《A Legend Reborn》Chapter 7- The Twins


Hi guys Im back! Here it is a new chapter for everybody, the next one is gonna be released the day after tomorrow!

It took a few minutes flying west, at my top speed, in direction of Riverwood to find the forest which was divided in half by the National Road.

A carriage could be seen going in medium speed entering the forest.

So I descended from my current altitude and proceded to land on top of the carriage.

I got closer to one of the windows as to confirm that was the right carriage.

Inside were two exquisite girls that matched Jafar´s description with a man and a woman who I presumed to be their staff.

In front of the carriage there was the pilot and two guards.

I used the skill [ANALYSIS] in the people inside the carriage to confirm their identities.

Name: Alexis Valoir Lvl:157

Title:Bloodsucking Butler

Name:Anastasia Erinski Lvl:99

Title: Aprenticce Maid

Name: Kallisto Neopes Lvl: 115

Title: White Queen

Name: Ariadne Neopes Lvl:115

Title:Black Queen

Incredible! For these two girls to achieve level 115 at such young age.

We were halfway through the forest road when my senses picked up a small mana presence drawing near us. At that moment more presences appeared. They were 25 mages and I was sure there were twenty others with warrior class sensing the ki inside them while not sensing any mana.

Going by the amount of mana three of them were S ranked, one of them was a ki praticioner and a mage, and two were A ranked, the others however were C ranked,easy to be disposed of.

I was going to be cautius about it as I could not measure their phisical strength nor did I know if they had some kind of special skill or unique spell or scroll.

By the looks of things only the butler could probably deal with them but they were too many and the two guards sitting with the driver were not past B rank.

I flew to the closest mana presence. It was a man, a boy would be more accurate as he probably was little more than 18.

I quickly reformed myself into my human form while sitting down on top of a tree carefully watching the other mana presences with the corner of my eyes.


I could feel my facial muscles draw a huge grin in my face.

Altough it wasn´t my first battle in my new life it would be a first fighting against so many.

When the boy got himself right below me, I jumped down and with one of my many knifes I aimed the blade at his neck.

“What the…! Gahh HU AHHH…ah”

I swiftly slit his throat.

A shower of blood rained everywhere.

Oh this is gonna be fun!

-----------------------Kallisto`s POV------------------

My name is Kallisto Neopes, twin sister of Ariadne Neopes and daughter of Count Vladmir Neopes. Since me and my sister were born, we have been regarded as geniuses because of our magical prowess. We learned to talk and read before we could even walk and even after we learned to walk it was still early considering our age.

Mother raised us well while our father educated us in his free time.

However my father was a count and a distinguished member of the Demon Lord´s Council of Seven, representing the sin of Greed.

As such Dad had little private time for us and whenever he met us outside the manor or with some guests he acted cold, rational and exuded a menacing aura.

Because of that we never talked much nor did we do much in front of another person.

Two months ago Mother told us that we were to go to a birthday party in a foreign kingdom.[/size]

Curiosity overwhelmed us, as we never went outside the Great Demon Empire, we started reading everything we could about the kingdom that we were to visit.

The kingdom was more of an independent city with large forests and small villages inside the country. It was small, really small compared to the other kingdoms and empires.

But we knew better than underestimate them because of their size.

For such a small territory to survive centuries in the Human part of the continent where power and strength was everything, they had to have some kind of hidden trump card.

Their economic importance on the continent was one of the reasons not to fall prey to the greed of the surrounding rulers.

The City of Haren or better the Independent Grand City Of Haren was an important trading spot because of their priviledge spot in the south-east part of the continent connecting several trade lines. Because of the rulling House espetacular mixed-blood with all races for the exeption of the demons while having a tolerance or even a “passionate love” for all races, the country had several unique relationship with the Mythical Races of the south making the elven and dwarven merchants bring better and cheaper materials, books, artifacts etc. to Haren while excluding such priviliges to all the other kingdoms and Empires.


Their naval fleet was another reason. Known as the Invincible Armada, lead by the biggest ship of this century, Arion the Floating Chariot. Since the independence of the country the Armada was never defeated nor did it ever retreated from a battle and ensured the country´s independence during many wars over the century.

The rulers that led this country were certainly amazing and all the documents we had pointed towards an undying love for their people.

A month before we left however Mother told us that we will meet a boy.

He was the Heir Prince of Haren and he was a year younger than us.

One of us were to marry him after we met him.

We felt conflicted, one of us was to marry someone we did not know.

And then we will be separated.

We dont want to be apart. I want to stay with sister.

We tried to argue with Mother, but we said nothing when Dad arrived as he tried to explain the marriage as simply as possible to us.

"You see, my sweethearts, this marriage will allow us to previliged acess to the southern market. We will be able to have materials of better quality at very low prices compared to now, and gain political influence in that country. And do not worry. The people there seem to have a very high tolerance to the Mythical Races... or should we even say love?" He smiled "HA! Compared to the humans of the North and Center the population of Haren is very open minded. And again my loves do not worry did you really think Mom and Dad would let one marry off some stupid arrogant and weak human? You girls should go ask a few questions to Alexis about the kid. He is more special than you think."

So curiosity once more overwhelmed us and we investigated the boy.

He was a genius.

At least it´s what everything points towards.

According to Dad´s spies the boy was the one to drastically change the country behind the scenes while the public thought the changes were made by the Queen.

From making a assembly to represent the will of the people in the political power sphere to becoming Vice-Prime-Minister the boy was everywhere and anywhere controlling the country in such a subtle way it was hard to believe he was six years old and that his mother the Queen was now considered to be, for those who knew the truth, a puppet queen.

Not only that but it was also rumoured to be very powerfull.

We decided to give him a chance.

We could not wait to meet him.

So ten hours later we started to depart to the city of Haren. It took an entire week to travel at top speed to reach the border of the Holy Human Empire from then we sneaked inside and traveled even faster to finnaly reach the border of Haren by the end of the month.

Everything was going well until we reach Riverwood forest.

I suddenly felt a beyond incredible and powerfull mana presence on top of the carriage.

It was sudden and before I could do or say anything I sensed a lot of mana presences coming near us.

The biggest mana presence then left the top of the carriage and dissapear near one of the mana presences.

Then that person´s mana signal dissapeared.

I looked at my sister, she too realized what was happening, and we both looked at Alexis with worried faces.

Alexis, our vampire butler, was looking out from the window with is ussual expressionless face, altough I could feel his uneasyness he showed no worries in his face.

And then more and more mana signals dissapeared.

We heard a loud scream, then silence and then loud sounds of battle roared through out the forest.

What in the world was happening?

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