags. It must be just a few if she's the one carrying it-
When did we become a tourist spot?
Atup: "WOAH!"
There was quite a lot of baggage. How did she pull this up here? It was on a cart but still-
Chibi: "I don't look like it since I'm a girl, but I am pretty strong-desu!"
It's four times taller than her. Okay, then let's not mess with her.
Atup: "Right this way, please, Ma'am."
Chibi: "Who is that girl chained to you? Is that your fetish-desu?"
Atup: "Wha? No! She's a prisoner! Proving her loyalty to us before we can hire her!"
How does she even know that word? Is she a child or not?
Anget bowed down to greet her.
Chibi: "Oh, noes. Are you going to do the same for me-desu!? Ohmooooo. I am too young to be chained!"
Atup: "Calm down, Ma'am, uhh..."
Milu: "My name is Milu! And I'm against these chains!"
Atup: "Again... Just go, please. you can set up anywhere you want. Ask Mr.Nai inside to build you a house."
"Oh! I like that thanks! (Humming)"
What a headache. I need to get permission from Mr.Ric.
Ric: "Oh, Sir Atup. I saw a little girl walk inside. Is she a new tenant?"
Atup: "Wh-what!?"
Ric: "I thought you must be asking around for help outside our kingdom since you... You've been doing it all by yourself."
Atup: "It's not like that, Mr. Ric! I can do it on my own, but They seem like they don't have anywhere to go. I wanted to ask permission from you again..."
Ric: "Don't worry, Sir Atup. Starting now, You can decide if someone is okay or not okay to live in our kingdom. You're our guardian, anyways."
Atup: "Thank you very much, Mr. Ric! I'll do my best to keep protecting this kingdom!"
At least that's a load off my mind. If it's okay with them, it's okay with me.
I went to the "Residential Area" to check things out and bring Milu's baggage.
Nai: "Oh! Sir Atup, good timing! Can you carry those logs over here?"
Atup: "Yes, sir. Of course, sir."
It feels like I became a slave overnight. (Sigh).
Heave Ho!!! Agnet helped out a lot too.
Nai: "Good job! Now go here..."
And in the end, instead of just delivering Milu's things, I had built her house in the process.
Atup: "Ms. Milu, here are your things."
Milu: "Oh! Thanks very much-desu!"
Atup: "It's no problem, Ma'am, but... Can I ask a personal question before we all get comfy around here?"
Milu: "Of course-desu!"
Atup: "Where did you come from? and if it's not too long, can you tell me your story?"
Milu: "Oh, are you coming on to me? Sir!?"
Atup: "Definitely not!"
Milu: "Okay... First, I was just a cute baby..."
Atup: "Not that far in the beginning... At least what were you doing this past month?"
Milu: "Hmm. There was a legend in this forest. In this mountain, it is said that all the Evil lords and monsters came into this forest and disappeared!
When I heard of this castle in the area, I thought that I could get some news around here!"
Atup: "What... That story is lame and by the way. You came just for that?"
Milu: "Yes-desu! I'm kind of a fan of whoever was vanquishing those evil beings! He's a true hero in disguise-desu!"
Atup: "Hero, huh? Well, I'll tell you first if I saw a glimpse of this hero."
Milu: "Thanks-desu!!!"
She set up her shop in the evening. We did an excellent job building her house in one day, though. It looks like it will be a unique shop for the castle.
We don't have any doctors around here or alchemists. She can help us with that.
Mr. Ric can take more rest since he was the acting doctor for these past few years.
Hmm. Evil beings being vanquished in this mountain?
That sounds familiar or rather feels familiar.
Oh well, I don't know him, and I don't intend to get to know him. It's time to get back to work!
Oh. I just woke up. What's this on my chest?
Atup: "A-anget!?"
Anget: "Hmm... Hmmmmm..."
She looks comfortable there, but she's showing some sensitive parts again with her pajamas.
Atup: "Hey... Hey. Wake up. Oi!"
Anget: "Wha-whwahahwawa!?"
She's blinking her eyes hard. It took her a few seconds to get what was happening.
Anget: "Kyahh!!!! What are you going to do to me, Sir Atup!?"
Atup: "You idiot."
I hit her on the head.
Atup: "You were on top of me when you woke up. I'm the one who's supposed to be asking questions here."
Anget: "Oh... I'm sorry. Sir Atup. I messed up again..."
Atup: "It's okay. Come on, get dressed."
We went out to check the residential area first before I go to the bridge. The traps were intact, so nobody came last night.
Hmmm? What if someone innocent comes by at night? Well, a good person does not come late at night, you know. Not around here at the least.
Atup: "How are you guys doing?"
Atab: "We're doing pretty good here! Here's your breakfast, Sir Atup, and Anget!"
Atup: "Thanks, Atab."
I devoured the food and got some more.
Atup: "Mr. Nai?"
Nai: "Oh, don't mind me. I'm just measuring the area for the housing of future tenants."
Future tenants? Haha...
Milu: "Sir Atup!!!!! I need your help-desu!!!"
Milu was running towards me and fell on her face. She's covered with dirt now.
Milu: "Oh, nooooo... I need to take a bath again. By the way-desu! I need you to get something for me!"
Atup: "No."
Milu: "Wahhh!!!! Why-desu!?"
Atup: "If it's on the other side of the bridge, I can't."
Milu: "Nooooo...... How can I get it-desuuuu? Pleaseeeee... Purisuuu-desuuuu...."
Atup: "What?"
She's climbing all over me now and kept purring like a cat.
Atup: "Hey! Stop that..."
Milu: "Puuuriiisuuuuu-desuuuuuu!!!!!!"
Atup: "Okay, okay! Fine! If it's not too far, I'll go!"
Milu: "Yipeee!!! It's just some meters away from the bridge. I saw a Healberry bush! I could use it to create lots and lots of potions-desu!"
Atup: "Okay... (Sigh)"
I need to make this quick then. I think I remember where that bush was. I also put a trap there before just in case.
We went to the Healberry bush after our breakfast.
Stranger: "Help... Hah. helppppp...."
Atup: "What is this?"
Above the Healberry bush, there was a long-haired man caught in a trap.
It was my trap. The man was inside a net hanging on a tree.
Atup: "What are you doing there?"
Long-haired man: "I'm a... I'm lost! I wanted to eat. I saw this bush, and I got caught. Help me out here, would ya?"
Hmm. I looked around first. This guy looked like a bandit, so it can also be a trap.
Atup: "Anget, can you sense anyone in the area?"
Anget: "No, Sir Atup."
Atup: "Hmmm..."
Is it not a trap?
Atup: "Are you telling me you can't get out of that trap? You can even bite the net off. And that sword..."
He had a long sword with him. It was a katana.
Long-haired man: "I can't use this, man... It's my father's, and the lock can't be removed without him."
Atup: "Lock, huh."
I looked at him and decided not to bother.
Atup: "Let's get the berries quickly, Anget."
Anget: "Yes."
Long-haired man: "W-wait! Believe me! Here! Check it!"
He dropped the sword from where he was, and it landed on the ground. I picked it up. I tried taking out the sword from the sheath.
Atup: "Hmm... It's tough."
Long-haired man: "See!"
Cluck! I took the sword out.
Long-haired man: "W-WHAT!?"
Atup: "Lock, huh? Let's hurry it up, Anget."
Long-haired man: "Wh-who are you? That sword was sealed ever since I was a baby, and you took it out like it was nothing."
Atup: "It was a tiny seal anyways. I think it was meant for you to break, but your father did not expect you to be weak until now, I guess."
Long-haired man: "Is... that true?"
Atup: "Most likely."
Long-haired man: "That means... I've failed Father."
Atup: "What is your name, mister?"
Tap Sa: "It's Tap Sa."
Atup: "Take your sword. Redeem yourself, or else you've really failed your father."
Tap Sa: "But... How?"
Atup: "I don't know."
Tap Sa: "Please, teach me!"
He kneeled and begged. I threw his sword at his feet
Atup: "Tap Sa."
Tap Sa: "Y-yes?"
Atup: "If you want my help... Go kill a wild bear and bring it back to me. The bears roam around these parts, and it makes the area dangerous."
Tap Sa: "I... I will do it!"
Atup: "I'll wait for you at the beautiful bridge south of here. On top of the mountain."
Tap Sa" "Yes. Please wait for me there!"
He ran.
Anget: "Don't you think it's too much for him, Sir Atup?"
Atup: "If it is... It means his resolve wasn't that great anyway. Let's go."
Anget: "Right..."
I know she feels sorry for the man, but he needs to help himself first before I can help him.
(Tap Sa POV)
Bear. Bear. Where are you?
I'm breathing hard right now while searching for the wild bear. I've never fought one before. I don't know how to fight it, but If I don't, I won't move forward anymore. The warrior told me... To redeem myself, so I will.
A large bear suddenly popped out of a bush! I froze from fear. My hands gripping the sword was shaking so you could hear the steel clattering.
It attacked first. It was swinging its large claws at me.
Tap Sa: "Wah!"
I dodge frantically. My side roll saved me from certain death.
My breathing is getting heavier. I can't... breathe...!
Tap Sa: "Focus."
Huh? Who's that? It was a voice that calmed me down. Is it you, Father?
???: "Take your stance; hold your sword properly."
Tap Sa: "Yes!"
Wild Bear: "ROARRRR!!!!"
The bear was opening its mouth wide, looking to end it with a huge bite.
???: "Aim right, and your strike shall be true."
Tap Sa: "Yes!"
Just before its jaws close to biting me, but I made a front slash. The bear was cut in half. Blood was all over me.
Tap Sa: "I did it! Father-"
I turned around, but he wasn't there. Is it his spirit?
I'm not sure, but I dragged the dead bear with difficulty to the bridge south of here.
(Atup POV)
Oh. Tap Sa did it. I can see from a distance; He was dragging a bear that got cut in half.
Atup: "Oi, Atab! We have bear meat today!"
Atab: "Okay, bring it to my place, and I'll cook it up for everyone!"
I approached Tap Sa to help him.
Atup: "You did it."
Tap Sa: "I did... Thanks for giving me a chance."
Atup: "It was your choice anyways, so give yourself more credit."
Tap Sa: "Ya.... (crying) Father....! I'm finally moving forward! I'm not your failure son anymore."
He joined us afterward.
I'm sure his father is proud. I looked at the graves of my previous battles. His father's grave was there. He was a strong warrior who was looking for someone to beat him until I did.
I won't say anything, but if he asked me, I would tell him all about it.
His father must have really loved him, though. The seal on the sword was strong, and he could only break that if he was at least half my strength.
I guess it must be his father's attempt to persuade his son not to use the sword until he was strong enough.
Atup: "Oi!!! Milu! We got your Healberries!"
Milu: "Oooohhh!!! Thank you-desuu!!!!!!!"
Atup: "Plant some so that we won't have to search the forests anymore."
Milu: "Yep, yep! Actually-desu... We have planted various things in the field!"
I looked at the field. There were wheat and rice plants now. Is that Atab's? There were also different herbs and materials for alchemy planted in the areas.
Atab: "Oh! Sir Atup, you're here. Did you saw our plants? Hehe! I want my ingredients to be fresh as it can be so that the food will be more delicious!"
Atup: "It's a good thing. Thanks, Atab."
Atab: "No problem, hehe."
The place is slowly turning into a lively one. I don't show it much, but I'm pleased that these guys are part of the kingdom now.
Atab: "All we need now is livestock! The castle had some, but it's not enough if we're going to have more people!"
Atup: "I'll leave that to you then, Atab."
Atab: "Yes, yes!"
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