《Kingdom of Earthos》Chapter 9: A violent fight in the cafeteria.


Class was finally over. Eagle headed to the cafeteria once again to secure a spot to eat knowing that the place will not only be crowded by students from different classes which are his age but by seniors as well but he wanted to avoid Jake knowing that the orange class is the second furtherest from the place. This means that the cafeteria will be crowded by the time Jake enters and Eagle can hide among the crowd and slip out as soon as he had finished eating. Little did he know he would be in for a shock. It took five minutes to get to the cafeteria which was a hundred metres away and it did not take long for Eagle to reach his destination.

He quickly secured his spot which was near the door after ordering his food. The boys who were Jake's friends were too busy talking to Mads and Tomi as well the girls who were part of their clique. Ten minutes later just as Eagle had finished eating his food, a loud argument took place a crowds of students were surrounding them. Being a short person, he had to stand on top of a huge table to watch the fight.

To Eagle's surprise, a huge 6 ft 5 inch boy with blue hair and bright blue eyes pushed down Jake and punched Bart in the face as he attempted to help his friend. Tomi and Mads were watching in horror and the other boys and girls seemed to be trembling with fear.

Eagle climbed down the table and tap Ann who was being carried on her boyfriend's shoulders on the left arm and asked, "Who is that boy in blue hair?"

"His name is Norman Lundgren and he is the tallest of the boys in the whole school. Jake was unwise to trash talk him and he is getting what he deserved. In other words, he has choosen the wrong opponent this time".


"What class is he from?"

"He is a student from the orange class - not the same class as Jake obviously as he is one year older than us".

"How did you know him?"

"By keeping your ears open. Get back up the table if you want to watch the fight".

Eagle climbed back up the table only to see Norman catch Jake who attempted to charge at him throwing him down. The blue haired boy squatted down and looked into the brown eyes of a frighten popular boy before puching him square in the right cheek. Before, Norman could lay another blow, the principal arrived and put a stop to it. The blue haired boy actually hit Principal King square on the nose before realising his mistake and apologise. Tomi and Mads helped up their respective boyfriends.

"Are you boys alright?"Principal King asked.

"We are", Jake and Bart trying to act as if nothing had happened answered in unison.

The nose of the principal healed in front of everyone making the students around him astonished. "Norman, you have been expelled. You have one day to pack your belongings and leave. Your animals will come under the command of Jake".

Norman calmly got up after releasing Jake whom he had pinned down on the floor with only his left hand before walking back to the orange apartment.

"I wonder how this fight started?" Eagle asked Ann.

"The whole fight started when the students from the orange classes were entering the cafeteria with some of them muscling their way through. It seems Norman had outmuscled Jake and that was when a confrontation started. The latter with the back up of his sidekick Bart were the instigators".

"Poor Jake. He thinks eveything should go his way and he always tries to push others to get his way both physically and verbally. He should be expelled instead. We were once best friends. Something changed before middle school ended a day after his thirteen birthday".


"I doubt that would change him anyway as Pricipal King has taken his side. Without Norman to keep him in line, it will not surprise me that Jake will now act as the official ruler in the school".

"What animals did Norman command?"

"A mapusaurus, a huge 2500 pound green kodiak bear, and a white rhino. They will be an added collection to his steppe green bear, green eyed polar bear, and Nile crocodile. This will only make Jake stronger now that these animals are going to be under his control. He stands the best chance to enter the University of Thanatos".


"No one in the history of the School of the Beast has ever controlled six animals at once. It seems that Principal King really favours Jake".

"What did Jake do to get such favour?"

"I do not know but he has probably got to know someone in the Red Classes. I do not know any from that class but they do not join the others on a social level".

"No wonder nobody in red has come to join us in the cafeteria".

"Did it take you this long to notice? There is also a rumour than one has to be really ruthless to join them and if you get acquainted with one, they will help you become popular and successful in exchange for you humanity".

"Thats no wonder why Jake started mistreating me".

"I won't be so sure. You might have done something which Jake found unforgiving. I have been observing you. A friendly piece of advice. Keep your comments to yourself especially these wierd ones. You might think it is normal but others don't. That is probably the reason why Jake finds it embarrassing to be your friend and your are finding it hard to get a girlfriend. Work on your social skills first of all. It will also be in your best interest to stop these cheesy pick up lines and forget about Tomi as all she wants is Jake. Your obsession with her only makes things worst". Ann chided Jake while sitting on her boyfriend's lap on the same table (but opposite side) of Eagle.

"Can you teach me how to get popular?"

"I am not a Red Class student, I can't help you on this one. Just try to be normal. That is all I can say".

Eagle finished the remains of his lunch before heading to the library after excusing himself.

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