《A Legend Reborn》Chapter 8- Bloodbath


Hi guys! Sry for the delay! Pls tell me your thoughts about the battle scene and if i need to improve something on that regard :3 Thank u for reading and commenting!

After slicing the boy´s throat I jumped on a branch of a nearby tree and started to move from tree to tree until I got on top of two men.

Before I plumped down I pull out my mask from my pocket dimension and put it on. ( https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d3/e4/dd/d3e4dd29949ec51008ffc8645039cb79.jpg )

I jumped down inserting my sword vertically in one guys head, while using the sword´s hilt to help redirect my fall on top of the other men´s neck cracking his spine.

As I hit the ground I immediately let go of the sword and reach a bunch of throwing knifes in my pockets and threw them at five other men a few meters in front of me. While with my left hand with another bunch of knifes I threw them at three other men by their right.

All of them hit their targets in the back of their brains.

There was a guy behind me, probably a loner, and by his shocked face he was a noob when it came to killing.

I reacted as quickly as possible and threw another throwing knife at him.

He jumped.

Why the…?

He probably thought he could dodge it.

Well shit.

He dodge it.

Partially, it hit him in the shoulder, not the head.


I ran but it was too late he screamed.

“Ah…Well then”.

All other mana signatures ran towards me.

They surrounded me and pointed their weapons at my cloacked figure.

There was a few seconds of silence while I was waiting to see who would do the first move.

One, however, the S rank magic swordsman, watched carefully the assasinations I previously did and moved a few footsteps in front of the circle and raised his voice.

“We are the First Holy Order of the Ilian Knights sent by His Grace Pope Alenxander V! Who dares kill his knigths? State your name!”


Another man stepped forward and whispered in his ears with an irritated expression. The other waved at him whispering something else in response. And raised his voice again.

“My partner thinks we should kill you already and move on, but I do not think it I should kill without at least know your name, for you are skilled and as such deserving of a honorable fight.”

My time to asnwer. I deepened my voice or better I answered him in my previous life voice.

“Your logic makes no sense, mortal (I could not help but add it in my speech! Boy is it good to speak normally again instead of my six year old kid voice!) This is not going to be a fight but a massacre. But if I comply to such a rule should you not tell me your name as well? Not only that but could you not use your skill [ANALYSIS] on me?”

Pffft.. I cant hold it.

If it werent for my [EMONTIONLESS PUPETEER] title and the skills involved in it I would already be dying of laughter at seeing this guys faces!

All of their jaws were dropped at my sudden deep voice that seemed to echo on its own. (Writer: If you are curious about his voice check out Aurelion Sol on youtube or just go to this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0-pxxx6qOw )

The S rank magic swordsman blinked a few times and said.

“ My name is Jhin Faust, knight commander of the First Holy Order of the Ilian Knights! It is not like I have not tried to use it on you but it does not show your name, titles or level. I also tried to detect your mana signature but I do not see mana or ki in you.”

“Hm. So you got curious and delayed an eventual fight just to ask? Have you never heard that curiosity killed the cat? Well, knight commander, my name is Valaar and I am your worst nightmare”

I jumped backwards making a flip and landed right in front of some random dude and poked him in the left eye with my finger through the helmet. With a rapier I stabbed him in the private parts.


He screamed and yelled and cried.

A guy ran towards me screaming his friend`s name trying to hit me with a massive greatsword I backed up a single footstep.

The sword hit the ground with great strength.

And with the same amount of strength I punched his defenceless belly with the rapier!

And… now the rapier is stuck inside him.

I´m now weaponless. NOT!

But crap. I should have thought that through….

I jumped on top of that men´s back and kicked an aproaching soon to be headless man in the left side of his head with great force dislocating his spine and ripping his muscles tearing off his head.

Then I jumped behind the group of men that gathered up near the guys I have just killed.

“It is arrogant to think you can defeat me.” I have things I need to be doing.

“[ Grand Area Spell: Moving Sands]”

The ground beneath me started moving and breaking. My boots started to be quickly swalloed by the earth.

I jumped again. That guy Jhin predicted that move already and sent the other two S rank knights to try to cut me in pieces mid jump. So I, mid air, rotated and escaped their blades.

I landed in front of a tree and one of the S rank tried to cut me in half. I jumped to the left.

A grin was creeping up in me as the tree previously behind me got cut in two.

I motioned my hand towards both S ranks.

The two guys got crushed under the pressure of a mini sun leaving nothing but a human soup and a very thin piece of metal previously a sturdy and high quality armor.

“Voiceless Incantations!”

I got up and pulled out an enchanted sword from my pocket dimension.

I jumped towards Jhin and was about to kill the bastard when an A rank yelled.

“[Mana Bolts: Multiple arrows]”

I quickly defended myself with my sword each bolt hitting the enchanted blade.

“You call that Mana bolts?”

I raised my hand and behind me several dozens threatening looking blue arrows appeared.

“Try this!”

Jhin jumped in front of the terrified man and threw him out of the way of the arrows.


Several arrows followed the man and killed him hitting him in many vital points.

Blood showered towards Jhin while the rest of the arrows went towards him.

“[Grand Area Spell: Holy Shield of Talon]”

Hm? A specific incantation to the god?

The arrows hit the shield with no damage to Jhin. But before he could recover I had already jumped towards him. He had no time to put up a stance so he had to move himself out of my blade trajectory.

For a two minutes me and Jhin did nothing but attack and defend from each others attacks, leaving the remaining 9 man astounded.

I could do way better, I thought, but this body of a child has its limits.

But one thing that Jhin had has a bigger disavantage was the fact that the was only human and quickly got tired from defending my very strong attacks.

After several jump attacks and sensing the other 9 lowering their guard while watching our duel. I said.


And with gravity magic I killed the 9 remaining from the inside, exploding them into little pieces.

Blood, guts and muscles flew everywhere distracting the horrified Jhin from the fight.

And with a clear opening I cut his face.

I did not kill him.

I need information.

And with magic I made him faint.

“Huh geez this was troublesome….” I sighed.

I was about to start walking to grab Jhin and transport him to the citadel to wave him in front of the stupid twins that dared to do this when I heard screams coming from the road.

What the….?

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