《Kingdom of Earthos》Chapter 10: The practical lesson.


Break time was finally over and all the students headed back to their respective classes. Eagle was happy that he did not have to deal with Jake today. He wished that Norman had not been expelled and became his friend. This is because Ann gave him more information on their way back to class. "Nobody messes with that blue haired boy. If he had not been expelled, it would be in your best interest to befriend him. He enjoys looking after the weak and honestly, Eagle, you fall into that category".

That comment felt like a piercing barb to the heart of Eagle but he knew that was just the way Ann talks, straight forward and pulls no punches. "I am in the same class with the two most popular girls yet neither one of them regards me as boyfriend material". Eagle mumbled.

"I can hear you clearly. If you stop mumbling to yourself, you might stand a chance with one of their cliques but that is very unlikely". Eagle had forgotten that Ann was still walking beside him.

In class, Mr Buffalo spoke out, "Today, we will be taking you to your respective fields for your practical lessons and once done you can all head back to your accomodation. Therefore, make sure you bring your bags and everything else with you".

"Mr Cape Buffalo is being good to us today", Eagle wisphered into Ann's ears.

"It is only our first day under Mr. Buffalo's teaching. You really should stop talking out of point. Why do you think it is so hard to get someone to like you. Please get your timing right". Ann sounded irritated.

"Sorry", Eagle replied. The other students were walking ahead of him. Not wanting to be left behind, he ran after them. Eagle stayed at the back of the group and did not want to stand anywhere close to Mr Buffalo nor Jake's friends. He just made sure he was right behind Ann who was arm in arm with her boyfriend.


They finally reach their front of the fields. The students took their keys and open the door before entering.

"Now for the next lesson. All of you are to sit down and meditate the same way the shaolin monks do. This will train you all to get your inner peace and better communicate with your animals". Mr Buffalo's words sounded like a shaolin master or a martial arts sensei.

"I guess we will be practicing martial arts then". Eagle replied lamely trying to sound funny. Mads who noticed everything just shoke her head before going into meditation. Bob fell asleep again. Mr Buffalo tooked one look at the sleeping boy and viewed him as a lost cost.

Pointing at the sleeping Bob, Mr Buffalo gave Eagle a hard look. "Mike Green, if you don't stop your lame attempts to act funny, you will be a lost cost just like your sleeping friend. Do you want to be like him, if not take your meditation seriously".

"I did it. I just activated my internal green energy", Mads spoke excitedly.

"Me too!", Tomi yelled out.

"Congratulations girls. Anyone else?" Mr Buffalo walked to the other fields to observe the other students.

"I did it", Ann spoke sullenly. "And so has my boyfriend".

"Well done. These of you who have suceeded in activating your inner green energy have the option to either go back to your respective units or continue practicing".

Tomi immediately left her field and headed back to her unit and room. Probably to wait for Jake who will be coming to visit anytime soon. Mads continued practicing a little longer before excusing herself and leaving too.

Eagle still had a hard time activating his internal energy.

"Having a hard time, aren't you?" Mr Buffalo had returned to check on Eagle. "You are really really unfocused. It seems your mind is running wild like a restless stalion. You must be distracted by a lot of things. Look even Bob has managed to activate his internal energy".


Eagle closed his eyes before meditating on his past and failures as well as the many questions in his life which included but are not limited to: Why can't I have a girlfriend, why did Jake my former best friend turn on me, why do my family treat me as different, why can't I be as cool as Jake's friends, why can't I be as tall or strong as Norman? Many more questions came to mind.

"I am just a loser and probably will be for the rest of my life". That was when Eagle's internal powers were suddenly activated. His body was now glowing bright green just like the others.

"It seems you have finally come to turns with yourself". Mr Buffalo returned once more to check on Eagle and was surprise to see him glowing. "Do you want to go back to your unit or continue training?"

Eagle wanted to stay longer and train but he realised that both Jake and Bart will be coming to visit anytime soon and knowing that these two would not hesitate to pick on him if they saw him, he opt for the former. Just managing to run into his unit before both his tormentors who were waiting outside their girlfriends' unit saw him, Eagle managed to slip pass them unnoticed.

"That was a really close call. Jake and Bart actually got to our apartment just after my boyfriend when back to his unit". Ann was watching Adam's family on the television in the living room. "You really should plan your timing more carefully".

"Where is Bob?"

"He has gone into his room and is either sleeping or playing video games. He has placed the 'Do Not Disturb' sign on his door handle".

"May I watch Adam's family together with you".

"It is up to you but I am halfway through the show. I am not going to rewind it for you". Ann actually smirked.

"It is good to see you smile for one. I might call you the Smiling Wednesday", Eagle attempted to be funny once again.

"That was a smirk not a smile you idiot", Ann returned to her sullen demeanor as Eagle took his place on the opposite end of the middle lounge. The cartoon was finally over. "If you want to watch everything from scratch, feel free to rewind everything again. I am going to my room for a rest. I will see you when I see you". Ann got up slowly and headed towards her room opening the door and locking it behind her but not before placing a 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the outer door handle.

"Looks like I am alone once again". Eagle watched Adam's family from scratch all over again.

A/N: The next five chapters will be interludes on Jake, Norman, Mads, Tomi and Mona. Stay tuned. Plus another twenty more chapters.

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