《A Legend Reborn》Chapter 11- Receiving Guests


So goodbye and see u soon!



After showing myself to the Citadel´s Guards and introducing the princesses and their escorts to the maids ordering them to bring their things to the already prepared rooms and to make a warm bath for each one of them, Alexis asked me if I could show them around the castle.

“Sorry I cannot. You can however ask around for Jafar my personal butler and I dare say that he is a friend of mine, when not working he should be around the Servants Quarters trying to get a girl to bed with him (not that he can´t) I on the other hand have bussiness to conduct not far away and I am already quite late and if I delay myself any longer I will no longer arrive fashionably late as (already) usual. So if you don´t want anything else… Then goodbye and we will see each other at the party tonight”

With the two unconsious idiots ( Jhin and the other guy…) I went to my tower. I proceeded to emprisoned them in the attic and after confirming that they won´t escape I ran to the tailor to receive my new ceremonial clothing. Black, blood red and white, those were the colors that always suited me best and as such my new clothes were made from rare matrials from monsters I personally killed during my escapes outside of town that matched those colors.

Lightning- Eater Viper skin (black with streaps of red) for the inside of the long coat.

Direwolf skin (black) for the outside of the long coat and the tottality of the trousers.

Snow Fox (white) fur for the inside of my gloves.

Winter Snake (white) for the outside of the gloves.

Swamp Queen (a mini-boss Crocodile) skin for my boots (funny story I made a promise to her while she was yapping about killing me that I was gonna make her into my boots. Well am I not a man of my word?)


A scarf made of Arachne´s First Daughter´s ( another mini-boss, for this one I had to venture deep into a cave system underneath th castle that connected to an abandoned part of the citadel) pale white silk.

A Lunar-Silver (or Starsteel) diadem made by the Western Elves.

A few rare-jeweled rings made by King Orin II of the Dwarves.

And of course a three headed hydras skin for my three pointed hat and used its scales to make my vest.

Then I headed back and dealt with some of the bureacracy waiting for me in the tower.

Afterwords I met with some people there and prepared myself for the party.

I went down stairs acompanied by Jafar.

Near the main gates I positioned myself above the stairs to the Main Halls Gate to receive the guests.

Soon after they started arriving.

First my uncles (and my stupid cousins and Ajax).

Then the Blackfishes, one of the noble houses, this one specializes in comercial navy and has underground monopoly of all naval commercial deals.

Then House Seaworth, another noble house this one speciallizes in military navy and usually guard the docks and port entrance. The Blackfishes and Seaworths once belonged to the same family under the name of Craven. Due to their rivalry they almost stepped on each other trying to be the first to arrive and be received by me.

Afterwords I welcomed House Forrel, the Knights of Gray Hill, a military family mostly male all of great muscular build and well trained even the ladies were rumored to be able to kill you before you even notice it.

The next one was House Quirrel, another military family deeply connected to the Forrels they held the honorable dutie to protect the City gates and tax the people that enter. Their Manor was the West Main Gate itself making it ginormously big and well defended (well enough to be called a separate fortress and people reffer to it as West Gate Castle).


The last big proeminent family was the Woltrans, a politic and academic family whose heir and House Lord were Ministers in my cou*cough*cough* mothers Court. The members of this Court however were not there from influece, power or money but either talent or cunning brought them there, so they were the only nobles in the Court.

Then came the minor houses and merchants, dignataries and other ministers.

The first of those dignataries to arrive was the 3º Prince Miran Bellan of the Royal House of Bellan rulers of the nation of Belfan in the north. Their family directly descends from the royal valeryian household (meaning that they were my descendants) and although most royal family descended from nobles that had valeryian blood in them one way or another they were the only ones that directly belonged to the House of Ayers and had the valeryian silver hair to prove it.

Miran Bellan had that hair. Blue icy eyes, a strong jaw line, and a well proporsioned nose and a muscular and well defined build but he was at same time as slender as a snake. Gostly pale, quick witted and smart his way of walking was one of an experienced warrior making no unnecessary movements. He seemed to be in his guard as he had a thin but hard breastplate covering his white shirt but slightly hidden under his red vest. He carried a ceremonial sword in his waist but something told me that it could be used for something else other than ceremonies. He was 17 and he already seemed like an old war veteran.

He was acompanied by his butler and by several other men that composed of his escourts.

I welcomed him thanked him for coming and wished him a goodnight while he coldly gave smart compliments to the Citys defensive system, to the West Gate Castle and its syze, to my clothing and in the end he looked at me like he had enough small talk had asked me if we could duel…

“I heard you are quite a good fighter despite your age maybe we could fight…”

O god why are his eyes glistening?

“No thank you Prince..”

“Oh please just call me Miran were both royalty after all we do not need to add that type of stuff to our conversation.”

“So Miran I don’t think this is an opportune time for that maybe in another occasion”

“Yes, very well.”

Afterwords came delegates from other countries.

The one that caught more attention from the gathering crowd of people wanting to enter was the elfen delegation they came they awed and they went inside. The beauty and natural elegancy of the Elves reminded me however of other purer times. Rumors were circulating that the Elves were “moving on” building armadas and leaving west never to be seen again. They are leaving the continent and nobody knows to where they are fleeing.

Even I don’t know.

This simple thing reminded that I was someone else. Not a god but a simple mortal.

I shrugged the darkening thoughts and continued receiving the guests.

After personnaly receiving everyone I went inside the Main Hall and cheerfully asked for a cup of water.

I drank it whole heartidly.

Then I gave the empty cup to Jafar and said:

“Lets start the party shall we?”

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