《I was invited here》Chapter 4 A Slave in another world


I woke up to a rattling sound to find myself in a huge dark room filled with a foul odor.

In this congested room, the first thing that caught my attention was a huge gate standing before me. Engraved with the picture of strange beasts. It was made with a dark metal making it indistinguishable from surrounding dark walls.

I immediately looked around me to find that I wasn't alone. They were other people all tense, muttering something to themselves. There were about 14 of them. Looking down on the floor, I noticed drops of sweat. Sweat was pouring down my face in the form of streams. It was definitely hotter than before along with the smell of salt in the air. It almost seems like an entirely different place to the location where I lost my conscious.

I moved my hand to my face to find a restraint covering my mouth. Some other people also had a similar restraint in their mouth.

-Where the hell am I?

I didn't know how I got here or what I was doing here? The restraint prevented me from asking others. I once again looked around for a sharp object to cut the restraint but there was nothing besides us and a small light in the corner illuminating the room. Any kind of object was nowhere to be seen. Though, I did notice a door in the corner where other people had gathered in a hope to escape.

Unable to free myself, I called out to Mineka with that thing in my mouth.

"Mineka, You there?"

I try to say it but restraint made my words incomprehensible mumble. I seem like an idiot for trying to talk with this thing in my mouth but it is the only way we can communicate or I think it is.

(Finally, you woke up!! I was worried.)

My words were hardly comprehensible but Mineka understood me. It seems like my theory was correct, we didn't communicate by words rather than with intention or thoughts

"Where are we? How did I get here? "

(We are somewhere in ...... something called Al-Gharib. We traveled for days to reach here. You were sleeping like a baby all the way...HEHE)

"Is my body, alright? They didn't do anything horrible to it."

(What?... NO! They treated you like luggage most of the way, feeding you through magic or something. I don't know. I was so bored during the entire journey. There was no one to talk with. I tried calling them but they can't hear me.)

Mineka is acting more concern about himself rather than me. It irritated me for some reason but on the other hand, I was not harmed in any way so that was a Plus.

"Thank God!.... So .....where are we now?"

(We are in a Glad....)

Mineka sentence was interrupted by the rattling sound of the door in the corner opening as few guards enter the room followed by a tray of weapons.

"Take your weapons and leave!!"

No introduction, No instruction just a sentence as other soldier wearing bright golden armor stand beside him with their weapons ready.

As the guard shouted all the other people rush to get the weapons. I followed them but being the weak one I was immediately pushed aside.

(Bayezeid! You don't have to worry. You have me.)

Ignoring Mineka, I jumped back in and got my hands on a dagger. Using it, I immediately cut off the thing blocking my mouth as did the others.

Soon after, the giant gate in front of me opened slowly taking its time and the people around me started rushing outside through the small gap. Not having anything better to do, I followed them into the open sun.


- Wow!!!

The huge crowd gathered cheers as we emerged from the darkroom. I was in a huge oval structure made up of concrete bricks. It was a colosseum. It was just like the one I have seen in my History book just dustier and more realistic. They were thousands of people sitting in this huge, round stadium with a huge open balcony in front of us which was probably reserved for V.I.Ps.

The outside was completely different compared to dark inside. The sun was shining brightly above us indicating it is about noon. It was warmer than before as my dehydrated body could hardly stand in this blazing sun. There was dust in the air indicating we were in a desert.

Others around me were as surprised as I as they all look around curiously. They were people of different color and even races among us. I even saw a person who seems like an elf to me. Long ears and long hair.

- Yup! clearly an Elf.

With a crackle, gate opposite to us burst opened as the cheering crowd suddenly become silent followed by the door behind us closing.

"Shit! It is a test!"

A Man close to me whispered under his breath as I looked at the opened door before us.

Nothing appeared through it but the entire environment somehow become tense. There was killing intent comping from right in front of us but nothing was there. I tighly gripped my sword and prepared my self for the worst totally focused until I heard a shout.


A man with a somewhat dark complexion ordered us.

We quickly followed him and join together into a group like formation with a dark-skinned man taking the center. It was more like a cluster with people trying to fit in it rather than being on the outside.


The intense roars vibrated the entire Colosseum.




On hearing this voice, a strange shock ran throughout my body. These roars completely froze us momentarily.


The dark-skinned man screamed once again who take the roar to point-blank distance. His calm voice and commanding voice indicated that he had some experience with these creatures. He continued to glare at the monster before us.

A camouflaged monster revealed itself just a short distance away from us. A huge brown monster standing on two legs. It raised its chest and start pounding. It was a gorilla-like monster that seems to have a chameleon-like ability to disappear into the surrounding.

"Oh shit! a Rodhog. "

Once again, the person next to me murmured as he stares at the gigantic beast in front of us.

Some of us still frozen including me acted completely useless. While other people on the front with better weapons and maybe better experience decided to take the charge and rush to engage the Rodhog. They appear somewhat skilled than others as they quickly reflect the attacks from the Rodhog. One of them was even able to stab that monster.


The Rodhog immediately screamed in agony. It tried to attack once again but they immediately evaded its attack.

-We really got some talented people here.

If they continue like this, we didn't need to even move.

Rodhog realizing that he couldn't make through them, having stabbed twice in the leg. He withdrew and took a deep breath.


The roar stronger than before threw all of us off the ground. It also damaged the gate behind us producing a dent on it

Taking advantage of the gap in the defense, Rodhog lifted a boulder and threw it at our rear guard. A stunning shot-put form was executed by it. The rock flew towards our rearguard and with best occupied with the front. Other at our rear couldn't do anything besides running. Fortunately, there was enough time for them to dodge.



The moment they were about to move, They were involuntarily shunned by the sight before them. The Boulder thrown at them is another smaller rodhog. Nearing them it did a splendid rotation and expanded its arms. It is like Rune Diver. A scream is heard before all of them are annihilated by it.

"YEAHHHHHHHH! Half of the fighters were just eliminated in one complete sweep. We just witness an amazing work of art before us."

An Announcer shouted as the cheers erupted in the Colosseum as people were brutally murdered.

The First Elf I met is being brutally torn up before my eyes.

-Good-bye Elf.

I stand stunned at the scene as the Rodhog stare at me with bloodshot eyes. Blood splattered all around with the body of victims torn apart painting a horrible picture of human nature. It was truly a piece of art that speaks a thousand word about human savagery.

I looked around the stadium at the cheering crowd and then back at the rodhog before me.

Its breathing had become strange. Other Rodhog behind attacked the shocked fighter disturbed by the scene behind killing one or two in an instant.

(Bayezeid!!! Summon me!)

I can hear Mineka in my head but I couldn't do anything with the terrifying sight before me.

"Hey! What are you.....!?"

A man pushed me back as he rushes forward to deflect the attack of the Rodhog directed at me.

Now only four of us are left out of nearly 14 that entered this arena originally.

Both Rodhog has retreated back and quickly vanished or more like camouflaged into their surroundings.

Taking this as the cue, all three quickly regrouped and stood with back directed to each other while I stand alone away from them over the mutilated body of the dead elf.

(Bayezeid! You are going to get yourself killed.)

At the view before me, I felt something change inside me. I didn't know what but suddenly I no longer fear those monster but the people in the stand above us.

"Where are they?"

I asked Mineka in a voice as low as possible


"You can sense them, Right!? Just like when you sense those people. Just tell me where they are?"

"What are you doing murmuring to yourself? Come here quick!!"

One of the survivors worried called out to me.

"Shut it!"

But instead, I rebuked him. I felt wrong for doing this but it wasn't time to worry over about such little things.

(Both are behind them. One to the left of the dark-skinned one.)


I shouted as I grabbed the sword of one the fallen discarding the rusty dagger, I originally picked. Others stare at me as I rush towards them with a sword in my hand.

"Wh......What the hell are you doing!!?"

They inquired as they prepare themselves to face me.

-Idiot, I am trying to save you guys.

Rushing to the intended position of the monster. I jumped and using something hard as footing thrust my sword forward into the thin air.


A scream erupted in the Colosseum. It wasn't the air but rather the monster in which sword now appeared pierced. The ground quickly rose and discolored. I had slain the smaller Rodhog as my sword pierces through his right eye. Causing it to convulse before finally dying. Sword seemed to pass into his brain or something as it was now stuck.

(WOOW!! That was a really precise attack.)

"I didn't expect this!!"

I jumped off the falling Rodhog as other stand shocked looking at me. The entire crowd is silent from the stunt.

I quickly retreated and bend down to grab another sword.


The other Rodhog had marked me. It punched me with his giant fist right in to my stomach throwing me all the way to the other side of the Colosseum.

"What the crap!!?"

I didn't think anything was broken but my body hurt. I felt pain surging through my entire body.

The Rodhog quickly turned in a blind rage and attacked the others. The two of them moved forward to stop him while dark-skinned one quickly rushed to my aid. I looked at my hand to find that I was still holding on to the sword.

"Are you alright?"

"I can be better."



We look back to find our comrades being brutally ripped apart by the angry Rodhog.

Munch* munch*

The enraged Rodhog had started feeding on them.

-I thought it only like ripping people apart.

"If we want to live. We have to kill it. Only then we will be allowed to live."

He said while offering me his hand.

"Than Let's survive then."

I quickly grabbed and stand back on my feet.

(You are forgetting about me.)

"If I use you now. People will know that we are special and may use us for their own profits."

I whispered to Mineka as I took a combat posture with the small sword in my hand.

The giant finally turns to us and look directly into my soul as I stared back. After a brief staring, it roared once again and rushed towards us with a terrifying look on his face.

We quickly rushed at the approaching Rodhog.

The other person with me chanted something as an aurora gushed out from his longsword. It seems simple but its effect was on a different level. As he strikes the Rodhog, entire colosseum shook and a crater erupted on the ground where his strike touched but Rodhog dodged his attack.

Finding the Rodhog distracted, I quickly move behind it and from its blind spot. I Jumped up to strike the monster. Aiming for his neck. I quickly swung my sword, slashing into the main artery in his neck causing a fountain of blood to erupt from his slashed neck. Some even fell on my clothes. The monster convulses as it violently moved his body trying to strike me until it finally bled to death.

"We did i.....hah.... hah..... hah."

-We did it. We killed the monster.

Breathing haphazardly, I looked at the cheering crowd. I don't care about those people. I did it for survival but it somehow feels greats when people cheer for you. Even if they were disgusting piece of shit.


An announcer announces through some magic.

I rose both my hand to show off my victory as cheers rose.



-It can't be I killed the monster before it can attack then why am I the only Survivor.

Thinking about the horrible possibility I quickly started running around the dead Rodhog to the other side---




"NO! NO! NO!"

(Bayezeid, he is dead.)

I looked at the structure before me. A statue-like structure made up of black rocks stood before me. It wasn't a statue but the person who was helping me.

"Why he is frozen like this?"

(It seems he drains his Guch to defeat the monster.)

"What the hell is Guch."



I stood covered with the blood of my fellow human and the monsters as the cheers became louder and louder. This was a game for them.

14 people die for their entertainment. The stench of the blood became stronger as I look down at the dusty ground I felt something change in my heart. Something opened like a lock hidden deep within my soul, maybe some memories resurfaced or something even more horrible.



"Wh...What the hell is wrong with th...The people?"


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