《Discontinued-Harems Are Evil!!》Chapter 5: A Possible Change of Heart?!
It was sevreal days after Mokichi had his secret date with Euiko at school things were normal between the two of them they met in the hallway like usual and met at lunch with everyone else but it seemed Euiko would get flustered every time Mokichi would compliment her but Euiko was the furthest thing from Mokichi's mind as he walked down the hallway "I wonder what Saeko-chan wants with me"Mokichi wondered to himself as he walke up a flight of stairs earlier in the morning Saeko had taken him aside and said that she'd be calling him to the student council room during the day it wasn't until the middle of the end of class that he was called.
Now he was half way to the student council room and he was wondering what it could be that Saeko had called him for when he came to the student coucnil room door he knocked on it "Uh, Saeko-chan I'm here" he said he heard a rush of footsteps and Saeko opened the door "Mochin! Your here!" Saeko smiled "Come on in" she said and she took Mokichi's hand and pulled him inside "Please sit down wherever you want" Saeko said letting his hand go after taking him over to a sitting area Mokichi nodded and sat down on a sofa while Saeko sat across from him in a chair.
Saeko smiled brigthly at Mokichi who was a bit nervous "Uhm, why did you call me here for?" Mokichi asked Saeko seemed to snap out of a trance "Oh yes!" Saeko blushed and giggled "How silly of me" Saeko said and she put on a serious face "Mokichi, it's come to my attention that your grades aren't all that good" Saeko said "Oh, they aren't?" Mokichi said Saeko shook her head "Nope" she said and she pointed to a folder on the table between them "What's that?" Mokichi asked "That contains a transcript of your current grades" Saeko said Mokichi looked at Saeko and then at the folder again "Can I look at it?" Mokichi asked Saeko nodded "Go ahead" she said Mokichi nodded and he reached for the folder he took it in his hands and held it close to him he swallowed hard he looked at Saeko once more "Go ahead see for yourself" Saeko said Mokichi looked down at the folder with his name on it and he took a breath and finally opened it.
Mokichi closed his eyes and he couldn't see a thing he didn't want to see just how bad his grades were he heard Saeko giggle "You won't see anything with your eyes closed" she said Mokichi sighed and begrudingly he opened his eyes and looked at the paper in the folder it had all of his classes listed on it and he saw the grade next to each he was shocked as he read down the line of grades each one was more abysmal then the next "Oh god, how did I get this bad?" Mokichi said looking over the grades once more "I've got a D in math.." Mokichi said "I use to be great with math" he added "And the others, D in sience, D in history, C in Literature.." he said reading his grades out loud "The only good grade is PE" he said Saeko giggled "You remind me of Euiko" Saeko said Mokichi sighed "So I'm like Euiko am I" he said.
"Don't look so glum" Saeko said "Easy for you to say your the student council president" Mokichi said "I didn't always get good grades myself" Saeko said "What? I don't belive that" Mokichi said "It's true, It wasn't until I thought I should set a better example for my younger sisters that I started doing better" Saeko said "I see" Mokichi said and he groaned "But what am I going to do.." he said "Well all you need to do is study more and pick up your grades" Saeko said "Right.." Mokichi said Saeko saw the troubled look on Mokichi's face and she felt a twinge in he heart.
She smiled to herself "Uhm, Mochin" she said Mokichi looked at her "What?" he asked "If you don't mind I could help you study" Saeko said "Re..Really?" Mokichi said his face lighting up "Sure, I don't mind, It would make me really happy to help you study" Saeko said "That would be really great!" Mokichi said but then he remebered her postion "But should you really take time out of yur busy schedule just to help me?" Mokichi said.
"Don't worry! I can handle it!" Saeko said pounding her chest "Are you sure?" Mokichi asked "I don't want to burden you, I can study on my own" Mokichi said "No! I insist on helping you!" Saeko said she then took Mokichi's hand "Please Mochin, I want to help you" Saeko said Mokichi blushed he looked at Saeko's face and couldn't look away with the wanting looking in her eyes he submitted "Fine, but if it become too much for you I want you to stop okay" Mokichi said "Okay, I promise" Saeko said with a smile Mokichi smiled too "Saeko-chan" he said Saeko looked at him "Thanks" he said and he gave a thankful smile to Saeko who blushed "D..Don't mention it!" Saeko said.
At that moment the room door opened "Saeko-san,can I come in now" said a female voice Mokichi turned his head and saw a girl with long flowing dark brown hair and grey eyes had walked into the room she was fairly tall for a girl and her skin had a paleness to it the girl looked over and saw Mokichi and Saeko and then she saw Saeko holding Mokichi's hand and blushing "Ah, so that's why you wanted me gone" the girl smiked Saeko blushed and she pulled her hand away from Mokichi's "It's not what you think!" Saeko shouted "Oh, then what should I think it is?" the girl asked Saeko blushed and fidegted with her fingers "Geez, I told you to not come back until I called for you" Saeko said puffing her cheeks out angrily at the girl.
"Sorry, I got bored wandering the halls" the girl said "Uhm, excuse me" Mokichi said the girl looked at him "But, who are you?" Mokichi said "Oh, forgive me!" Saeko said she got up and walked over to the girl "Mochin, this is Azusa Yumayo, she's the vice president" Saeko said introducing the girl "Nice to meet you" the girl said with a wave Mokichi got up from the sofa "Nice to meet you madame vice president" Mokichi said giving a bow "My my, a gentlemen" Azusa said with a smile "You found a real good one Saeko-san" Azusa said slapping Saeko on the back Saeko blushed hard "Azusa-san!" Saeko shouted "So, I'm Azusa, who are you" Azusa said looking at Mokichi "Oh, I'm Mokichi Amaya" Mokichi said introducing himself.
Azusa seemed to recognize his name "Wait aren't you the guy with the horrible grades" Azusa said Mokichi felt like a bullet went through him he nodded and cried a little Azusa smiled and looked at Saeko "Wh..What?" Saeko said "So that's why you wanted to call him here" Azusa said "What?" Mokichi said a bit confused "Azusa-san!" Saeko shouted "And why you wanted me to leave you by yourself" Azusa said with a grin "Azusa-san! Stop!" Saeko yelled blushing "Oh Saeko-san, your so cute" Azusa said Saeko gurmbled a bit "Anyway, I was just offering to help Mochin study" Saeko said Azusa hummed "I see" she smiled "What do you mean by that!?" Saeko said "Nothing~" Azusa said and she walked to Mokichi and she looked him over.
"Uhm..Azusa-san?" Mokichi said a bit uncomfortable having her look him over "You seem okay" Azusa said "Okay? Okay for what?" Mokichi said confused Azusa made motion for him to lower his head to her Mokichi complied and Azusa put her hand over his ear "If you make Saeko-san sad I won't forgive you" Azusa said Mokichi's body jolted at Azusa's words he looked and Azusa had a sneer on her face Mokichi swallowed hard and nodded Azusa smiled and stepped back "Azusa-san,what did you just tell Mochin?" Saeko asked seeing the scared look on Mokichi's face "Oh,nothing much" Azusa smiled innocently. Mokichi looked at Azusa for a bit "Man, this girl is scary" he said to himself.
"I..I better get back to class" Mokichi said "Really? Why don't you stay a while longer?" Saeko said "Ah no, I really shouldn't take up more of you time" Mokichi said "Oh, okay" Saeko said frowing a little Mokichi felt a evil glare coming from somewhere and he looked at saw Azusa was looking at him with devilish eyes Mokichi's body jumped "On second thought!" Mokichi said "I wouldn't mind spending a few more minutes out of class" Mokichi said that seemed to calm Azusa down and Mokichi took a breath of relief "Really?" Saeko said with a happy smile Mokichi nodded and soon he was sitting back on the sofa talking with Saeko while Azusa sat at her desk and was attending to some work "This is really refreshing!" Saeko said "It is?" Mokichi said Saeko nodded.
"I only get to talk with you in the morning and at lunch" Saeko said "So, getting to talk with you like this makes me feel really happy!" Saeko smiled Mokichi felt his heart pound having a girl as beautiful as Saeko say she was happy talking with him but then he remebered his plan but his heart kept beating even though he wanted it to stop "So, hows your situation with your sister?" Saeko asked "Oh, Ruri's the same" Mokichi said "She's still trying to leave before me in the morning" Mokichi said "Oh my, no improvement I see" Saeko said "Yeah, not to recently we had been sent out shopping, and when she saw some girls from her school she told me to go home and she's handle the shopping herself" Mokichi said Saeko let out a light giggle "I tried to get her to let me stay but she kept insisting so I did" Mokichi said.
"Then when she tried to carry all the bags herself she dropped them and all the stuff she bought was ruined and I had to go buy it all again" Mokichi said "My my" Saeko said "And she had the ardacity to yell at me for leaving her by herself" Mokichi said "Your sister seems to be a real character" Saeko said "Tell me about it" Mokichi sighed "I'd hate to ruin your little get togther" Azusa said looking over from her work "But, shouldn't you let Mokichi-kun go back to class Saeko-san" Azusa said "Aw, really Azusa-san?" Saeko complained "Look at the time" Azusa said pointing to the clock "Oh my is it really that time already!" Saeko said "I'm so sorry Mochin I kept you so long!" Saeko said "Don't worry about it, it was nice to talk with you like this" Mokichi said that made Saeko smile and blush "Your welcome" Saeko said "You should go schools about to be over" Saeko said "Right" Mokichi said getting up from the sofa "Oh! Mochin!" Saeko said before Mokichi even reached the door "What?" Mokichi asked "Could you tell my sisters to head home without me" Saeko said "Tell them I've got some work to finish up here" Saeko said.
"Okay, seeya Saeko-chan" Mokichi said with a wave and he left the room. Later afte making his way down the hall he made it back to his classroom and he went sit back down at his desk before he could get back to the lesson the bell rang for the end of school "Aw,man" Mokichi said and he dropped the pencil in his hand everyone around him started picking there stuff up and he to began picking his things up Reiko came over to him "So, what did Saeko want with you?" Reiko asked "Ah, she said my grades are horrible" Mokichi said "Ouch!" Reiko commented "Tell me about it" Mokichi said "If that's all it was why did she keep you so long?" Reiko asked "Oh, I was forced to stay and talk with her" Mokichi said "Forced?" Reiko said confused then relization hit her "Oh, you met Azusa-san didn't you?" Reiko asked Mokichi nodded.
"Yikes" Reiko said "I know how you feal Azusa-san is a really scary person" Reiko said "Tell me about it" Mokichi said remebering the death stare Azusa had given him when he made Saeko sad when he refused to stay longer in the student coucnil room "Anything else happen?" Reiko asked "Saeko-chan offered to help me study" Mokichi said "Oh wow, Saeko-neesan offered to help you study" Reiko said "Why? Is that something that normally doesn't happen?" Mokichi asked "Normally Saeko-neesan only helps up study" Reiko said "It's rare for her to help someone else study" Reiko said "I'm a special case then?" Mokichi said "Seems like it" Reiko said "Although, I think keeping you out of class for so long might not be the first way to help you pick your grades up" Reiko said Mokichi sighed.
"Right" Mokichi said Reiko laughed "Want me to give you the notes you missed?" Reiko said "Thanks, I'd like that" Mokichi smiled Reiko blushed "Alright, let me get them" Reiko said and she walked over to her desk and took out a notebook and walked back over to Mokichi and handed it to him "Here take care of it" Reiko said "Sure, I'll make sure nothing happens to it" Mokichi said taking the notebook from Reiko and putting it in his bag then he remebered something inportant "Oh yeah!" Mokichi said "What?" Reiko asked "Saeko-chan said for the three of you to head home without her" Mokichi said "Oh, I see, Thanks for telling me" Reiko said with a hint of a frown "You okay Reiko?" Mokichi asked "Saeko-neesan hasn't been able to walk home with us like usual" Reiko said Mokichi understood what Reiko was saying seeing her sad face made him sad which he had no idea why but something made him out and say "I could walk home with you guys" he said Reiko seemed to perk up with Mokichi's offer "Re..Really?" Reiko said blushing a little Mokichi nodded and Reiko smiled "Okay! I'll tell Koharu and Euiko" Reiko said and she grabbed her book bag and rushed out the classroom Mokichi smiled to himself then a thought occured to him.
"Why did I just say that?" Mokichi asked himself why did he offer to walk home with three girls he didn't understand he scratched his head "What's going on with me" he asked himself moments later Reiko and Koharu and Euiko were at his classroom door "Mo-kun!" Reiko shouted Mokichi looked over and saw Reiko waving at him with a smile on her face along with Koharu and Euiko both smiling Mokichi pushed his thoughts to the back of his head and got up from his desk and walked over to the three girls "Ready to go?" Reiko asked "Yep,shall we be off" Mokichi said the three girls nodded and the four of them headed down the hallway although Euiko had her arm wrapped around Mokichi's as did Koharu.
"Hey you two, it's kinda hard for me to walk" he said looking at both of them Euiko and Koharu just smiled and said nothing Mokichi sighed "Reiko help me!" Mokichi shouted Reiko smiled and giggled she pulled Euiko and Koharu off of Mokichi and replaced them on Mokichi's "Now, no one but me can touch Mo-kun" Reiko said Euiko and Koharu grumbled "If you guys don't listen I'll tell Seako-neesan" Reiko threatened Euiko and Koharu shuddered and walked side by side behind Mokichi and Reiko Mokichi looked at Reiko who was smiling all over while she and his arms were linked together Mokichi felt his heart pound in his chest he had no idea what was going on somehow being with the four sisters made him think that a harem wasn't a bad thing once more. [Ch.5 END]
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