《A Legend Reborn》Chapter 8.5- The Man Who Stole The Sun


This chapter is a LONG and BIG (that´s what (s)he said) BACKGROUND/BACKSTORY chapter and fuck, it took me a while to make. I didn´t post it yesterday ´cause I went to see Batman V Superman.... Enjoy the extra chapter!

The wheelchair made no noise as it slided through the massive hallway.

The chair made of heavenly steel glowed and shined like it had a mind of its own while the cover of the seat was made of confortable cotton and dragon leather that shined when the sun hit it through the windows on the left of the hallway.

It was like the chair itself was made of rays of the brightest sun.

The person who drove the wheelchair was dressed with a black suit and white shirt with a white tie. A white rose also stood out in the front pocket of the jacket. The person´s posture was perfect while walking and his steps showed determination. The suit did not hide the light muscles of the man and an aura of righteousness and holyness that followed him.

His eyes were of pure white without irises and his hair was golden and went to his shoulders.

However the thing that stood out the most was his wings. Wings! As white as white could be.

The man´s entire figure seemed like the incarnation of divinity.

The entire opposite of the man sitting on the wheelchair.

The person was wearing a white robe covering from the neck to the knees with the exeption of his arms. The person´s figure was thin like it was dying from hunger, one of his eyes was red like blood and the other was golden like the sun.

His head hanged low and his eyes stared the ground like it was watching everything and nothing with great attention, however his eyes showed no light like the person in question was dead long ago. His hair was black and white, from the roots was white and in the edges was black.

Yet the angel driving seemed to care a lot for the person sitting in the chair, driving with the utmost caution and care.

Slowly moving the wheelchair through the corridor to wherever their destination was. The angel was looking to the man with what it seemed to be love and respect like a caring grandchild watching his grandfather.

After a few moments of silent driving they came to the end of the hallway.

There was a huge terrace of fluffy grass that gently waved as the wind went by.

It was occupied by several figures sitting in white metal chairs by white metal tables.

Some were chatting, others were eating and drinking, some alone or with groups.

These beings were gods and goddesses, spirits, dragons (in their human forms), angels, high demons and high elves and ghosts.


But despite the aura of divinity and absolute power that each one of them possessed no one stood oblivious to the entrance of the two men.

Everybody raised from their seats and bowed, not to the angel but to the man in the wheelchair.

The duo passed through them.

The man in the wheelchair continue to stare into nothingness but the angel looked to both his sides gently releasing his sweat voice from his mouth telling them to rise their heads, for them not to bow for him, but for the sitting man.

From the terrace came a circular balcony that had red roses growing from small vases around it, they contrasted with the white marble that the balcony and the terrace were made.

The angel drove the man to the balcony that stood higher than the terrace.

In the middle of the circular balcony stood a marble table surrounded by marble seats stuck to the ground.

There were 6 seats and where the 7th should have been the angel parked the wheelchair.

A youngster with wings with a neat black and white suit (without the rose however) came carrying a soup dish to the angel.

All conversations went around the duo in the balcony.

“Is it him?”

“You must be new! Of course it´s him.”

“He is thiner than the last time I saw him”

“The last of the Ancients.”

“Ironic is it not?”

“I heard he stopped eating.”

“Heaven curse me if I not want to see him dead already.”

“Shhh! He will hear you!”

The duo pay them no heed.

The angel sat by the left of the man and put the soup on the table.

He pulled out a cloth from a pocket of his suit and carefully positioned it on the man´s lap.

And started feeding him like a parent would do to a child with all the care and love someone could give.

But the man refused to eat, at least he showed no reaction to the spoon filled with soup hoovering near his mouth.

After several attempts of feeding the thin man, the angel stopped and just stared at him with a sad look.

Suddenly a person appeared in the balcony.

A woman wearing a simple black dress, with black hair, pale skin and red eyes.

Both the end of her dress and the end of her hair turned into black dark smoke.

Despite her beautifull face and her plane look everything in her emanated strength and power to a level beyond the people behind them in the terrace.

The angel put the spoon back to the plate, and raised himself from the chair and, with a smile, he gently said.

“My Lady Nyx. What a surprise to see you here. We were not expecting you. How are you adapting to being the new patron goddess of the demons? ”


She spoke sofyly as well but her voice was not gloomy, sad or heavy but joyfull and happy.

“Everything is going well Lord Raphael. The demons are tired and overwhelmed by sadness, they dare not do the same things as before. At least for the next generations.”

She smiled and her eyes deviated from the angel Raphael to the man sitting in the wheelchair.

“How is father today?”

“High Father still refuses to eat. I am at a loss… I do not know what to do.”

Raphael went back to the chair and Nyx went calmly sitted next to High Father.

“Hello father.”

She smiled but the man continue his immobalization.

“Brother Talon has been asking about you, he is very worried.”

She continued to smile.

“He says that the war campaign is doing well.”

She continued to smile, a beautiful smile filled with hope and care.

“Brother Fargas is also disrupt. He asks why do we still call you father, or why do we call ourselves brothers and sisters, when we are not even blood related to each other. He is… confused, losing hope, father, like the rest of us.”

She continued to smile, despite the sadness filling her voice.

“There´s also been rumours going around that most of the lower gods, especially the new generation, want someone to replace you father, with someone more… competent. They say that the image of the Pantheon being ruled like a family with a person in the lead is outdated. They… want to get rid off the old ways and make a republic.”

Her smile started to dissapear.

“Brother Fargas is starting to agree to their ideas…The others say nothing but I know that they are considering this as well.”

Her smile was gone.

“They want to bury you! Seal you away like we did with Oldar…”

Her eyes were now humid and tears started to form.

“Dad…Please wake up… This is not what Mother would want…”

She started to silently cry.

The view of their goddess crying, stopped all conversations in the terrace, some of them were crying as well because of that. Others silently watched, while the older gods started to kneel to High Father begging him to wake up, but the ones old enough to remember the golden days of High Father´s rule simply did nothing but look to their own hands and cry, for those happy days were long gone.

Raphael got up and walked next to Nyx and placed his hand on her shoulder.

A few seconds passed when a young god, with a small horn in his forehead, raised up from his chair and said.

“Why do you all cry? Why do you all waste your tears for some old geezer who no longer cares to walk the paths of divinity? Our Lord Fargas is right! We should set our eyes on the future and get rid of these ancient ideals and move on to a better thing! This old god belongs in a museum! He no longer has the power, nor the will, to command us and guide us! He his weak! And we should get rid off him!”

He walked through the terrace to stay near the balcony, then he showed his back to the people in it and talked to those in the terrace.

“The Ancients were all great gods and their ways were honorable and good for the times they existed, but, now, their time has passed! It is time for new High Gods to create new ways! Why do you think the other Ancients dissapeared and left us? Because they knew their time was up!”

He looked back to the balcony and spits near the chair of High Father.

“I do not follow a god that does not show his might and shares his wisdom.”

All were perplexed.

Raphael was the first to react, with great rage he materialized his holy staff and was about to cut the young blasphemer into two when…


High Father´s hand was raised.

Raphael stopped immediately with his eyes wide open from surprise.

Nyx looked surprised as well but couldn´t help but smile.

A whisper was heard directed to Raphael.

“Ye-y-y-yes High Father!” Raphael went to the wheelchair and turn it around in direction of the rebellious god.

The man simply pointed the palm of his hand upwards and his eyes started to glow.

Then everything simply started to lose colour.

The light surrounding the gods diminished and they started feeling weak and they felt to their knees.

Even the sun in the sky started to dissappear, his light wavered and it simply vanished from the sky quickly bringing darkness to the Great High Realm.

In the palm of his hand something started to form. It was a ball rotatting fast. It started to shine and generate heat clearing the darkness of this midday night.

Everybody looked beyond astonished as they realised what that ball was.

Nyx´s tears simply evaporated from the heat and she raised herself from the chair, got down to the terrace and knelt to the man.

Everybody quickly did the same, including Raphael that dematerialized his staff and knelt near Nyx.

The young boy simply made a look of sadness and defeat and knelt.

The man, High Father Ayers! He was awake!

And in the palm of his hand, shinning bright, spreadding heat was a small sun.

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