《A Legend Reborn》Chapter 1-Reborn


Where am I?

I tried to open my eyes hoping to see something…. But you probably can guess what I saw… yup! Pure darkness EVERYWHERE!

Why am I here?

I tried to do everything but nothing worked, nothing could disperse the creepy and empty blackness surrounding me… Then a sudden realization hit me!


Where are my god powers? Why can´t I use them? Hmm… In deep thought I started to investigate my mana pool inside my soul… Yes… It is greatly diminished, but still slightly big to a normal human… What about my ki? The same, huh?

Hmmm, I started to look around, it seems I can´t do anything…

And time passed…Or at least I think so…It seemed like ages though, I was afraid that I´d lose my mind! I even started to sing! After that I started to recite everything I learned from my life as a god (you would be amazed how my memory is so perfect!) and I started reciting poems…

“OH! Avley the Freed

In the battlefield!

Killing anyone with a sword!

Until he met a galloping horde,

That made him bleed…

To the CORE!!”

God!(me)One thing I can´t remember is how many poems I´ve recited so far…

Boring…This is boring….B.O.R.I.N.G! BOOORIIING!

I started to feel sore so I tried to stretch my limbs only to touch what it seem to be a barrier, of some kind…Weird, has it always been so cramp up in here?

Hm? Wait….? WHAT? Since WHEN do I have limbs?!?

To the sudden revelation I tried to open my eyes again…

Okay… this is…definitely weird… this is no longer that dark space! There is LIGHT!... at least a red-ish light… I immediately started to observe my surroundings. The barrier seemed strange, there are red lines all over it making an intricate design… Hm? They.. seem to be pulsing. Hm (WR:He does that a lot, it means that his processing information)


Then I proceeded to see myself. Everything is small, my arms my legs, it looks like I´m humanoid, but I do have a weird tube in my belly connecting with the bar…WAIT… isn´t that an umbilical cord!?!?

I`M A BABY?!?!?!WTF?!?!?!?Wait…does that mean….I DIED?!?!?!

I CAN´T REMEMBER AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I tried screaming because of the amount of pain in my head as something started to push me out of the womb.

I heard people screaming and yelling while I got out. I opened my eyes again and I saw an old woman around sixty holding me with an expression of disbelieve and horror…what? Is there something in my face?

A man around forty years old joined the woman in disbelief. The man who I presumed was my father started yelling gibberish with some recognizable words… Chaos started to surround me as some female maids (whose existence I ignored until now) started to run out of the room. The man started to yell to a woman (my mother most likely) who was lying in a bed with a relieved face (now becoming a face of confusion and fear).

The old woman walked slowly with a solemn expression giving me to my mother. My mother inexpicably started to cry with a face of pure pain…

What? What is it?

My dad reappear in my eyesight, his clothes were those of an above class person could afford. A coat of arms was sewed in his right arm and in his torso above his heart. A shield with a sword perpendicular and a basilisk in form of an S? Doesn´t ring any bells…

Suddenly another thing appeared which made me almost jump out of my mother’s arms, a dagger! SHIT! WTF? There was not much I could do. (Only scream like a wee-little baby… oh wait… I am a baby…)


My father realizing he was scaring me quickly move his dagger and carefully started cutting something…

White thread started to cloud my vision… hair….

White was my natural hair colour since I became a god but there are mortals who have white hair, signifying they belong to my church.

During my session with my hairdresser I began to think…

The language they were speaking sounded very familiar with Low Valerian a sub-tongue of a gigantic empire made by me and the other six gods. A noble speaking High and Low Valerian wasn´t rare but one speaking Low Valerian in his daily basis, inside his home was a thing almost unheard of.

But the sub-language seemed to evolve containing other words and verbs I could not grasp yet.

How long have I been in that dark space?

Considering that dark space was not my mother’s womb already.

No, something tells me that is not it….

The panic in the room when the old woman notice my white hair tells me that white hair is no longer normal…HECK! It seems white hair is now a bad thing! Hum… The entire Valerian Race had white hair, because of their deep respect and devotion to me, sooooo….. What happened to them? Preoccupation started to invade my heart…


I tried to calm down whatever happened I would soon find out.

Remember. Remember. Nothing only a headache.

The Dragon riders, the white invaders, the people of Ayers, MY people…

Killing Intent Aura raised to Level 15

Killing Intent started to burst out of me without control. My new parents terriefied faces were amuzing. For my skill to raise so quickly and so high...

Humpf.Don´t underestimate a (ex) god´s fury!

If I am reincarnated whatever reason for it will be explained by me or someone else!

But fuck it if I am a mortal again might as well enjoy it...

So let´s start the fun shall we?

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