《But I never wanted to be involved》Ch 8



It's been 3 months and I've gotten used to having Jade around. She's actually quite simple yet straightforward. She answers questions and stays quiet most of the time, her emotions only show when she's talking. She doesn't ever seem happy or excited nor does it look like she's enjoying company.

"Hey I have a question. Do you like ever do anything for fun," I asked.

Define fun?

Wait your a goddess so shouldn't you at least have a hobby or something you enjoy.

i mostly do my job and watch the seas as it's ruler. I am the goddess of the sea.

Ugh forget I asked. Show status.

Yui Rainsfrost Age 3 years old 3 month Race Oni Gender Female Class Assassin Subclass Mage, alchemist, blacksmith, ruinsmith, tamer, dungeon master, tailoring, huntress Titles Monster, Goddess of luck and war's lover, Nora's daughter, dragon god's child, oni's favorite, natural beauty, other worlder, reincarnated, dungeon slayer, sadist, goddess of the sea in training's friend Skills Kidnapping

Level 23 (advanced)getting rid of your chasers and hiding them to get rid of evidence you been there. Abducting your enemies against their will for information is a must.

Tamer Level 57 (novice) animals, monsters will listen to you willing. Charm (passive) this allows the user to attract the attention of the same gender with her pheromones. Can also cause the other party to do as you wish. Natural beauty (passive) always attracts the attention of crowd. Your looks will be always beautiful and youthful no matter what you do. Every female will love you for who you are no matter where you go. Oni trait (passive) Stronger than the average vampire. Can left an entire castle with one arm. Their sword skills can even spilt the heavens. Strong sense of smell that can even smell a Ancient vampire. Magic perception your sensitivity to your surroundings has allowed you to sense mana Muscle control Control your nerve at will. Dragon eyes

Dragon eyes: Allows you to see information of your surroundings. Can see details up to 3 kilometers from you. Allows user to be able to find others easily. Dragonic transformation Turn into a black dragon with golden flames. Dragon's wing Wings of the dragon god's lineage. Allows user to fly freely without using mana. goddess's divinity (Locked) Immortal and youthful appearance. Hiding Advance level 45 (67%) hiding from the maids in your house is great for a pass time. Hiding from monsters and animals is a must for your survival depends on it. Danger is lurking at every corner never be too careful Lock picking Level 89 (expert) you can now easily steal from the guild's vault if you ever wanted to. Blacksmithing Level 37 (master) your skills at repairing and making things have shocked even the gods. Your craftsmanship has risen from being a noob who knew nothing to new heights. Enchanting Level 56 (advanced) Disarming traps Level 67 (novice) Creating trap Level 33 (beginner) Tracking Level 58 (advanced) your skills of chasing down your enemies has scared even the smallest critters that meant you no harm. Flaming inferno Level 4 (advance) were you trying to create a living hell with this. Burning small rabbits and baby wolves for a experiment. Heal Level 57 (advance) injures can be healed at any time. Resurrection Level 89 (advance) don't do this at home kids, this person has abused corpses to create this ability to reanimate the bodies this is not a true reviving skill. Warning: this is a very dangerous ability and physical abuse to those that died. Others who see this will be enraged for you have no remorse or feelings over using their loved ones against them. Wind blade Level 43 (novice) Shadow steps Level 89 (advanced) sneaking in the shadow and blending inside the darkness as you sneak on enemies. Earth spikes Level 34 (novice) send spikes flying to your enemies Icicles Level 8 (advanced) Healing rain Level 50 (novice) heals allies and cures any unusual alignment status. Storage Store items, armors and weapons. Food can be stored and preserved without rotting. Time is stopped so you can also store animals inside. Dimensional house Store your tames monsters or animals inside. You can also use this as a safe place to sleep in during your travels and not worry about being attacked in your sleep. Tailoring Level 89 (master) sewing your clothes rather than having those ragged clothes you started with in the beginning of the dungeon. Your persistence at clothes and pickiness has even surprised the gods, being choosy even in your own underwear. Though your just 3 years old. Affinities Fire 89% Gravity 35% Wind 99% Light 25% Darkness 45% Earth 71% Void: 67% Water 90% Ice 67% Death 5% Chaos 45% Charm 7800 Alignment Neutral Attack 780 Level 69 Fame 299 Infamy 0 Hp 5,600/5,600 MP 7800/7800 Stamina 899 Hp regen 700/ min Mp regen 600/ min Str 4000 Def 3,590 Intel 1569 Wis 2000 Endurance 5,900 Leadership 230 Luck 340 Ki 790 Blessings


Goddess of luck and war's blessings: bestows strength for the user. Allows you to command armies. Disasters and plagues will avoid you. Going to war will be easier for you since you will not be affected by the after effects of the war.

-armies don't fear enemies, rallies allies

Goddess of sea's blessings: the sea will welcome you with open arms. Water comes automatically for you in magic.

God of darkness and chaos' blessings: due to your little accident with the resurrection skill you have amused the god of chaos Aden

Let's say the short version is I got kidnapped by a passing (female) merchant into a dungeon and the perverted dungeon tried to toss everything at me to make me stay. Gods do something about this cursed blessing made by Reimei.

Dully noted that was just 3 months ago. It took me 2 months to get out of there, I just got back home and happily sitting down on the chair in my room reading. I'm not traumatized at all just insecure about who I might meet. Sorry I'm not going into details about the events that occurred it annoyed me to no end that I got turned into dungeon master too. Ack that resurrection skill was a accident. I swear it was cause I saw the puppy wolf like twitch.

By the way classes of the levels of skills goes like this: beginner > novice> advance> expert > master > grandmaster > sage > max.

Yea I kinda learned ki afterwards. Ah by the way I destroyed the dungeon core so they stupid thing wouldn't kidnap me. Meh not my problem I want peace and quiet. No kidnapping incidents, the sadist title was a accident due to the resurrection skill I accidentally created. I swear I screamed at Jade to retract it, her response was her amused voice. Saying that the system was like that once titles given can't be erased.

Plus I'm no longer dungeon master cause I killed the thing. I wish I could've erased my memories of those days inside the dungeon but I can't. Never wanted to be kidnapped again, nor will I allow myself to forget being too lax. Good news was the skills I learned.

Here's what I learned about weapon and armor grades: common > uncommon > rare > epic > artifact > legendary > god class > over lord > celestial > divine (God or divine beasts)


I learned about them cause I can at least create a epic ranked weapon and armor. Praise me.

Aren't you getting too cocky Yui. Shouldn't you worry about getting my cousin's attention.

What can happen I mean his blessings isn't a curse right. I'm holding the book in my hand as I try to concentrate on reading again.

Mostly because his name has chaos in his title. For a amusement he screws over his toys or those he blessed. You're one of them that got his attention.

What can he do to me. It's been 3 months since then he won't do it. He's probably like everyone else.

Cousin Aden doesn't work like that he waits patiently for the right moment and the person in question won't know what hit them.

Wait but isn't he like blessing people. And the way you worded it sounds more like he's cursing them but he's bidding his time to get things done.

That's why you shouldn't sit around waiting to get screwed over by him. If I were you I'd at least prepare for the worst or look for ways to undo his blessings. Also ask your damn father for answers for that. He's the oldest god alive, he might know a thing or two.

Ack you mean that rich playboy that has at least like 89% of the population as my relatIve. I know he's sealed in the house somewhere but yuck, I don't want to meet him. He's wort than my childhood friend probably. Plus my childhood friend has preference between lolis (little girls) and those his age. Anyone older and he gets disgusted.

You and my sister Arielle cursed him with your knowledge like that. Are you sure your not actually a demon reborn. Like for example there's also the time in the dungeon where you threw the dungeon fairy that tried to hug you into the demonic wolf.

I hate when they attack me for no reason with a hug especially by a perverted dungeon and it's fairy that God knows how old they are.

That's what you're worried about, you could've just asked me.

I shrug as I went back to reading Elves forest herbology.

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