《Which way is my home》Chapter 17: Own self
Chapter 17: Own self
Arlom was left alone in the kitchen, a minute ago Cyan has finished his food and went upstairs, and after Cyan was out of sight, Arlom fainted over the table.
‘Training? Are you crazy? I am barely holding himself together and you want to keep training’
That battle against his other self was not a walk in the park for him, what he needs now, is time to recover, there wasn’t a potion that could heal his body because the damage wasn’t there, but in Arlom mind and soul.
What he was doing in front of Cyan was just a light show and nothing more, and act, he was afraid that Cyan would had taken notice of his broken status, and he didn’t wanted Cyan to be worrying about him, Cyan should be worrying himself and about other important things, nevertheless, even if Cyan maybe took notice of his status, even until the end he didn’t say or asked anything, no maybe he asking for training was a test, this disciple of him was crazy.
Arlom was trying to chase Cyan away, telling him, he will clean up the table after him and that he should just go to bed and take a rest for tomorrow training, while promising to him one more time that he would teach him how to use mana.
That battle against his own dark self has wreak havoc in his mind, it was a battle very hard to win, no, it was beyond that, it should had being impossible to Arlom walk away from that, he should be dead right now, there was no other end for that fight, he should be dead, important things should be said twice.
In the middle of that battle, Arlom kneeled in front of his own dark self, after realizing that he could not win, he just had gave up on fighting, at least that’s what Arlom wanted to his other self to think.
[Dark-Arlom]: “So you realized it now? That you would never able to beat me”
Arlom that was kneeling in the ground and it was not saying anything back, this was the end, he had tried everything in his power, but his own self knew all of his tricks, all of his power, techniques or skills, nothing worked on him, even worse he was faster than Arlom himself, even if it was not by much it was created a huge gap between the two.
The only thing Arlom could do was to just put his head in a silver platter and be done with it, nevertheless his dark self was not falling for it.
[Dark-Arlom]: “Do you think I am stupid and I would fall for you petty tricks? As soon as I go to strike you down you will try to make me go down with you”
Yes of course, Arlom was taking the path of mutual annihilation, if Arlom could not win, then he will make the other party to die together with him, this was the only way to guaranteed Cyan safety and future.
A small ‘tsk’ escaped Arlom lips, his other self knew exactly how he thinks, back inside in Arlom mind, 'is there no a way to win? Would Cyan wake up only to find himself facing this monster in front of me? A monster that I could not beat? Don’t joke with he would not last a minute’
Arlom could not win, and the consequences of losing were not just losing in own life but Cyan life too, but how to win against somethings that knows exactly how you think or move? And even worse it is faster than yourself.
‘No, there is away’
His other dark self knew how he thinks, they had the same brain after all, and that’s also why Arlom also knew how his own dark self thinks too, how a monster think, and how arrogant he is, he thinks he has already won, then… Arlom would use just that.
Standing up Arlom was showing a huge opening where his dark self should strike at with a 100% of certainty, a weak spot, his own heart, even if Arlom has told Cyan to never bet, this was Arlom betting away his own life by putting his heart in a silver platter.
[Arlom]: “If you think you had already won, then come and take it, I will be waiting for you right here, or are you afraid of me? Are you afraid that you would be too slow to avoid my counter attack after you strike? A monster being afraid of death what a joke”
This was it, if the other party was so arrogant, how he can reject such provocation, ‘Are not you stronger and faster than me? Then come a prove it, come and take it’
If the other party would not fall for any of his traps, then Arlom would invite he himself to the trap, no, he will point out the trap himself, and Dark-Arlom would have no other choice but to walk right in, he knew how a monsters thinks, they only care about ‘fun’ and ‘engaging’, killing a prey was pointless if it was not fun, or at least challenging, they had always choose their prey very accurately by how much fun they could bring out from them, the most satisfaction they get at the end the better.
Dark-Arlom could only… laugh.
[Dark-Arlom]: “AHAHAHAHAHA, how fun, then let me enjoy the moment myself, this has being the most fun I had in a while my old self, and don’t worry, I will take good care of Cyan for you, Good bye forever Arlom”
A difference between Arlom and Dark-Arlom was that the later was completely dark, but there was another difference between the two, and it is that Arlom was always carry a huge white axe and Dark-Arlom was carry a long black sword that was his favorite, Arlom has changed his sword for an axe as his main weapon only to spoil his fun, Arlom was not fun at all.
But inside his world he can pick and choose any of the weapons that are in Arlom inventory, even his Arlom was changed his sword for and axe he has never discarded that sword, now, it was being using against him, Arlom could only regret to still carry that sword around.
This time Dark-Arlom choose not to use any trick or even try to attack from the back, that would not be fun either, he would just charge in from the front, while aiming his sword to Arlom own heart, at least the thing that represents his heart in this world.
This was inside Arlom mind after all, and Arlom real body was just standing in front of Cyan giving him his back and with his eyes close, nevertheless his lips was a trace of blood, as well as blood was coming from his nose and eyes.
Arlom true body has never kneeled in front of this monster, no, he was in front of Cyan as protecting him from any harm and as well as remainder of why he could not fail, if he fails Cyan that was behind him will suffer the penalty of his defeat.
A dark flash crossed Arlom eyes, his own self was coming after his life now, he don’t need to check where that sword will land or where it was aimed, nor the path it would take, Arlom had given up all of his defenses or forms of protection exchanged for speed, there is no need to parry of block that attack, he only needs to swing his axe as fast and accurately as he could, to where he believes Dark Arlom would be, and that was it, there is nothing else to think about.
‘Good bye Cyan’
Those were Arlom last thoughts…
Dark Arlom was smiling away, his sword would pierce Arlom heart and he only needs to move of the way of the axe, and that will be the end, Arlom heart was left totally unprotected, and Arlom himself doesn’t any mana left to cast a spell any more, any other trick would had already being pick out by him, no, this was the end he was sure. After he strikes a small gap of time would be formed by the impact of the sword allowing him to avoid the counter attack from Arlom, the game of cat and mouse, it was so fun for him to play this game…
Just as his sword was about to strike Arlom heart, a mana shield appeared in front of Arlom chest, it was not strong enough to completely block the sword but that was not the propose of this shield since the beginning, what it did, was to move the sword path just enough so that it would missed the heart for a few centimeters.
After missing the heart completely and having his strike that was guaranteed to hit, miss, a gap appeared, but not in Arlom, but in Dark-Arlom reaction time.
Arlom did not missed this one and only chance, no, he has already started to swing his axe since the beginning, he did not care the how, he can only think in the outcome, and in Cyan future, without losing a beep, Arlom axe named dark-splitter, finally accomplish his propose, by splitting Dark-Arlom in two, maybe the name of the axe was a little silly, but he has chosen this axe exactly because of that name.
The two half of Dark-Arlom dropped to the ground, there was not blood coming from him but a dark smoke that was evaporation very fast into the air.
On the other hand Arlom has a sword sticking out from his chest that was poking on the other side and he was bleeding profusely but it was not in mortal danger, and like a glass the sword shatter in pieces and banished together with Arlom wound, nevertheless the wound will still remained in Arlom mind even if it was not reflect in his body, like any other of his wounds that he had suffer in this battle.
Dark-Arlom could only utter some last words, with a shocked expression that was saying he can’t accept this outcome, no, he had already won, he should had won, why did he still lost at the end.
[Dark-Arlom]: “H-how, you should not have any more mana remaining in you, you have trick me!”
Arlom could only put a bitter smile to his Dark self and shook his head, he was asking that himself.
[Arlom]: “It wasn’t me, it is like you say; I don’t have any more mana in me to cast any spell”
Arlom could only just shrug his shoulders while saying
[Arlom]: “The mana… just moved on his own self”
Dark-Arlom could only start laughing at that.
[Dark-Arlom]: “The mana just moved by itself? Are you stupid? Do think I am a fool? Of course it was you that did it, just admit it already”
Arlom could only look with pity to his own dark self, was him this stupid? No he was just being blind on his own will his arrogance has blinded him.
[Arlom]: “Believe what you will, that doesn’t change the fact that his is this is your end, now be gone”
[Dark-Arlom]: “AHAHAHAHA di you think this is the end of me? Dream on! One slip, and I will back to my feet’s, one wrong move and I will come back to haunt you down, I will be always present in you, because at the end of the day I am you, if you are still alive so I am”
Arlom knew he was saying the true, he can’t completely get rid of him, because he was himself, nevertheless.
[Arlom]: “Be gone already, I have quality time to past with my son, and I am 30 years late”
With a creepy laughter, Dark-Arlom finally banish, and Arlom has come back now to the real world.
After coming back to himself he has fallen to the ground that battle was impossible hard, and his mental wounds were no minor wounds he should be dead, but he had won only by struck of luck, he had won only because the residual mana that someone has left there.
Looking over the unconscious Cyan, Arlom discarded that idea, it was impossible to control the mana so precisely and with such impeccable timing, and even more when you were unconscious, even if Cyan was talking with him just before using mana, he was still awake, and that should be the limits of someone as Cyan, no, the only explanation Arlom could come out, was that mana was moved on his own, that was all.
At point Arlom fainted right on the same spot, he could not move at all, it was not but a few hours later that the he could forcedly wake up, and start putting a show for Cyan to watch, if Cyan asked about the fight or how did he won he would just brush over the subject, there was no need to worry Cyan right now, but at the end Cyan didn’t asked him anything, maybe he understood Arlom feeling, but whatever it was, Arlom could only felt relief, while fainting over the table once more.
Back inside Cyan (this was after Arlom had his fight against his own self)
Was the body of Cyan looking for something, what was the body looking for? Of course, for Mana.
[Body]: “Mana where are you!”
Just before the body was badly hurt and could barely move, but he had recover now thanks to the body drinking some weird red liquid and the passing throughout the whole body, he was very grateful to the stomach, but the stomach only reply him with a…
[Stomach]: “Don’t mentioned”
He just brushed off the body and went back to sleep, he was very tired after all.
After that the body started to look for Mana once again, after all he was the one that should be taking care and looking after her.
Just before he was badly hurt she had disappeared to somewhere and the body was unable to find her, after that he could not move at all, now that he was back to his feet he was trying to find her once again.
[Body]: “Sigh, Mana where are you”
The body was a little depressed, it seems Mana was not happy with him and has ran away from his side, he was sad about that, but before he could keep feeling depressed…
[Mana]: “I am back”
[Body]: “Oh, Mana welcome back… wait, don’t I back me, where had you being hiding, you know how worry I was about you, what if something had happen to you, don’t leave my sight any more, or at least tell where are you going or give me a call, you know how worried I was for you”
In the other side Mana was chuckling to this silly body, it was obvious he was worry about her, and he it was a little sad that she wasn’t there, but she was carrying a mission that the Brain has asked her to do, and it was of huge importance, she could not fail at it, even if she was a little afraid of going outside the body reach of protection, she still choose to do it, it would be worse for the body otherwise.
After exiting the body of Cyan, she used the mana outside to reach to where Arlom was, and using the communication device that the Brain has given her, she started to past the messages the brain was sending her to the brain of Arlom.
After a while the messages stopped coming, and she was not getting more orders from the Brain, so the logic thing to do now was to just come back, being outside of Cyan Body, she could feel that her mind was slowly slipping away, nevertheless she stayed a little awhile longer.
Inside Arlom mind there was taking place a huge battle between two entities, of course she knew whom was who, thanks to the detailed explanation of the Brain has gave her.
Near the end of that battle she was reaching his limits, but she had also found a perfect opportunity to help the stupid master of Cyan, or at least that’s what her instincts were telling her to do, that’s right she has not come back yet because her instincts were telling here to stay and help Arlom out.
After using the mana she still have in herself, she did a small shield so the Arlom mind would not be destroyed, and after that she rushed back, out of Arlom mind, without watching the conclusion, she could not handle any more time outside the Body reach of protecting, after she entered back to the body of Cyan she could left a sigh of relief.
It was thanks to the Body that was looking for her tirelessly, it is that she was able to come back to Cyan body safely thanks to his guided that was like a beacon to her.
Mana could only ask for an apology.
[Mana]: “I am sorry Body, next time I will let you know for sure”
Mana was bowing down to the body apologizing to him.
[Body]: “It is good that you understand, wait what next time?”
[Brain]: “Stop bothering Mana, I was the one that I asked her to do something for us, now, Mana, I thank you very much for your help, if it is wasn’t for you we would not be here right now, thank you for all you hard work”
Now the Brain was bowing to Mana as a sign of thanks and as form of an apology to force her to do something so risky, the Body was out of the loop right now, ‘did I miss something?’ what his only thought, letting out a sigh he just let it go, what matter right now is that Mana is back safe and save.
[Brain]: “Now if you excuse me I need to go to rest, you should do the same Body, you are in no condition to go jumping around like a fool right now, sigh, you two would be my end definitely”
Because the noise the body was making the Brain was force to wake up from his rest to calm him down, and now he just wanted to go back to rest, but actually he was also worried about Mana, after the Body had found her again, he force himself to say his thanks to her, if not for her… well who knows what would had happen.
Turning around the Brain left them alone he only has come out to say his thanks and go back to sleep, now there was only Mana and the Body left alone.
Mana turned around to look over the body, she had seen it, the beating the Body has suffered, but she was not there for him because she was left doing the task that only she could do. She wanted to rush back at the Body but the brain has stop her, saying that if she doesn’t this task now it would be even worse for Cyan Body, so Mana could only grit her teeth and force herself to look away.
After that, Arlom has gave Cyan Body a lot of potions for him to recover is when she could feel more at ease, but she still was sorry for not being there for the body, she should have being there, it has not been long since they meet but every day was a lot of fun to her.
[Mana]: “Body I… I am really sorry that I wasn’t...]
But before she could continue.
[Body]: “What are you apologizing now? Didn’t the Brain say that if it wasn’t for you, we would not even be here, I am the one that should be apologizing to you Mana, Mana I am sorry for getting angry at you”
Now the body was bowing to Mana asking for apologies.
After bowing down the Body realized his mistakes, was not this happen before? Yes it has, and Mana at that time asked him not to apologized but to say his thanks, ‘sigh I am suck an idiot to forget about that’
But just as he was feeling like an idiot for forgetting that, he had remember that the last time, Mana has tried to kiss him when he looked up back then, will Mana doing the same thing again this time? The body cheeks could not help but to become a little red.
Looking up he could see Mana was… crying
The happy mood the body had instantly banished, and was replaced by a sad one, ‘now I had go and done it, I made Mana cry, sigh’
On the other side Mana was crying of sadness and because she was happy, because this idiot, even after receiving a beating his brain has gone bad, he did not blame her for not being there, no, he was not worry about himself at all, but only about her, even when he was receiving a beating, he was such an idiot, that never stop to look after her.
[Body]: “Mana I am sorry, no, I mean thank you, for helping us, please don’t cry”
Mana could only shook his head, this idiot is helpless, and at least he remember to say thanks instead of sorry.
Washing away her tears.
She had come closer to the body and gave him a kiss in the cheek, before walking away to her own room, it was better to the body to take a rest right now.
The body was left alone stunned, nevertheless he was very happy, it seems Mana was not actually crying because he did something wrong, letting out a sigh, the body choose to go back to his room to take a rest.
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