《A Legend Reborn》Chapter 6- A Sudden Development


Hi guys this chapter has 1111 words exactly! I dnt know why I said this but whatever! Hope u guys like it!

Thank you for reading and commenting! Any questions or suggestions write them in the comment section below! If u see any errors do please tell so i can kill them with fire!

After meeting with grandpa I calmly went about the castle while going back to my tower to eat breakfast. Jafar came back a litlle bit later with papers and documents for me to read. I felt extreme anxiety as I could not wait until tonight to perform my plans.

“Sir. May I remind that you have a meeting with them today before lunch and after that Her Highness the Queen wants you to go to the tailor to receive your new clothes.”

“ Thanks for the reminder and by the way have you told the Ministery Of Magic my ideas for the future Academy?”

“Yes my lord they said that they would need time to implement those ideas to the building plans.”

“Thanks what about the Minister of Coin, what does he think about the renovating the coinage system?”

“He said exactly what you expected master…” Jafar said while giving me a new set of papers to read “though he was flabergasted by the idea of using paper money and substitute the usage of precious minerals in coins to normal metal and certain alloys.”

“The monetary system of not just our country but the continent is not ready yet for such a change it would destroy the economy and bussiness everywhere. Even I know that, Jafar. But sacrifeces need to be made for progress! FOR SCIENCE!”

I shouted. I look back at the papers.

“The newly made Ministery Of Agriculture, Hunting and Fisheries needs to step up their game. In this report it says that only 23% of farms owned by the State and 11% of private farms have implemented the triennial system of crop rotation in their farms. Make some law to make the substitution compulsory! Also tell them to legislate the prohibitation of trawling it destroys sea life and I don´t want any sea god angry at us. Ha! Also!”


I turned the report around and summoned my magical pen and started scribbling off on it.

“Here.” I gave Huggin the paper. He grabbed it with his beack and look inquisitively to me. “Give this to the Minister of Agriculture, Hunting and Fisheries it is a draft of a new law forbidding fishing any type of fish during their respective mating seasons and fishing fishes smaller than the minimum size.”

The raven nodded and flew away to the Ministery Of…


After a few other discussions with Jafar we finally arrived to my tower where the maids have been prepearing my breakfast in the second floor.

The dining hall of the second floor was decorated with flowers and statues and behind the retangular table,hanging in the wall, there was a portrait of me. With a black rose, sitting down in a small throne like chair with the capital behind me…

Ha! A true work of art!

I went to the table and sitted while eating breakfast. When suddenly I heard a loud bang downstairs and footsteps coming up the stairs. But instead of coming to the second floor they continued up…

“I am here!” I loudly said to the visitor entreating passage to my tower.

And the sounds of footsteps came closer to the dining hall. Jafar quickly went to the wooden doors, to open them, revealing a boy around his teen years preparing himself to quick the door open. I quickly filled the room with my killing intent.

“Ajax I dare you to try to open the gates to my tower again in such a way and I shall make you clean my tower floors with your tongue.”

Ajax flinched and made a depressed face while coming closer to me.


“What do you say?”

“…Im sorry…”

“Good boy! Now what is it that you want?” I said while I munched a piece of monster bacon.

He raised his hair with a determined glare and said.

“My brothers seem to be planning to take your wives from you. But they thought that you would decline the marriage proposal wich you didn´t. So they came up with a plan to kidnape one of them and kill the other while they are coming here for the ball.”


“What do you say cousin?”

I kept on silently eating my breakfast. He like the short temper family he had started to become fuming out of his head.

“Huh... I say that this breakfast is really good! Jafar say to the chef that I loved his cooking and give him a slight raise in his pay.”

“Very well Master” Jafar responded.

“Nox are you not gonna say something!” Ajax yelled.

“Ha… I thought that I already taught your stupid brothers a lesson when I broke several of their bones when they tried to kill me in a practice fight. What do you want me to do now? Actually kill them would give me political repercussions and probably a small civil war and that would give me a headache…”

“But they are going to harm them!”

“Fine! Very well but don´t come to me crying later!”

“Just…don´t kill them… please…?”

I facepalmed and said:

“Jafar give me a black robe and my Assassin Armor, the back one embebbed with the darkness spells.”

“Yes, my lord” He quickly went upstairs to the attic.

After a few minutes of awkward silence between me and Ajax, Jafar finnaly appear with my armor and a set of clothes neatly folded in his arms.

I dressed up as quickly as I could and quickly, without a word, I put myself in the edge of the window and asked:

“Where are they going to execute their plans you annoying brat?”

“In the Riverwood forest in the National Road”

“Very well I will deal with them personnaly. Jafar bring reinforcements to clean up the place after I am done.”

“Yes my Lord!” He bowed and continued “What of them?”

“Postpone the meeting.”

“Yes, my Lord. Then good luck with your hunt Lord Nox.”

I looked at Ajax.

“Good luck with your hunt cousin.” He said avoiding my face has it started to develop into a sadistic grin.

“Thank you.” My voice was now modified deep and terrinfying causing Ajax to turn around and started walking out of the dinning hall.

I jumped out of the window. It was an amazing feeling, the wind rushing through my hair and face. I tried not to scream my feelings off into the air and started morphing. My legs turned black and small, transforming into a raven ´s legs. My nose grew and turned black as well as my arms that started to grow feathers. My body started to get smaller and smaller until I finnaly fully turned into a raven.

I could help but release a “CRAW” while thinking deep in the fun I was going to have tonight.

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