《But I never wanted to be involved》Ch 10 awakening my logic personality


How nice she's actually napping today. I'll have the honor of training myself.

How's that going to work.

Meh, we can force her to sleep as long as we want if we could. But no Eva said take turns and only do so when she's sleeping. So I'm out and about. I'm thinking of creating a class for myself to have. I'm still just level 1 and Queen is absurd with her level 1 stats. There's also her class that says Queen of dragons. She loves authority and he could equip and unequivocally her class. So she's abnormal. Unless we ask you to change our class. I'm thinking somewhere along the line as a knight.

Please tell me it's cause a knight's honor and pride.

Of course it is. Why do you think I'm choosing it. I walked over to the armory and picked up the short sword. I'm just 5 years old since I'm also in Yui's body. I kept swinging the sword for hours.

+4 to strength.

Ah my arms are tired. I think I'll rest.

I just stared at my sweaty body as I was annoyed since it's Crea's mess after all. She left us in the training room all sweaty. I go by instincts, Queen was more authority. And Yui is our main personality. Damn she hasn't unlocked the right prerequisites for logic to wake up. I'm supposed to be instincts but I'm annoyed by the sweat. A maid called out to me, I think her name was Diana. Red hair, pale white skin and her Oni horns are kinda tiny but they stick out. She could probably pass for a human if she hid them. This is a drag since Queen ordered me to act as Logic for the time being since she knew that Crea would get out of hand.

I passed control over to Yui.


I'm staring confused as why I'm sweaty. And the maid is taking me to go to take a bath.

Sorry that'd be because of Crea using your body. We do kinda want to have a class too so we'd be able to help you. Ah before I forget I maybe instincts but I won't go overboard on you. Also you need to unlock Logic soon or you'd have a out of control pride. She wants the class for a knight.


Please tell me you aren't thinking of going for berserker class.

I'm instinct what class you'd think I'd go for besides that.

Then where's Crea at the moment.

She seemed to have exhausted herself from training with the sword.

Ah so am I going to have black outs now cause you girls are creating classes for you to use.

No worries I already have the berserker class automatically. I'm thinking of more of a assassin beserker though.

Your just saying that cause you like the blood and mess.

You got to love instincts and bloody mess. Just imagine us in a pile of corpses and disassembled bodies.

No I'm thinking your officially mental.

Don't worry I'm also a part of you. Just do not that if you get turned into a vampire things can get very fun.

Note to self never let her ask a vampire to bite us.

At least be happy she's reigning over Crea for now. Actually do something about you're self and get your Logic unlocked cause I'm very sure you alone won't have any control over Crea or Eva.

I'm very sure I won't be able to control them. Diana the maid is shampooing my hair and I just let out a sigh instead. So what is the condition that I unlock my logic personality to keep you girls in check.

Queen said that you have to at least learn about your race, the dragon and your Oni traits fully to unlock Logic.

So I'm totally screwed over in more ways than one how funny.

I don't think being sarcastic is helping us.

Or you could hand over the temporary control to me and I could do so for you.

Why'd you help. I mean your possessive powerful and like to rule over people.

Because I'm still you but I guess in this state of emergency you'd say I'm here to help. Or would you rather have those two on the loose.

I know she's right. I really feel uncomfortable about her having control but I know she knows my body better than me.

Thank you. And just so you know if I left you along, pride would be arrogant enough to get you killed. She hates getting help nor admitting if she lost. Whereas instincts is just happy go lucky when it comes to you know listening to her guts and not thinking through. Sure she has some common sense but you'd be pissed by the time she's done with our body.


So as I was saying I know us better than you so the conditions to unlocking logic is easy. Just a bit of a bloody process. And a teeny bit of seducing and borrowing blood from your maid will do.

Are you sure your not trying to summon a demon.

Nope you need me to use my dragon blood and their Oni blood to stir up your blood to awaken logic. Though I got to say this will hurt. From excessive blood loss for us and a bit of our body evolving. I'd say bone and growth pain ain't so bad.

I walk over to Diana and do the puppy eyes as I asked for blood.

This is going to be painful and I will probably regret asking but did you really have to use the maid washing us in the bath.

Better than nothing at all. Plus would you rather the others attack you in your bath or would you rather this nice lady who just washed our hair and asked us if she could wash our back while you who was on autopilot mode denied it and she's not attacking us. I got to say her charm resistance is commendable.

Why are you even criticizing her when she just finished giving you a small vial of it.

"Please watch over my body as I try to awaken my bloodline."

Wait we're doing that here. You're going to have us screaming and writhing in agony in here.

Of course she's also your mother's personal maid. Her level and your mother is very high. She can at least protect us.

I felt a jolt of pain as Queen stabbed our left and right wrist very deep. Blood trickled from us as she stabbed her hand into our side, I almost howled in pain. I could hear my body regenerating at a fast speed. My bones were creaking and cracking. Diana let out a sigh. I blacked out in the process but I was sure I was still screaming and yelling out in pain.

Wow your a wimp. That was just a tiny scratch.

Says the one that didn't explain that she had to hurt ourselves for it.

I got to say that was funny to watch as you threw away your pride and let her do it.

Shut it Crea, don't go through my memories for that.

But you let Queen take over. You didn't like me or Eva. But at least Eva had a sense of what's the word......Priorities for your safety. Whereas Queen do anything to keep us safe reasonable and sane.

Gods is she this annoying even to you.

Just be glad to know she's not your little sister but mine.

I know your still me but ugh. Great Queen you can argue with her all you want.

Good to know your all here. Nice to meet you I'm your personality logic. Name is Silver. Let's see about 60% of our body is just about done fixing. Ah by the way we're in a comma for about 10 months now. There's 12 months here in this world for a 1 year so when we turn 6 we get to go to school. But we better wake up before that. Ah I left that for Jade to inform us.

Is she always like this.

Usually just be glad that we were all a part of you and not arguing before coming to this world. She was the worst to argue with. You can't win a argument without having yourself cursing at your stupidity.

I kinda pity you Queen.

As if she'd win any argument with me. Let me see we'd need about another 2 weeks to recover. Note to self don't turn Queen suicidal she's a needed personality to keep instincts in check.

That's what your worried about?

No no no, Queen you have to have pride and carry yourself with elegance when you reason with her.

Oh shut up Crea.

Good to see everyone is so lively and loving.

How am I going to deal with you, Queen, Crea and Silver now.

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