《A Legend Reborn》Chapter 5- Before the Party_part 2_


Here it is a few days late... but better late than never! Sorry!


I stepped into the throne room.

A dozen meters away from me was my mother sat in a great throne made of stone on top of a dozen stairs. Behind her were five great cathedral style windows. The throne room was retangular and symmetrical, the ceiling was made from enchanted wood, resistant to normal fire and aging, from there dangled several banners with the family crest in them. I sighed silently while the guards disposed in a ordeal manner across the room bowed to me when I quickly passed in front of me. The red carpet that I walked on made my steps silent despite the normal echo that normally exists in a massive room like this one.By my mother´s side was my uncle Abraxas, a Level A veteran warrior and Level C mage with high afinity to Light magic, a powerfull tank who goes head on to battle, a thick headed idiot though. One of those rare people that could hold mana and ki inside his body. Wearing his full dwarve armour with his sword in his back he looked ready for war.

“Mother what do you wish of me?”

My dear mother looked down at me and said:

“I wish you, first of all, a happy birthday, my son!”

“Happy birthday dear nephew!” My uncle said making a big grin.

“Yes, yes.Whatever. Both of you are wasting my precious time. By now I would be at the Library. You have 5 minutes to tell me whatever you want. Then I´m out I still want to go talk with the old fart at the Labs before the party.”

Both my uncle and my mother sighed very loudly facepalming.

“Where did my adorable son go?Ha what I´m I talking about you were adorable for the first ten seconds then you became this weird augmented version of your grandad.”

“4 minutes and 32 seconds”

Facepalm again.

“Straight to the point then. Two girls are coming today, I want you to choose one to marry.”

Declined! That is what I´m supposed to say but the girls are the Daughters of Count Vladmir and if I marry one of them our position as an extreme neutral country with connections to all races and mainly being a commercial small country the marriage would strengthen our ties with the demons preventing from them attacking us and for them to have acess to our non-matched commercial and naval power. My mother was half elf as my grandmother is an elf while my grandad was a half-breed (?).


Their marriage strengthen the ties with the elfs while before that my greatgrandmother was a beastwoman and my grandmother before that was a draconic being and before that one of my ancestors was a dwarve and before that was a male elf while his wife was an half-draconic being daughter of this country´s founder who was a demigod hero that married a draconic being.

Yup I already know my full family tree…

Blame Farah my old nanny…

Mother might want to finnaly join demon blood into the family while estabilizing our position in the continent as full fledged world power.

“Fine, whatever as long as it doesn´t interfere with my researches…”

My mother raised an eyebrow and said:

“Very well I also want you to join an academy in the Faultcram Empire. The Drasmitian Royal Academy as already offer you a place amongst his students and…”

“DENIED! REFUSED!” I intercept her right there and then “I don’t need an a academy to teach me and I bet the old man knows more than any of the teachers they have plus here I already have acess to forbidden knowledge to..”

“The Drasmitian Royal Academy as already accepted to show their entire Library and forbidden records to you.”

“I`ll DO IT!”

“Very well then”

“Then if you don´t have anything else to discust I´m going to the Labs to speak with grandfather.”

I turned around and took a few steps before turning around and looking to the man behind my mother with a murderous glare. My now obsidian black hair covered my grin and my glare to my mother but my uncle almost shit himself.

I got out of the room and while the massive doors closed behind me Jafar walked to me and slightly bowed to me. He had, in each shoulder, a magical raven (a rare magic beast) the one in his right was female and her name was Munin and the one on the left was male and his name was Hugin. I named them after the raven´s of Odin because they knew many things. I first met them after one of my escapes of the castle disguised as a raven. The female tried to become my mate while the male was supervising her because he was her brother. After I revealed myself as a human they acknowledge that someone to be able to transform himself without the effect become permanent or even tired they started following me and soon became allies and confidents.


“My lord, Grandmaster Althon has asked for your presence in his chambers, he told the ravens that he has brought the things you asked for”

The ravens seeing me jumped to my shoulders. Munin started to fondle my hair and peck my ears. Hugin however carefully posisitioned himself silently close to my ear as if resisting temptation.

“Good. Perfect.”

I ran to another hidden passage to the western wing of the citadel to meet my grandfather Althon Cladmin. I´ll warn you after his sixtieth anniversary he was hit by pure lightning during one of his experiences trying to collect eletricity, event wich left him with a big scar in his face, after I told him what eletricity was and what it did. Being the eccentric magical/scientist obssessed with knowledge he didn´t care much for the risk of obtaining such knowledge as long has he had it.

After 5 minutes of hidden passage I got out in a corridor exactly like any other and went left.

A pair of big doors stood open with a dozen maids coming in and out. Wondering what was happening I tried to enter the room however a maid stop me and said.

“My Lord Nox! Lord Grandmaster Althon is waiting for you however I advise you to be quick with him, Grandmaster Aurea wants to go with him to the summer mansion in Valter village.”


I entered the busy room filled with packages. My grandad was going around almost screaming at the maids. Which was funny to me as he looked like a D*mbledore on crack trying to go as quick as possible to the maids.

“No! Don´t be so hurried... Stop what do you think that is? That is glass ! Don´t do that YOU don’t touch that and you don’t put this in this case, in this one! You there!...”

stoped him halfway and said:

“Hello old man!”

“Ha! You! Hello to you too! Why are you here?” he said while he analysed Munin and ignored Hugin, who looked interested in the instruments around the room. I smiled “ Ah Yes! I called you didn´t I? Did I? Yes I did! Here I finnaly got the things you asked for!”

He put his hand inside his cloack and took out two small lether bags. I tooked them and examined the contents. This was why I was so eager to get to grandfather... to see if he already had this.

“I don´t know why you need Wither Pouder and Medusa´s tears for but I advise you to be careful! The Wither was hard to kill and it was guarded by Death Knights! It took out half of the A/S adventure team I sent there!And the Tears ! Do you Kknow how hard it was to find them in liquid state! And then when I did it cost me 1.000.500 gold coins in an auction at Elleth city! The fucking bider beside me was an alchemist for the guild!”


“So?! 30% of the loot went to the adventures I want half of the rest! And the Wither´s dead body! And the information I asked for about metals that better coduct eletricity and that thing you called eletrons!”

I sighed.

“Fine you can keep 70% of the remaining loot and the dead body. Here” I handed him a small black lether notebook “everything inside is everything I know about atomic science and quantic phisics as well as some notes about nuclear reactions. And again do not let this information get out of the notebook, don’t write it anywhere else and tell only grandma Aurea.”

He smiled looking at the notebook. “Like your grandmother would let me keep secrets from her!”

I got out of the room smiling while looking at the contents of one of the bags.

Tonight was the night I was going to find a new clue about my death.

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