《A Legend Reborn》Chapter 0-Prologue


“Ahhhhhhh” I sighed in relief. Being on vacation was the best thing ever!

WAS! I hate school! Why in Hell should I go to such a crappy place every day?!

I got out of the bathtub feeling more refreshed after the shock I got after discovering YESTERDAY was the last day of vacation! What about my mental preparation? My ego boost and my self-esteem? And more importantly my feelings?!

“Ah…Whatever…” I looked to the mirror “Damn boy, that workout between videogames were worth it!”

I was… referring to my dear HANDSOME self, of course. I have long black hair to my waist (thanks to my horri*COUGH*adorable big sister (who isn´t a pervert in any way possible) who refrained me from cutting it since I was 10 because it was cute and soft, so soft that my sister says that any girl would be envious of my hair…..yeah…. got to admit though I look FABULOUS!) I have blue eyes and medium size lips, my nose is normal and my teenage beard is starting to re-appear on my chin. I have a medium size body frame though I was 1,70 m (5' 7" inches) My muscles were well developed I also had the opportunity of developing by boxing skills (I was national champion when I was a kid and I also had fencing practice for five years) during my waiting for the LoL 20 minutes penalty time to be over. If it wasn´t for my developed male body and my “son” down there, a person could say that I was the most beautiful girl ever! And that person would be given a massive punch to the nose…

So you could say I was what people call it a trap…

“MORGAN!!!” God in Heaven! My heart skipped a beat! It was mom… “Get DOWN here IMMEDIATELY for breakfast!!!! You are going to be LATE if you don´t come down NOW!”


I quickly got dressed and started to run down the stairs and entering the kitchen when suddenly I got jumped by my shotacon of a sister.

“Oh! Morgan you look so cute today! Why don´t you give a good morning kiss to your big sister?” she said making a cute face surrounding me with her delicate arms.

“*AHH*” No I won´t be deceived by her looks…No… resist…. Maybe just a tiny kiss…NO NO HELL NO! NOT TODAY! I started to push her off with all my might but she doesn´t budge! How is she so strong!?

My mom finally noticed my annoyed and worried self and said: “Annabelle leave your brother alone and come help me.”

She made a grumpy face but we both knew our mother well so it was better to do her biddings.

She let me in peace and went to help my mother who was currently washing the dishes. I went to the kitchen table and joined my little sister who was watching a reality show on the TV. My sister noticing my presence commented: “You look decent for once…”

“Good Morning to you to Victoria…” I said while my pancakes where being put in front of me by my mom.

“Ugh! Don´t say my full name idiot!” She said. What did I do to deserve this? One girl loves me too much and the other hates me too much! But the hatred is mutual. What? We are twins… Not that necessarily means that we have to hate each other but there was always an weird air of mutual competition surrounding us.

For a few (rare) moments of silence in the household I noticed my moms new haircut. Where did she found the time between today and yesterday to do it? Oh wait didn’t I stayed in my room for the entire day? Reading light novels and manga while playing my games, only coming out for lunch? She probably cut it in the afternoon. Before I was able to make a comment she turns in my direction, while speaking to me and Victoria:


“You two need to go or you are going to be late to your first day of school!”

I quickly finish my pancakes and me and my sister ran to the hallway to get our bag packs previously prepared by my mother.

“BYE MOM” We both yelled in unison before closing the main door and got off to schooll.

If I knew what I know now I would spend the time to complement my mother and give my sister the kiss she wanted…

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