《A Legend Reborn》On the subject of Rankings (not a chapter)


Hi everyone!

How are you guys doing? Do you like the story so far? Remember if you have any suggestions do please say!

Today we are going to talk about rankings! (Yeah this was a massive headache to make)

First of all Normal Ranks is what is used to rank ppl in Treasis! The numbers are Levels...

W (highest)- 1000 and plus

Y-500 to 1000

Z-400 to 500

SS-300 to 400

S-250 to 300

A-200 to 250

B-150 to 200

C-125 to 150

D-100 to 125

E-50 to 100

F-0 to 50

The Y Rank is divided in several Levels as it is the last Level mortals can achieve because W is reserved for Gods, High Angels and High Demons. High Demons and High Angels can have the same Level as a God however the difference in power is enormous as they have limitless mana, knowledge, unique skills and of course true imortality.

Y-Master Sage Rank- 900 to 1000

-Sage Rank- 800 to 900

-Master Rank- 700 to 800

-Experienced Rank- 600 to 700

-Beginner Rank-550 to 600

-Inexperienced Rank- 500 to 550

The SS Ranks and below are called the Sky and Earth Ranks : Sky Ranks are B to SS and Earth Ranks are C to F.

And now to the Adventurers Ranks!

Obsidian- Above SS

Adamantine-SS Rank

Orichalcum-S Rank

Mithril- A Rank

Gold- B Rank

Silver- C Rank

Steel- D Rank

Iron- E Rank

Copper- F Rank

Now this is were it gets slightly tricky. These are Rankings for mana capacity when I said Uncle Abraxas was a Level C mage I meant that he had an medium average mana capacity for a mortal human. Here they are:

W- 10000 and above

Y-7000 to 10000

SS-5000 to 7000

S- 3000 to 4000

A1-2500 to 3000

A2-2000 to 3000


B1-1800 to to 2000

B2-1600 to 1800

C1-1200 to to 1600

C2- 1000 to 1200

D1-800 to 1000

D2-600 to 800

F1-200 to 600

F2-0 to 200

I also want to make a poll! Do you want to Nox to have only one woman, two or more? Ha and I almost forgot! Wanting or not I´m gonna make Nox bisexual... because plot.

I will also make more of this "On the subject of..." because I see no reason to introduce some things in the narrative as the MC was the King of Gods of the same world he now lives in. He basically created the damned system!

And now! The goodbyes *sniff* I´ll try to post a chapter in New Year´s Eve (or after or before who knows?)

(I want to thank my english teacher for letting me do the rankings during her class without her noticing)

Thank you so much for reading my fiction! Have a nice weekend and a Merry Christmas!

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