《Star Wars: Lost Hope》Httf (Vader Vs Sidious 2)


Mara watched them fall one by one. They never had a chance.

As much as she hated Vader, his power could only be challenged by one other’s--her master’s.

As the last of the guards fell, Mara took in the moments before it was all over. Before her master assumed his place as the unchallenged emperor of the entire galaxy. It was all so exhilarating.

The blood of the fallen stained Vader’s face, and Jade appreciated the superficial beauty of the Sith in such a carnal form. Ruled by passion and turmoil, leering over the bodies of his victims, demanding more… and to not have such a handsome face corrupted by the dark side enveloping him. It was truly a testament to his vitality or a sign of resistance to the true depths of the dark.

The pike in Vader’s hand clattered against the ground, trading the crude weapon in for his lightsaber. He dropped his burnt cloak, revealing dark blue robes, his arms, shoulders, and legs protected by plating. The dark yellow glare of his eyes were affixed to the Emperor.

“How long I have waited for this moment, Lord Vader,” Mara could hear her master savoring the carnage.

Jade watched as her master dropped his black robes, his body now adorned by rustic burgundy battle armor--the armor of the ancient Sith warriors. The gold trim on the metal plating was, by itself, worth at least a small world. Even the two sabers he drew were exquisitely crafted, metallic silver and red.

Another laugh escaped the Emperor’s body, this time rattling the armor he wore, his body contorting unnaturally to control the exuberance of power running through him. The two lightsabers hissed to life as Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith, prepared to destroy his last apprentice.

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