《A Legend Reborn》Chapter 9- Savior?


Kallisto´s POV

After we started hearing battle noises somewhere in the forest, Alexis jumped out of the carriage and yelled to Anastasia:

“Keep the ladies inside. In case something goes wrong run for it we are just a few miles away from the capital.”

“Yes, Sir Alexis” Anastasia responded closing the door behind our butler.

“Sister…” I heard a whisper from my left side.

I turned my head around and I felt my sister´s hand on top of mine as she looked me in the eyes.

The truth is, if whatever landed on top of our carriage attacked us we would die.

We both knew it.

As we heard Alexis give orders to the two demon knights, I felt my sister´s fear and I steeled my emotions for whatever came next.

Then I heard a loud movement coming from behind our carriage.

A horse.

I quickly heard yells, people running and swords clashing.

I don´t know how long the battle took but by the end of it a loud knocking came from the door and we heard a shout:

“Miladies! Wanna come out? We promise we won´t do any harm to ya”

We didn’t answer. A minute passed and we heard another shout.

“Okay you don’t leave us with much choice… if ya don’t come out we´ll cut your butlers neck! And don’t think about escaping from us you´re surrounded”

Anastasia tried to keep us away from the door as we tried to leave the carriage to save Alexis.

When, suddenly, the door behind us was ripped open and a couple pair of hands pulled us out from our seats out to the open.

I yelled, surprised, and I closed my eyes.

“Ah look what we have yer boys! Three pretty ladies! Sad really the boss told us not to touch these two! BUT he said nothing about this one! Lets have a bit of fun with her boys!”

“Wait Boss wasn´t it to kill one of them?”


“Change of plans, we´ll keep the other, c´mon let´s tied them up.”

I opened my eyes to see around thirty men, all of them equiped with black lether and silver armour. They were mercenaries as I noticed some with the thief symbol on their semi-naked left arm.

However they were a little too well equiped to be the average run-of-the-mill merch.

Alexis was bleeding everywhere, kneeling on the left side surrounded by five men grinning as some other men were trying to neutralize and strip Anastasia.

Anastasia tried chanting a spell but a man behind her put his hand on her mouth while laughing.

We struggle as we could, tried to scream too, but to no avail.

They dragged us to the horse and tied us to him.

Alexis didn´t stood oblivious as he yeld our names while trying to get up and help Anastasia.

However the men were higher leveled and quickly subdued him.

When they were kicking and punching Alexis, me and my sister notice a strange shadow coming from the forest to the left of the horse. The shadow turned into a figure that stood along my own height, only a little taller though, and was wearing a complete black armour and a cape.

He was dragging a man behind him with a full gold and purple armour that seemed unconscious.

His approach warned the mercenaries as they readied themselves to a fight drawing their swords and putting up a stance.

At that moment the boy said:

“So let me guess, you are the guys I was supposed to kill.” He facepalmed and continued “ Whatever…”

He stopped speaking when he saw the state of Alexis and Anastasia as his glare inspected the surroundings and the people in it.

For moments, his eyes seemed to rest on me and my sister.

“Let´s be done with this.”

Behind the boy, on the floor, was his shadow and from it tentacles rose and quickly stabbed through the heart of several men.


They yelled and spitted blood as their comrades started to charge against him while some were chanting at the same time.

[Medium Boost]

[Small Area Spell: Great Body Resistance]

[Shadow Step]

[Wind Blades]

[Mana Bolts: Multiple Arrows]

[Mana Bolts: Sniper Arrow]

So on and so on…

All of them attacked at the same time but the boy, despite having more than 20 men attacking him with spells and swords, simply dodge everything with grace and fluidity.

Me and my sister, despite the initial surprise, took advantage of the commotion and through a mutual agreement we started to wobble about trying to get rid of the many ropes that tied us down.

At the same time I kept an observant eye to the boy.

In the middle of the fight the boy started to parry with his armored forearms altough he had a sword in his waiste.

The merchs thinking that he changed from dodging to parrying because he was getting tired intensified their attack speed and increase the force they used in to the blows.

I could see however that that made no difference to the fight as the boy still didn’t seem to make any openings for them to deal a proper blow.

My astonishement and admiration was growing. Who was this boy? He couldn´t be older than me so how come he was as powerfull as one of the demon-knight captains, and all of them had half of a century, at least, to train and gain experience.

However a question rouse from my mind: was he saving us or was he going to do something to us afterwards?

My sister seemed to share my concern as we intensified our struggle to get rid of the ropes.

Alexis also took advantage of the fight and helped Anastasia getting up and quickly try to walk towards despite his injuries.

The boy then gave up on defending and started to attack.

Each blow that he did with his hands killed a man in many ways.

Then a bulky man apeared behind him brandishing a two handed weapon, while screaming:

“[Fire Blade]!”

The weapon caught fire and went down towards the boy, threatening to cut him in two.

With his right hand the boy caught the flaming sword, by the blade, a few centimeters from his head and took it from the man´s hand and sent it flying to a merch in front of him, rotanting in the hair and hitting him in the middle of his chest.

With his left he took his sword from his waiste and punched the bulky merch with the hilt leaving him unconcious in the dirt.

Men were dropping like flys leaving the dirt of the road red with blood.

Alexis picked up one of the fallens weapon and started cutting the ropes.

“My ladies” he said while freeing my sister and moving on to my ropes“take this horse, go to the city. Don´t look back and don´t worry about us we will meet at the palace as soon as we can!”

He freed me and we mounted the stalion ready to go, however before we could ride out we heard a voice.

“Leaving so soon? You don´t even say thanks to your savior?”

Before any of my comrades could react I said:

“I would happily congratulate him if he didn´t had the need to hide behind a mask! A true savior would show his face, I believe.”

The boy shrugged and came towards us avoiding all the dead man. He was leaving behind alive however the leader and the previous man that he put unconsious.

He stopped a few meters from the horse and took his mask off.

“My name is Nox Cladmin Prince Heir to The Crown of the Independent City of Cladmin, Vice-Prime-Minister of The Royal Court and yours true savior!”

He said with a exaggerated bow leaving all of us flabbergasted.

“Now can I have the pleasure to escort the princesses to my city?”

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